S. Mikhalkov, "Feast of Disobedience": a summary for the reader's diary and analysis

One of the most famous children's works in Soviet literature is the tale of the famous writer and poet S. Mikhalkov "Feast of disobedience." A summary for the reader’s diary of this book should include a small retelling of the plot, as well as the main idea of ​​the author. In addition, the student can make a concise description of the main characters, which turned out to be quite colorful with the writer.

Concept and publication

The novel "Feast of Disobedience", a brief summary for the readers' diary of which is the subject of this review, was conceived by Mikhalkov as a work not only for children but also for adults. Perhaps this is the difference between the tale and other similar works.

disobedience feast

It is significant that the text, despite the presence of humor and a large number of funny scenes, is quite serious and even contains some elements of philosophy.

The story was first published in 1971 in the popular New World magazine. The work gained such wide popularity that it was subsequently staged more than once on theater stages, and was also filmed twice. In addition, the story has been translated into many European languages, which is also an indicator of success.


One of Mikhalkov ’s best works is the novel “Feast of Disobedience”. A summary for the reader’s diary of the book should begin with a description of the incident, which immediately introduces the reader into the fabulous and at the same time very recognizable world of adults and children.

with Mikhalkov the festival of disobedience

The book begins with an episode of a fight between the Kid and the mother, who refused to buy the child an extra portion of ice cream. The little boy, whom the author calls the Terrible Child, wants to get rid of parental care and flies away to the city on the Kite, where, according to the latter, the children live free and do whatever they want.


After the episode described above, the fairytale “Feast of Disobedience”, a brief summary for the reader’s diary which includes a retelling of its key points, takes the reader to the very city where the Kid is headed.

Mikhalkov celebration of disobedience

The writer tells that all parents, tired of the obstinacy of their children, decided to leave them alone in the hope that they would come to their senses and cease to behave badly. The author focuses the reader’s attention both on all residents and on a single family, where the main characters, brother and sister, Turnip and Turepka live. Left alone, they began to do what was previously forbidden to them. The other children of the city behaved in the same way.

Action development

S. Mikhalkov expressed his idea of ​​the need for order in society in a very accessible form. Feast of Disobedience is a book that shows the difficult relationship between adults and children. After the departure of all parents, only one adult remained in the city - the circus artist Fantik.

feast of disobedience sergey Mikhalkov content analysis

When the children became ill from overeating, it was he who began to take care of them. Just at that time, the Kid flew into the city on the Paper Kite, however, when he saw the disorder reigning around, sick children left without parental care, he immediately wanted to go home. Meanwhile, the children wanted all the adults to return home and wrote a letter to them asking them to come back to them. The letter was taken by the Kite. He successfully coped with his task, and delighted adults rushed to the city.


Very touching and at the same time comically depicted the meeting of children with their parents S. Mikhalkov. “The Feast of Disobedience” is an instructive tale that each of them was wrong in his own way.

Children carefully prepared for the reception of adults. For some time they became very obedient, diligent and disciplined, so that their parents hardly even recognized them when they met. The preparation of the holiday was supervised by a circus artist, turning, in fact, into the commandant of the city.

Mikhalkov feast of disobedience analysis

However, he very subtly held the idea that after some time life again returned to its previous course S. Mikhalkov. “The Feast of Disobedience” (a brief summary, a reader's diary show the full depth of this work) is a book in which at the end there is an idea that it is impossible to get rid of trouble by running away.


In the finale, the author tells that in just a few days the children began to be naughty again. He does not stop at this moment, only showing the reader that the usual order of things has returned to its course, despite such a decisive and unexpected measure of all the adults in the city.

However, another storyline turned out to be more optimistic: the returning Kid reconciled with his mother, who forgave him for his bad behavior. Thus, the double finale became a feature of the fairy tale "Feast of disobedience."

Sergei Mikhalkov (the content and analysis of this work are interesting not only for children, but also for adults) at the end also expressed the idea that any uncontrolled freedom threatens anarchy. The Kite himself, who witnessed the events in the city, says that in any free society there had to be order.

Author's idea

The author neatly proved with his whole work that people cannot live without each other and without certain established rules of behavior. Moreover, he shows this on the example of not only children, but also adults themselves.

So, near the end of the story, there is a rather funny episode when parents, having received a letter from the children asking them to return, began to behave like Horrible children. They began to run around in a mess in a mess and jostling. There is also a scene in the fairy tale in which they recall their past, and it turned out that all of them behaved like bad children at one time.

Thus, the behavior of adults was very witty ridiculed by Mikhalkov. “Feast of disobedience” (analysis of this work makes it possible to understand the meaning of the narrative that the main thing in people's relations is their ability to agree among themselves) is a book that compares favorably with children's works of Soviet literature in that it has neither the right nor the guilty .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15169/

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