Ussuri pear. Care and growing

Pear is one of the most popular garden trees. Gardeners love this plant for its unpretentiousness, tasty and healthy fruits. Among many varieties, the Ussuri pear is of great interest, which is appreciated not only for its nutritional properties, but also for appearance. It is a real decoration of the garden and city park.

Description of the Ussuri pear

This is a deciduous tree, the height of which under favorable conditions can reach 10 meters. Its crown is wide, dense, with glossy leathery oval-shaped leaves. The trees have a fairly powerful root system. The flowering period begins even before the leaves bloom, and lasts about a week. Large white flowers located on long pedicels are very resistant to frost, unlike many other cultivated varieties of pears. This plant winters very well, withstanding even very severe Siberian frosts.

Ussuri pear

The Ussuri pear is a tree distributed mainly in Siberia and the Far East, where climatic conditions are most suitable for this species. It is valued not only for healthy and tasty fruits, but also for its appearance. In cities, a pear is planted as an ornamental plant, which adorns the city ​​landscape in spring with its flowering, and in autumn with beautiful crimson leaves. This is a long-lived tree. Under good conditions, it can live up to 300 years.

Features of the fruit

Ussuri pear begins to bear fruit in September. The tree can be hung with small yellow fruits, some of which are covered with a red blush. Their flesh, rich in organic acids, pectin substances and vitamins, also has quite good taste.

pear care and growing
The sizes of the fruits differ depending on the soil, the growing conditions of the pear, but rarely grow more than 5 cm. Their shape can be either spherical or oblong. Immediately after harvesting, the fruits are very tart, so they are rarely used fresh. After a short period of storage, they acquire a more pleasant taste with a slight acidity. Then from pears prepare jams, compotes, jam, etc.

Landing rules

A pear is a tree that is best planted in spring. Before that, seedlings should be carefully examined for damaged roots that must be removed. Then dip each seedling in a solution so that the plant is better taken root (mix one bucket of humus and topsoil with 300 g of superphosphate). Pour a little soil into the pit prepared in advance to make a small slide, then put a seedling on it and carefully sprinkle the roots with the ground. In the process of backfilling, the plant is slightly shaken so that there is no free space between the roots. After planting, you need to make a small hole around the tree, pour plenty of water and cover it with humus.

Pear Care

Care for this tree should be approximately the same as for the apple tree. Trimming a pear is even easier. So that it is more overgrown with lateral semi-skeletal branches, on which fruit branches form, long skeletal branches are removed, leaving no more than a dozen. Tall trees shorten them more and periodically rejuvenate fruit twigs.

pear tree

Pear is grown on soil rich in nutrients. Nevertheless, it requires a large number of potash fertilizers. Before flowering the plants and after the ovaries have already repeatedly fallen off, they are fed with nitrogen. Once every 5 years, a mixture of fertilizers is applied. A groove is pulled out along the periphery of the tree trunk and a composition of humus, peat-manure pulp is added, to which superphosphate and potassium chloride are added at 500 and 800 g, respectively, as well as 1 kg of lime. Then the groove burrows.

A very moisture-loving plant is a pear. Care and cultivation of this crop require mandatory watering of the tree, especially in the dry period. This is best done with a spray gun. You can also dig a groove around the trunk and gradually fill it with water. For one tree, up to twenty buckets of water are necessary in a dry period. Especially during fruit loading, the pear needs increased watering. Summer heat also requires spraying the plant with water. This should be done in the late afternoon, when the heat subsides.

Growing conditions

The Ussuri pear grows well on chernozem, gray forest and loamy soils. The quality of the fruit largely depends on the fertility of the soil and the amount of heat. They ripen acidic and harsh if the pear grows on poor in composition soils or a cold summer is given out.

Planting these plants is best in well-lit areas. If a young tree grows well in shaded areas, then an adult needs much more light. Only in extreme heat, when the young leaves dry out and blacken, does the tree need to be pritenit.

summer pear

It is recommended to plant a pear on small hills and slopes. The roots of the tree penetrate very deeply into the ground, and the crown can acquire significant dimensions.

In general, a fairly unpretentious plant is the Ussuri pear. Care and cultivation are often not much different from those for other garden crops.

Pear Health Benefits

Many gardeners are happy to grow pears. The fruits of this plant are highly valued for their qualities. They are not only very tasty, but also extremely useful. In their composition they have a special substance - arbutin. This is a biological compound that can prevent diseases of the bladder and liver. Another important component in pear fruit is folic acid. It is effective for anemia, viral hepatitis, helps to thin and remove mucus from the lungs. Ussuri pear, like all other varieties, contains iodine.

pear growing

For colds , pear juice and broth are used to lower the temperature. Many diets recommended for obesity and diabetes contain pear fruit. They improve metabolism, remove excess water and salts from the body, accelerate tissue healing in various wounds and bleeding, providing anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect.


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