Massage for a newborn: mastering the basic principles

Massage is loved by all people, because this procedure not only has a positive effect on the body, but is also very pleasant. Toddlers also like the gentle touch of their mother’s hands.

massage to the newborn

Pediatricians and children's psychologists believe that a massage must be accompanied by smiles and gentle conversations. If communication with mom involves not only cooing, but also stroking, affection - this is wonderful, because it is so natural for a baby to learn the whole world through tactile sensations.

In very young children, both auditory and visual analyzers are not yet very developed , but perception through the skin is already fully formed. Therefore, massage the newborn, of course, is useful. This procedure stimulates the development of speech, sensory perception, physical development and attention.

How to properly massage a newborn, an experienced specialist will tell you.

If the baby is sick, moping or just not in the mood, do not do this procedure. Better postpone the lesson.

It is recommended to begin to massage the newborn from two to three weeks. Any gymnastic exercises should be carried out when the baby is full, but after eating at least an hour should pass.

How to massage a newborn: instructions for mom

Try to make massage for the baby a pleasant pastime. Exercises are done in a well-ventilated room. It should not be cold, as the baby will be naked. Mom’s hands also need to warm. After the procedure, put the child in clean clothes. Immediately after the massage you can not go for a walk. Before starting the procedure, gently talk with the baby, look into the eyes, adjust contact with him. For massage it is best to choose a changing table, so mom will not have to bend over and strain your back. Do not leave your child unattended for a second, he may fall, even if he still does not know how to roll over. Go around the areas of the elbow and knee joints, mammary glands and genitals, the liver, the inside of the legs and arms. Be especially careful with the loins of crumbs.

Simple moves

how to massage a newborn

So, we begin to massage the newborn. Put your baby on the back with your legs to you. All exercises are performed 5-8 times, start with 2-3 repetitions.

  1. Start by stroking the handles. Put your finger in the baby’s palm: he will reflexively grab it. Stroke the outside of the handle to the shoulder, palms and fingers of the crumbs.
  2. Massage the legs should also be from the outside from the foot to the thigh, bypassing the patella.
  3. Gently, but with a little pressure, massage the baby's feet, this helps to strengthen them.
  4. Draw with your thumb the "eight" on the foot of the baby.
  5. Stroke the heel - the child spreads his fingers. Gently press the pads under the fingers - the baby reflexively "squeeze" them.
  6. Stroke the baby’s tummy with the palm of your hand, first clockwise, do not touch the genital area and liver.
  7. Place the palms of the child under the lower back and stroke with simultaneous movements. At the same time, connect your hands under the navel.
  8. To strengthen the umbilical ring, two fingers can be pressed around the recess.
  9. Turn the baby on his tummy. Gently stroke the back from the lower back to the armpits and from the neck to the lower back, from the center to the sides. Also, the back can be massaged in a circular motion.
  10. Do not forget to stroke the buttocks.
  11. Massage the outside of the legs again, bend and unbend them and spread them apart.
  12. Put the baby on the barrel and with a light pressure, slide the middle and index fingers along the sides of the spine - the baby will bend the back. Do the same by turning the child over to another barrel.

how to massage a newborn

Do not strive to immediately perform the entire massage complex from beginning to end, accustom the crumbs to it gradually.

Do regular massage to the newborn, talk with him, turn your affectionate look to him - and then your child will certainly grow up healthy, developed and happy.


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