Wood-burning electric generator: device and principle of operation

The segment of generators in the form of small electrical substations has recently undergone several major changes. On the one hand, manufacturers raised the level of basic technical characteristics, and on the other, fundamentally new combined solutions began to appear on the market. A wood-based electric generator is not revolutionary, but this combination was previously considered unjustified for a number of reasons. In modern design, such units provide good performance and provide a wide range of functions, although, of course, the specifics of solid fuel energy generation imposes some restrictions on the operation of equipment.

wood generator

The principle of operation of the equipment

The basis of any power plant is formed by a power filling, which in this case is represented by an internal combustion engine. The source of energy is wood fuel, during the combustion of which electricity is generated. The process is accompanied by the transmission of torque to the rotary installation. The rotation of the rotor entails the generation of current, which in the future can be used in different ways, depending on the needs of consumers and the power potential of the wood-burning station itself. An electric generator, for example, can be equipped with sockets for connecting other equipment or small appliances. Some modifications are combined oven stations, which, due to electricity, also provide a heating function. It should be understood that wood generators significantly lose to diesel and even gasoline in terms of power, but for household needs this choice may be optimal.

How are solid fuel power generators arranged?

oven indigirka

It has already been noted that the central part of this type of generator is the engine. It can be synchronous and asynchronous. From the point of view of the quality of the generated current, the first option is more profitable - just such models allow serving several autonomous consumers. Asynchronous modifications are simpler in the device and cheaper, but in terms of performance they are noticeably inferior to the above construction. Of course, the combustion chamber with infrastructure providing the conversion of temperature to electricity also occupies not the last place. In addition, a wood-based electric generator is equipped with copper conductors and special insulators that optimize the process of energy processing. Of particular interest, from the point of view of the structural device, are multifunctional furnaces, in which the principle of transferring heat to current is precisely realized. Such models allow you to heat the room and cook food.

What is an Indigirka oven?

solid fuel power generators

This is a bright representative of universal multifunctional ovens-generators designed for domestic use. The standard model for characteristics allows you to generate current with a voltage of about 12 volts and with a power potential of 30 watts. In this case, the total power can reach 60 watts. Of course, against the background of other electric generators, these indicators are not impressive, but it is important to consider that in parallel with the generation of current, the Indigirka furnace performs the heating function and allows the user to cook on the specified burners. As the practice of operating such stoves shows, they can service several energy-saving lamps, charge portable equipment batteries, etc. A full use of the stove's resources is possible already 15 minutes after igniting the wood filling in the combustion chamber.

Pros and Cons of a Wood Generator

wood generator Price

The advantages of such electric generators include flexibility in operation, versatility, low maintenance costs, compactness and a fairly tolerable heating function. As for the shortcomings, in the first place they come down to low power in generating electricity. This means that, for example, as a full-fledged emergency station, even by household standards, this option is not suitable in all cases. But you can put the unit into action with a variety of fuels, since equipment of this type works not only on wood. An electric generator with a combustion chamber for solid fuel in most cases accepts chips, pellet briquettes, lumber waste, etc.

How to make the best choice?

To begin with, the nature of the operation of the device is determined. It is important to determine for what needs a generator is selected. For example, for servicing a summer cottage, a universal oven with heating and cooking functions will be the best option - in this case, as a rule, users dispense with the power supply of external consumers. And on the contrary, if a wood-burning electric generator is chosen to maintain a large house, then you will have to focus on high-power installations provided with a synchronous motor. Such an aggregate will be able to take on part of the function of the main source of energy supply, but for this it is necessary to prepare for significant costs of wood resources.


wood-fired electric generator

Electricity-generating furnaces are rather peculiar units, since they combine diverse processes. It would seem that there are special furnaces designed to use thermal energy - why supplement them with the possibility of generating current? This function can be useful in camping conditions or in the same country house where a compact wood-based electric generator will act as the only source of energy. The price of such units is 40-50 thousand rubles. This is not much for the general segment of electric household generators, but, of course, for the same money you can provide a large house with a high-quality heating system. This option may be useful in the event of a temporary power outage - another thing is that it will not cover all consumers with its capacity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15189/

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