The secret of the magic flower "Rainbow Rose"

Rainbow rose (Eng. Rainbow Rose) is an elegant and delicate flower , striking with its unusual color of the petals.

rainbow rose
The idea of ​​creating this amazing rose with colorful petals came from the owner of one of the Dutch flower companies - Peter Van de Werken. He figured out how to grow a rainbow rose. Based on his idea, two Dutch companies FJZandbergen and River Flowers conducted a series of joint experiments. Within six months, the technology of coloring flowers was painstakingly developed, and as a result, in 2004, a new species of amazing plants, the “rainbow rose,” was introduced.

The essence of the experiment by Peter van de Werken

how to grow a rainbow rose
The basis of the Dutch breeder's idea was a well-known fact: the flowers absorb moisture and pass it through the stem to the petals. Peter Van de Werken invented to incise the stalk of an ordinary white rose so that there are several “channels” through which a flower can pass water painted with different colors with dyes. Having lowered parts of the stem in different containers with paint, the team of breeders was able to get a fantasy flower with petals of all colors of the rainbow.

Using a rainbow rose

The rainbow rose has gained great popularity: it is an original floral element for decorating wedding ceremonies, anniversaries and other special occasions. Roses, whose petals seem to have absorbed the entire rainbow spectrum, make any holiday more memorable, vibrant and colorful. In addition, rainbow flowers are actively used for decorating various floral compositions.

rainbow roses at home
Recently, bouquets of the bride and groom’s boutonnieres made with the use of such flowers have been in great demand. And of course, a rainbow rose in itself can serve as a wonderful gift that will definitely make a lasting impression. Such flowers are somewhat more expensive than their one- or two-color counterparts, but nevertheless they are very popular. Recently, in addition to roses, other flowers, including chrysanthemums, carnations, tulips, hydrangeas and orchids, have also begun to stain.

Coloring rainbow roses at home

If you want to give someone a special, rainbow rose, then you can try to "grow" it yourself. Staining does not require any special skills: it can be easily done at home. For the experiment you will need actually white roses, several tanks with water and a set of food colors in different shades. It is advisable to purchase a special paint for flowers or for Easter eggs. The method of manufacturing such an unusual flower is as follows: in order for the petals to acquire a “rainbow” appearance, it is necessary to cut the plant stems into several parts.

rainbow rose coloring
Then each part must be placed in an individual container with colored water. Water should have a saturated, bright color (but not be thick). After that, it remains only to wait a bit. Over the course of a day or two, the plant will gradually absorb water, and its petals will be stained with different shades.


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