Rules for caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

The first few weeks after the birth of a newborn baby is a difficult time for all parents. Especially if the first-born was born. Newly made moms and dads are worried about a lot of questions regarding the rules of care and hygiene of crumbs.

One of the final stages of delivery is the cutting of the umbilical cord, which connects the bloodstream of the baby with the placenta of the mother. As a result of simple manipulation, a small portion of the umbilical cord remains, the size of which, as a rule, does not exceed two centimeters. It is very important to carefully care for this part of the baby’s body, observing the necessary rules. In the maternity hospital, manipulations to care for the umbilical wound of the baby are carried out by medical personnel.

A newly mum needs to carefully monitor the actions of a doctor or nurse. In a few days, these procedures will become her responsibility. However, not every mother knows about what actions will contribute to the early healing of the umbilical wound and what precautions should be observed so as not to harm the baby.

How does the newborn's navel heal?

Complete healing of the umbilical wound occurs within three to four weeks. In some cases, the process may be delayed. Umbilical wound healing can be divided into several stages. Immediately after cutting the umbilical cord , a special clothespin is placed on the affected area. Three to four days later, it disappears. During this time, the remaining small portion of the umbilical cord should finally dry and fall off.

In the first three weeks of a newborn’s life, the navel will heal like a normal deep wound. Periodically, it may bleed. There should not be much blood. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Preparation for the procedure

Newborn umbilical wound care

First you need to prepare all the necessary tools for processing. It:

  • pipette;
  • cotton pad or stick;
  • tweezers;
  • chlorhexidine solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Zelenka or potassium permanganate.
Umbilical Wound Care Newborn Algorithm

"Chlorhexidine" - an excellent tool with antiseptic properties. The advantage is the absence of any smell and color. Chlorhexidine is completely safe to use. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, you can get rid of the sucrose. Zelenka and potassium permanganate solution reliably protect the umbilical wound of the newborn baby from the effects of infections and pathogenic bacteria. Doctors recommend buying a ready-made solution of potassium permanganate, and not do it yourself. The slightest imbalance can lead to burns.

It is very important before washing the umbilical wound to thoroughly wash and then dry your hands, treat them with an antiseptic solution.

How to treat an umbilical wound

Care for the umbilical wound of a newborn without clothespins

Wound treatment should be carried out twice a day: during morning hygiene procedures and in the evening before bedtime after bathing. There should be no clothes on the baby. For processing, a changing table or a special board is ideal. First you need to put a clean diaper under the baby’s body, only after that you can start processing the navel.

Processing order

Care for the umbilical wound of a newborn at home

It is very important to observe the following algorithm when caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn:

  1. The index and thumb of one hand need to stretch the umbilical wound.
  2. After this, it is necessary to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the navel of the baby and leave for one minute. Foam will appear on the surface of the wound. This is considered normal and indicates that there are particles of blood in the umbilical wound.
  3. Then you need to remove the clotted blood with a sterile cotton swab. This will prevent the entry of germs.
  4. With a cotton swab or cotton bud, you need to slightly dry the umbilical wound. Then with another stick it is necessary to treat the baby’s wound with a chlorhexidine solution.
  5. At the end, you need to grease the wound with brilliant green or potassium permanganate solution with a sterile cotton swab or swab.

It is not recommended to apply the product on the area around the navel. This is fraught with a burn. In some cases, a crust may form. There is no need to remove it, after a while it will disappear on its own.

End of procedure

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn at home

After completing the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and treat them with an antiseptic solution. After that, you can start dressing the baby. It must be remembered that clothes for a newborn baby should be comfortable. It is best to buy garments made exclusively from natural materials.

The diaper must be worn very carefully so that it does not touch the umbilical wound. There are even diapers with a belly button cutout. If parents have opted for reusable diapers, it is very important to change them in a timely manner, preventing the entry of urine and feces into the umbilical wound. If the parents are adherents of swaddling, there is no need to tighten the swaddle very tightly.

All clothes and diapers should be carefully ironed. For washing children's things, it is better to use special hypoallergenic powder without perfumes. This will prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Is it possible to bathe a baby until the umbilical wound is completely healed?

Rules for caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

This question worries many parents. Opinions of experts on this subject vary. Some experts argue that you should refrain from bathing until the umbilical wound is completely healed, while others are convinced of the need for water procedures. According to the second, the wound may not heal for a long time, and the lack of proper skin cleansing will not lead to anything good. A newborn may develop irritation and sweating. That is why many pediatricians recommend starting bathing the baby on the second day after discharge from the hospital.

How to bathe a newborn baby

Care for the umbilical wound of a newborn with a clothespin

So that water procedures do not harm a newborn baby, mothers and fathers must know how to do it correctly. First of all, it should be noted that you need to bathe the baby every day. After the child reaches the age of six months, the frequency of the procedures can be reduced by half.

You need to bathe the newborn in a separate bath, which should be thoroughly washed before use. If the doctor has allowed bathing, and the wound has not yet healed, it is recommended to add a few drops of calcium permanganate to the water.

The water should turn slightly pink. When the umbilical wound heals, the need to add potassium permanganate to water will disappear. Replace the solution with a decoction of various herbs that have antiseptic properties.

Some pediatricians strongly recommend pre-boiling water in which water procedures will be performed. You can start swimming only if the water temperature has reached 36 degrees. This indicator is optimal.

The air temperature in the room should be at least 22 degrees. Experienced professionals strongly recommend bathing your baby in the evening before bedtime. Do not resort to the use of shampoos, gels and bath foams. It is necessary to refrain from using such hygiene products at least in the first six months of the life of a newborn baby. To wash the body and hair, you can use the most ordinary baby soap. Soap is permissible to use no more than once a week, otherwise you can dry the skin of the child.

Bathing should not last longer than 10 minutes. It is not recommended to cover the wound with synthetic materials, as they have poor breathability. After swimming, you can begin to care for the umbilical wound of the newborn at home.

What is umbilical hernia and is it dangerous?

The healing process of the umbilical wound in some cases may be overshadowed by the appearance of an umbilical hernia. The cause of the occurrence is mainly an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Diagnose a hernia can not only a specialist, but also parents at home. At the slightest suspicion, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor adjusts the hernia inward and connects the skin around the navel to the crease, after which it fixes it with a plaster. In some cases, such manipulations may not be necessary. As a rule, a specialist recommends wearing a special bandage. To speed up the healing process, parents can massage the umbilical ring two to three times a day.


The birth of a baby is an important event. Newly-made parents are concerned not only with feeding and hygiene, but also with many other issues. One of the most important concerns the rules for caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn at home.

It is very important to comply with all conditions and nuances. As a rule, care for the umbilical wound of a newborn with a clothespin is provided by medical personnel in the hospital. This device disappears 2-3 days after the birth of the baby along with the remains of the umbilical cord. That is why parents need to know the rules for caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn without clothespins.


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