How to give money for an original birthday: interesting ideas

Birthday is the same holiday that many have loved since childhood. This is not surprising: special attention, a lot of congratulations, kind words addressed to the birthday man - all this can not but rejoice with amenities and excellent mood. But especially welcome on this significant day of annual congratulations is the acceptance of gifts. What do people usually give each other? How surprise each other on name days? What birthday present is considered the most relevant and necessary today?

Money as a win-win birthday present

Today's world of crises and economic instability, as well as irregular transfers of wages and generally occurring unemployment, has led to the fact that money has begun to play an even more significant role than before. They have become a need that for almost any person is a vital need. Therefore, it is quite logical that people began to proceed from their own needs and give each other what is really important for everyone - money. But how to give money for an original birthday?

It is not enough just to come to the name day and to hand in a few notes to the hero of the occasion. After all, banknotes are such a gift that requires special presentation, original, interesting, unusual. Why is a currency considered a win-win birthday present?

Firstly: unlike other presentations, banknotes are not able to upset a birthday person, as is often the case if a person was presented with a gift that he already has or that he absolutely does not need.

Secondly: even if a person was counting on one content of a gift box, he would not be annoyed that he would see something else in it, namely the notorious pieces of paper, because on them he can get exactly what he needs.

Thirdly: money does not have age, professional, worldview gift categories - they can be presented to everyone as a gift: a child or an old woman, an unemployed person or a candidate of science, a representative of the modern youth movement or an honored nominee for the title of best student of the year.

There are many other reasons that justify the possibility and even the need to present banknotes as a present on a birthday. But how to find an original way to give money for a birthday?

How to give money to a man

In fact, a lot depends on who will receive the cash gift on the day of their name day. After all, each person has his own, special approach. How to give money to a man in an original way? First of all, you must first find out what this young man is interested in, what are his preferences, what he does in his free time. Thanks to this information, you can present a gift either in his favorite place, which will be quite unexpected for him, or leave an envelope with a note in his favorite fishing jacket when he is about to go fishing again, which will undoubtedly please its owner. You can come up with a lot of options, but for this you need to first probe the soil in order to understand in what form the gift will give the man maximum pleasure.

Purse with money

How to originally present money for a birthday to a representative of the stronger half:

  • present the purse, and in it - the currency: a business man who occupies a solid position in a large company will like such a presentation;
  • present a piggy bank for a garage in the form of a car, and in it - the initial capital as a gift amount;
  • present the keychain in the car to the front mirror in the form of paired rubber simulated beer mugs, and put a bill into each of them or into each.

How to give money to a woman

Men treat gifts in a simple, condescending way. They sometimes do not even care what they give. The situation is different with the representatives of the beautiful half. Every detail is important for them, every nuance. How to present money to a woman in an original way? Here you need to show resourcefulness, ingenuity, it is necessary to approach this issue with full responsibility. And yet there are plenty of possible options:

  • a reticule or clutch bag with banknotes embedded in a pocket - everyone knows a woman’s passion for various handbags and bugs, the “two in one” model will be an ideal gift for a birthday girl;
  • the envelope hidden in a bouquet of flowers with a currency and a note - nothing can raise the mood of a pretty woman like her favorite flowers, and if they are with a monetary addition, such a presentation the lady will definitely like;
  • a diary with a money bookmark - dreamy girls like to write down their feelings, feelings and emotions somewhere in a notebook or in a Word file of a laptop, and this kind of present will not only be appropriate, but also valuable;
  • a desktop casket with financial contents - women are crazy about any trinkets, therefore, another component of the dressing table will be gladly accepted as a gift by any connoisseur of beautiful interior accessories, especially if such an accessory is not empty.
Bunch of notes

You can still list options for how to present money to a woman for her birthday. It is important at the same time to approach business with creativity, attention and care.

How to give money to a child

What to do in a situation when the birthday boy is a child? How to present money to a child in an original way? Probably, this is one of the most convenient, so to speak, birthday people, since to beat presenting him a gift does not seem difficult - you can find a bunch of ideas for this important task, namely:

  • order a clown and entrust him with the presentation of a cash prize in the form of a toy capsule with real money or a chest with “jewelry” in the form of notes;
  • inflate helium balls, in one of which the notorious banknotes will be folded into a tube, and other balls will entertain the birthday boy with the opportunity to speak in a funny voice;
  • create the illusion of investigating or searching for treasures with the help of a card and other improvised means, the final link in which will be finding a monetary reward;
  • use crackers with gift bills flying out of them besides confetti;
  • present a soft toy in the form of a small animal with a secret pocket on the tummy or on the back, where money will be hidden for the little birthday boy.
Inflatable balloon with money inside

Tips on how to give money to a child in an original way are full of all kinds of ideas and fantasies: you can give a child a small fairy tale with an addition in the form of money in any of its interpretations and with any kind of presentation.

How to give money to parents

Parents are those people to whom each child owes his life. These are those people who gave thousands of kisses in childhood, who showered with love, care and affection, gave their warmth and attention. There comes a moment in life when the time comes, so to speak, to repay debts. Fathers and mothers will remain them forever, they will always want to help children, even when it is high time to get help from them. How to give money to parents for their birthday? After all, these people have always sought to give, but not to take something from children. It is necessary to approach the issue with full responsibility, so as not to offend or offend your most dear people. It is best to leave them somewhere unnoticed with a note or postcard, so that they find the envelope after the departure of loving children. To leave a present in my mother’s favorite cookery book or in my father’s magazine on gardening, engineering or construction ... The most important thing is to scribble a couple of accompanying words of gratitude for the fact that they are in this world, because reciprocal love and attention of children is the most expensive a gift for parents.

Cash gift and note with a wish

How to give money to my husband

Often women face a dilemma regarding the presentation for the beloved man on the day of his name day. How to present money to your husband in an original way? How can you surprise a spouse? Try to give him a cash surprise in an unusual and creative way!

Men love to be cared for as little ones. Often, the representatives of the beautiful half have to compare men with children in their habits and love for affection, attention, reverent attitude towards them. But how to give money for an original birthday? There are plenty of photos illustrating the ideas of designing such a gift. There are common ones among them, there are very original ones. We will present some of these ideas to your attention.

Jar of money
  • Canned money. A very interesting and humorous idea is to give my husband a jar with banknotes folded inside and some inscription on it like “Canned cabbage”. A man will definitely appreciate the idea of ​​his wife.
  • Photo collage on the fridge with an envelope. Family traditions often include spelling on sticky notes in the fridge. You can beat this idea with notes in replacement for photos with the addition in the form of an envelope from which bills will stick out.
  • Bottle with coins. Many do not know, but if you collect a bottle with a neck of 0.5 or 0.7 liters, you can get a tidy sum. This would be a great option for giving a man a cash gift in the form of his favorite beer eggplant with a valuable filling.

How to give money to your wife

Things are a bit simpler with a woman - for her, you can figure out more options for arranging a cash gift. How to present money to your wife for an original birthday?

Cake of money
  • Money cake. You can twist the bills with tubes and build a three-story piece with a bow on its top, resembling a delicious holiday cake.
  • Currency sweets. A box of chocolates that is not remarkable in appearance can please the spouse with its unusual contents in the form of banknotes folded in the form of sweets.
  • Bouquet of notes. The original idea for a gift to his wife will be a small present in the form of an imitated bouquet with buds of money.
  • Kinder Surprise. With a little puff and trying, you can make a present to your wife in the form of a regular chocolate egg, but instead of the usual yellow packaging with a toy inside, put a rolled up banknote.

How to give money to a friend

How to give money to a girlfriend girlfriend for an original birthday? It is easy for women to congratulate each other, because they know the secret secrets of each other, secret dreams, preferences, hobbies. Based on this, it is much easier for a girlfriend to make a present than for a less familiar person. But how to give money for a birthday to a friend in an original and unusual way?

  • Put the rolled-up money in a bottle of lipstick - at first the girlfriend will be delighted with new cosmetics, and then she will be even more surprised by opening the lipstick cap and seeing that now she can buy such a few at once.
  • Put a bill in a cake with wishes - sweet girls love to enjoy this delicacy. Only instead of a piece of paper with a desire, the girlfriend will open not a note, but a banknote, which will please her with her face value.
  • Invest in a box with tights and with an inscription like “Let there never be arrows and holes in your budget, unlike tights”.

So, you can come up with a lot of variations on how to originally give money to a girlfriend for his birthday - you just need to approach this with humor and imagination.

How to give money to a friend

With women, everything is simple - there are too many female things that make it possible to present a gift in an unusual way. But how to present money to a friend in an original way?

Origami from notes
  • You can make a jar from under any product with duct tape on the outside with an inscription like “Sberbank” or “Savings Bank” and invest in it - interesting, funny and unusual.
  • Put a shirt with a tie in the origami technique from a banknote or some tree in the same paper folding technique - a friend will appreciate the charisma of such a surprise.
  • Put neatly folded money into the box from under the socks - a mini-draw in this form will be interesting and will be able to make the birthday man laugh and delight.

How to give money to a colleague

How unusual is it to give birthday money to a work friend?

An interesting option is a pen-holder: in a hyped form, you can fold a bill and put it in a pen in order to create a little intrigue just before congratulating the birthday colleague.

A money transfer to a salary card with an SMS notification in the plan “Funds for a decent existence on this planet have been transferred to your account for as long as 30 years” or something like that. Such a message will delight the birthday boy and amuse the surrounding team.

A self-made simulated passbook with deposits, investments and other cash transactions in the form of notes pasted and signed on top will become an original and unusual present for any employee of the company with a creative team.


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