Specialized prosecutors. The system of specialized prosecutor's offices of the Russian Federation

Quite interesting and extremely important is such a body as the prosecutor's office. It combines a whole system of various departments that have their own functions and tasks. In addition to this, the structure of the prosecutor’s bodies provides for specialized units, which will be discussed later in the article.

specialized prosecutors

The concept of prosecutors

Before answering the question of what specialized prosecutor's offices are, it is necessary to understand what this concept is in general. It should be noted that this term characterizes a whole system of organs with different functional tasks. Thus, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is a structured set of centralized authorities that oversee compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws. Specialized prosecutors, in turn, are bodies of a special form of activity. In other words, they exercise oversight functions in certain sectors of social activity, which will be discussed later.

specialized prosecutor's offices include

The structure of the prosecutor's office

In accordance with applicable law, the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is a single centralized system of special bodies. However, in its structure there are certain branches. An example of this is the territorial and specialized prosecutors.

The regulatory framework of these organs is the same, but the functions are different. Nevertheless, the prosecutor's office is a hierarchical structure, which includes the following elements, for example:

- The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

- The prosecutor's office of the Federation.

- similar bodies of districts and cities.

- The military prosecutor.

- Specialized prosecutors.

- Educational institutions for training.

- Printed publications of the prosecution authorities.

types of specialized prosecutors

Specialized prosecutors

It should be noted that, taking into account the evolution of society, many specific areas of activity and state regulation appear. Accordingly, there is a need for oversight in these special segments. To do this, specialized prosecutor's offices were developed, which are entrusted with the functions of monitoring in the above-mentioned specific areas of activity. The emergence of such departments is also due to a lack of the principle of territorial distribution of control bodies. In other words, with such a formation of the system, some segments of the life of society are not controlled in the best way. Therefore, specialized prosecutors are an integral part of the overall system of departments mentioned in the article.

It is also necessary to point out that the administrative-territorial distribution system of prosecution authorities in most cases does not bring positive results. In other words, these departments carried out general supervision, but missed some important points in their activities. In accordance with this, a need arose for the control of some special areas of activity, which was already mentioned above. Only in the latter case, the emphasis is not on the territorial principle, but on the "point" distribution of the prosecution authorities of a specialized nature.

Adjacency of work of general and specialized bodies

It should be noted the fact that the prosecutor general and specialized focus on their activities adjacent. This is clearly visible in the structure of the functions of these departments. For example, general prosecutors implement the following main areas of their work, namely: supervision of the implementation of legislation by state authorities, supervision of the observance of human rights, supervision of bodies conducting operational-search activities, preliminary investigation, etc. In this case, specialized authorities are also endowed with these tasks. But their legal regime is also determined by special departmental acts that are issued in the areas of work. Thus, in addition to the general legal “package” of rights and obligations, specialized prosecutor’s offices also have additional ones. These features are traced in more detail when analyzing their regulatory framework.

specialized prosecution authorities

Normative regulation of specialized prosecutor's offices

It should be noted that specialized prosecutors carry out their activities on the basis of a specific regulatory framework. First of all, the constitution of the Russian Federation should be noted in the regulatory system of these departments. This document plays a paramount role, as it is the basis of the entire legal system of the state. The second, no less significant source of regulatory coordination is the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office." It is in it that you can find the provisions that govern the very fact of the existence in Russia of specialized prosecutors. Interesting enough is the fact that the law says almost nothing about the number of such departments and their immediate system. Thus, precise regulation of the activities of specialized prosecutors simply does not exist. In their work, they use the general provisions of the Constitution, its main principles and the corresponding by-laws, namely, departmental regulatory legal acts. It should be noted that the orders, instructions and instructions of the Prosecutor General play an important role in organizing the activities of the bodies mentioned in the article. They are the by-laws of the functionality of specialized prosecutors.

territorial and specialized prosecutors

Types of specialized organs

There are various types of specialized prosecutors. Each of these bodies is entrusted with a range of unique in its essence tasks, thanks to which supervision in specific areas of social activity is implemented. The following are specialized prosecutor's offices:

- transport;

- environmental;

- on supervision of the implementation of laws in the implementation of penalties imposed by judicial authorities;

- prosecutors at special sensitive facilities;

Specialized prosecutor's offices also include the military. Although some theorists very often do not classify these departments as special, which is a deep misconception, which will be discussed later in the article.

Transport authorities

It should be noted that the competence of specialized prosecutors is limited to the scope of their direct activities. In order to understand this issue in more detail, it is necessary to analyze certain types of such departments. Earlier, the author has already indicated that specialized prosecutor's offices of the Russian Federation contain bodies operating in the field of transport in their structure. Their powers include the following legitimate legal options:

- verification of the level of observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of man and citizen by all enterprises and organizations related to the transport industry;

- verification of compliance with and practical implementation of laws on traffic safety standards;

- prosecution of persons who have committed crimes and other offenses that are officials of transport organizations;

- inspection of customs authorities.

Environmental prosecutors

The system of specialized prosecutor's offices contains environmental bodies in its structure. They, in turn, carry out the fight against environmental violations and hold accountable those who have committed such negative acts. These specialized bodies of the prosecutor's office also work with international organizations and other law enforcement agencies to organize high-quality counteraction in the field of environmental safety. In addition, the importance of the activities of the environmental prosecutor's office is that it ensures the implementation of constitutional norms. Indeed, the basic law of the Russian Federation stipulates that every citizen has the right to live in a favorable and clean environment. Thus, the environmental or environmental prosecutor's office, as it is commonly called, plays a paramount role in the field of environmental protection.

activities of specialized prosecutors

Military prosecutors

The military prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is one of the structural elements of the system of the relevant departments. It is headed by a special official - the Chief Military Prosecutor. The main task of these departments is to monitor the observance of law and order in the system of the armed forces of Russia. It should be noted that the military prosecutor's office has special status for several reasons. Firstly, it is responsible for issues that are atypical for “classical” organs. Indeed, the functions of prosecutors do not include control over the armed forces. Secondly, the employees of the department do not have the special ranks of counselors of justice, but the military. In addition, it should be noted that the military prosecutors are divided into districts and fleets. The structure of this department is a holistic system of departments, departments and offices. In addition to general powers, the employees of these bodies can freely enter the territory of military units, as well as monitor the legality of the process of keeping the arrested military. Of great importance is the activity of the prosecutor in monitoring compliance with the law in military units. To this end, an employee of the said department has the right to appoint unscheduled inspections and audits.

Prosecution Office

There are such types of specialized prosecutor's offices as bodies for supervision of the execution of sentences and at special sensitive facilities. The bodies of the first type ensure that during the direct execution of punishments based on legitimate judicial decisions, the rule of law is respected and there are no violations of human rights and freedoms. That is, there is a direct regulation of the correct implementation of the punishment regime. It should be noted that in this case, not only the penitentiary institution, but also the process of their direct activity, as well as the general features of the execution of criminal responsibility, in other words, bringing it to life, are supervised!

Activities of prosecutors in the process of supervision of the execution of sentences

It should be noted that the activities of specialized prosecutor's offices for supervision of the execution of sentences are implemented on the basis of orders of the Prosecutor General No. 19 and No. 237. These regulations state that work in this area should be carried out with the aim of detecting, preventing and combating crimes in institutions related to the penal system. In accordance with these main tasks, the relevant prosecutors can carry out the following actions, for example:

- collect information on the state of law in penal institutions;

- directly use the data obtained for further modernization of the entire surveillance process;

- consider complaints of persons in custody in order to identify crimes;

- control the process of enforcement of criminal law;

competence of specialized prosecutors

Prosecutor's offices at sensitive facilities

Prosecutors involved in the supervision of special sensitive facilities also monitor compliance with existing legislation. At the same time, enterprises of a special regime of activity are supervised by them. Not all of the organizations operating in Russia today can be attributed to such. The status of a “sensitive facility” is regulated by certain legislative norms. As for prosecutorial control, it is carried out only at specific enterprises of the type indicated in the article. These include the following, for example:

- objects of special regime;

- organizations and institutions belonging to the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation;

- enterprises that, in the course of their direct activities, operate radiation and nuclear materials;

- enterprises and organizations in the management system of the biomedical agency of the Russian Federation;

- Investigative departments of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, engaged in the implementation of preliminary investigations in the subway and at specially sensitive facilities.


So, in the article we told what specialized prosecutor's offices are, and how they relate to the general structure of prosecution bodies. It should be noted that such departments are simply necessary in modern Russia. After all, they monitor the rule of law in specific areas of society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15183/

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