Names for boys born in November. Men's birthday in November

The birth of a baby is always a long-awaited happiness for all parents. Many ancient sages believed that it was the name of a person that largely determines his future fate. Therefore, newly-minted parents very often have a logical question: how to name a boy in order to ensure his luck and a happy life?

names for boys born in November

Below are the names for boys born in November. So, let's start in order.

Artyom or Artemy

Currently, this name is not as common as it used to be. It has Greek roots and translates as "healthy or flawless." Artyom is the name of Artemy that has changed. People often used a short form for a shorter name - Artyom. Moreover, the name Artemy is still used in Christianity.

male birthday in November

One of the main qualities of a man named Artyom is his inner and outer strength. A person with this name can be kind, calm, while possessing charisma, and a strong personality.

Artyom is the beautiful name of a boy born in November, according to the calendar. It has leadership qualities, making its owner successful in work and in his personal life. At the same time, boys born in November can be stubborn and persistent. In childhood, they can be a little troubled, but in adulthood they always become friendly and friendly people.

Alexander. The most popular

From time immemorial, the name Alexander remains the most popular not only in Russia, but also in the countries of Europe and America. It has Greek roots and translates as “protecting.” In church interpretation, it remains unchanged. There are many great people named Alexander. Of course, in the first place it is associated with the greatest commander - Alexander the Great.

alexander alexey

Orthodox names for boys born in November, of course, include the name Alexander. Men with this name can not be called quiet and calm. They have an active life position. The main goal is to succeed. People bearing the name Alexander easily achieve it. Moreover, in life, Alexander can be conceited and selfish. But this can not be called big minuses, because Alexandra’s boys in the future will become wonderful family men who love their wives even after many years. Like Alexander, Alexei is a very popular name in Russia. It's time to talk about him.

Protecting Alex

The second most popular name in our country is, of course, the name Alex. Just like the name Alexander, Aleksey is translated from ancient Greek as “protecting and preserving”. Alexy is customary to speak and write in the church language, with emphasis on the second syllable.

Men with this name have a very active and positive energy. A guy named Alex will always be a bright person in any team, both at work and in the company of friends. Unlike the persistent carrier named after Alexander, Alexey can often worry and worry about various trifles. These people are always in the spotlight, nothing is hidden from their gaze. And any lack of attention can develop into feelings of depression.

what name is suitable for a boy born in November

Most often these are people with creative abilities, who manifest themselves in various fields. Men with the name Alexey always respect and love their parents. But most of all they are attached to family and children.

Heroic Rodion

The culture of the Ancient World brought many beautiful names, including the culture of Ancient Russia, and then Russia. The name Rodion is controversial. Some experts say that it comes from the name of the island of Rhodes and translates as "pink". Others believe that this name comes from the ancient "hero" and is translated in the same way. However, Rodions celebrate men's birthday in November.

In childhood, Rodions have a cheerful, fervent disposition, they like to play pranks, but at the same time they are very independent children who do not tolerate interference in their small lives. They love creativity and strive to develop in this direction.

Orthodox names for boys born in November

Adult male Rodions have a balanced and calm character, while they are very purposeful people. The only thing that can overshadow Rodion's dignity is a fear of responsibility. It will be very difficult for him to make a decision and take responsibility for himself and others.

Little paul

The name Paul, unlike the previous ones, has Latin roots and means "small, or baby." Perhaps this is not the most popular name in the category "Names of Boys Born in November", but it also has its own merits.

Boys with the name Paul are very soft, kind and sentimental. With age, they remain just as friendly and sympathetic. But at the same time, Pavels grow into men with a difficult character. By their nature, they are builders and build their future pebble, sometimes ignoring the positions of other people. Often these are thoughtful, sensible people, although they can be harsh if the situation requires it.

name of a boy born in November according to the calendar

They do not like family life and are primarily guided by personal interests. Answering the question of what name is suitable for a boy born in November, many will answer: Paul. But only if the parents want to grow a strong personality and a dedicated careerist.

Great Maxim

Maxim is a fairly popular name in Russia. It came from the Roman name Maximus. It means "majestic." Very often this name is confused with the name Maximilian, although these are absolutely two different names and have different meanings. Men's name days in November are often celebrated by Maxim. At the same time, the boys are quite active and mobile, having a modest, quiet character. Very often they are developed in a creative direction, they like cinema and literature.

names for boys born in November

Men with the name Maxim are quite confident in themselves, they are active and want to achieve an important social status in their life and career. They are very sociable and make contacts in almost any field. Family relationships are not very attracted to Maxim. He needs a patient, caring girl who is ready to endure Maxim's spontaneous, active character. Moreover, men with this name are very fond of children and will become good dads.


Oddly enough, but the name Stepan also refers to the names for boys born in November, while having distant antique, ancient Greek roots. Many people are very often mistaken, claiming that this is a primordially Russian name. In antique, it means "crown", meaning the laurel crown or crown.

male birthday in November

Boys with this name are very restless and love to play pranks. They are very funny and direct. Such children grow up in men with a pronounced masculine origin, being leaders both at work and in the family. It is always the soul of the company and feels confident in the female society.

Simple Ivan

The name Ivan widespread in our country also came to Ancient Russia with the adoption of Christianity in the X century. But unlike many other names, Ivan came from the Jewish name John, which means "God is merciful." Names for boys born in November also include the name Ivan.

what name is suitable for a boy born in November

Men named Ivan are very calm and kind. They do not like haste at all, are quite reasonable in everything and especially love physical labor. They are vital for them to constantly be in good shape. People with the name Ivan practically have no negative emotions. They value love and sincere friendship above all.

Russian Vani greatly value family relationships, while being ideal fathers. They carefully approach the choice of a life partner, and then give their compliments and attention to their whole life.


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