Vegetable compatibility. Vegetable compatibility on one bed

Many gardeners with great responsibility approach the cultivation of vegetables, herbs and fruits. They comply with all agricultural practices, apply all modern preparations and fertilizers for a better result, and constantly fight weeds and pests. But sometimes, despite the maximum amount of effort, the crop is not happy. Why is this so? There is also such a thing as vegetable compatibility. This is a very important factor that must be taken into account.

The Importance of Vegetable Compatibility

When planting plants in the garden, it is very important to take into account the proximity of plants and know the predecessors. Many cultures are incompatible and can oppress each other.

Vegetable compatibility
The size of the plants and their method of growth also play a large role. Given all these factors, you can more rationally use the area of ​​the garden, which is especially important when it is small.

Landing plan

Focusing on the compatibility of vegetables, you need to draw up a planting plan in advance. It is better to engage in its compilation in the winter, before the onset of field work. Different parts of the land may vary in fertility. This should also be taken into account when distributing crops. Among plants, there are strong consumers of nutrients and weak. They must be interchanged periodically. The ripening dates for all vegetables are different. This can be used for rational use of land, so that it does not stand idle. But the most important factor is the compatibility of vegetables in the garden. It greatly affects the future crop. Therefore, using the information from this article, plan future landings taking into account all factors.

Nutrient Requirement of Vegetables

Nutrient requirements of plants greatly affect the compatibility of vegetables. This indicator is different for all cultures. All plants can be divided into three conditional categories. Strong consumers are vegetables that require a lot of nitrogen. They include almost all types of cabbage, chard, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, peppers, pumpkin and cucumbers.

Vegetable compatibility in the garden
Average consumers are carrots, radishes, kohlrabi, potatoes, beets, eggplant, field salad, chicory, spinach and head of lettuce. And finally, peas, radishes, herbs, beans and spices are among the weak consumers of nutrients. When arranging vegetables in the garden, this factor must be taken into account and arranged according to the saturation of the plot and its predecessor. This will help increase yields.


Carrots are very common on our sites. Almost every gardener grows this crop. When planting it, you must also consider the compatibility of vegetables. So, carrots grow well in the neighborhood of peas, radishes, spinach and lettuce. This vegetable gets along very well next to some types of onions (leeks, onions and perennials). These two vegetables protect each other from pests. It is undesirable to plant carrots next to parsley, dill and celery. Very often, dill is sown on its own, it is worth planting it once on the site. But for carrots, this is an undesirable neighborhood. Therefore, it is better to remove it from the garden and use it as intended.

Compatible vegetables in the garden table


The compatibility table for vegetables (see below) is very important for every gardener, especially a beginner. Subsequently, with experience, knowledge about the characteristics of each culture will come. Eggplant is another common vegetable. It grows well next to crops such as beans, peppers, peas. Do not plant eggplant next to cucumbers. This is not a very good neighborhood. There are conflicting opinions about contact during growth with other nightshade cultures. Some fairly experienced gardeners believe that such a neighborhood is appropriate and gives excellent results. The opinion of others is just the opposite. They believe that planting aubergines next to other nightshade crops leads to poor yields.

Vegetable Compatibility Chart


If we consider the compatibility of vegetables in the garden, then the best neighbors for many crops are beans. They scare away Colorado beetles. Also, beans, thanks to nodule bacteria, accumulate a sufficient amount of nitrogen on their roots and enrich the soil. Potatoes, corn, cucumbers, spinach, radish and radish get along well with them. However, the beans must be planted around the perimeter of the plot with potatoes. In turn, next to the beans, it is necessary to place a basil, which will become for them protection from grains.


Cabbage is a very good neighbor for many cultures, so finding a place on the site is very simple. Next to it you can plant carrots, beets, beans, celery, cucumbers, beans, strawberries, leeks and tomatoes. It is undesirable to place white and red cabbage in the neighborhood.

Compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse
Parsley and dill take root very well next to this vegetable. Kohlrabi is a special type of cabbage. It is planted next to asparagus, peas, radishes, potatoes and beans. It is undesirable to place kohlrabi with horseradish, garlic and tomatoes on the same bed.

Cucumbers and zucchini

Zucchini and cucumbers are considered related plants. However, there are some differences. The compatibility of cucumbers with other vegetables is slightly different from the compatibility of zucchini. Cucumbers get along well with peas, beans, beets, onions, cabbage, kohlrabi, fennel, basil and dill. It is not recommended to plant this vegetable with eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, radish, watercress and radish.

Compatibility of cucumbers with other vegetables
For zucchini, salad, spinach, beans, onions and peas will be excellent allies in the garden. They should not be placed next to tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, parsley, pumpkin and radishes. The compatibility of growing vegetables is very important for a good harvest. As you can see, related cultures, zucchini and cucumbers, do not get along well with each other.


The best neighbor for onions is carrots. These two vegetables protect each other from pests. Therefore, experienced gardeners traditionally plant them nearby. The compatibility of onions with other vegetables is of interest to many gardeners. Gourds , lettuce, cucumbers and beets are good allies for onions. It is undesirable to place beans, asparagus, legumes and watercress next to this vegetable. Only leeks are friends with beans. The compatibility of vegetables in the greenhouse is the same as in the garden.


Dill can well coexist with many cultures. Usually it is seated by self-seeding and is found throughout the site. However, it is better to remove it from the bed of carrots, since this is not the best union. Basil is the best neighbor for tomatoes. He also gets along well with beans, cucumbers, some types of salad, fennel, onions, zucchini and corn. But with dill and marjoram, it adjoins badly. In turn, marjoram can be placed next to onions, carrots, spinach and turnips. Apart from basil, fennel is also a bad neighbor for him.

Peppers, radishes, turnips, radishes and beets

Any kind of pepper can be planted next to tomatoes, thyme, basil, eggplant and kohlrabi. The compatibility of vegetables in the garden, the table of which will be the best help to any gardener, is very important. For pepper, beets, beans and fennel will be a bad ally in the garden. Beets can be planted with dill, lettuce, zucchini and onions.

Vegetable growing compatibility
Among the many types of onions, the opposite for this vegetable is only perennial varieties. Radish and radish can be located next to chives, watercress, carrots, parsley, tomatoes, spinach and lettuce. They get along badly with horseradish, cucumbers, basil and zucchini. Delicious turnips can be planted next to marjoram, watercress, celery, radish and spinach. She gets along poorly with tomatoes and cabbage.


Tomato is one of the main vegetables in the garden. Its best ally is considered basil. He also gets along well with beans, dill, carrots, onions, radishes, celery and lettuce. The best place to plant this crop is in the area where potatoes, peas, grapes, squash, cucumbers and fennel grow. If you comply with these requirements, then the yield can be much higher.


It is impossible not to say about this culture. It is often grown on personal plots and is mistakenly located next to zucchini. As a result, the crop grows, which is characterized by low taste. These two vegetables are simply pollinated. It is better to plant a pumpkin next to beans, peas or legumes. But the best option is a separate plot, which is unsuitable for planting other plants (for example, a compost heap). Neighborhood with potatoes, peppers and eggplant has a bad effect on pumpkin growth. It is also undesirable to plant cucumbers and tomatoes nearby .


Growing plants on a personal plot is not so difficult. But what the crop will be like depends on many factors, including the proximity of crops to each other. The compatibility of vegetables in the garden, the table of which should always be at hand at any gardener, will help to achieve excellent results. Together with the timely implementation of all necessary agrotechnical measures, the correct location of plants will allow to obtain higher yields. Plant, grow and enjoy the fruits of your labors!


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