Russia: plant world. Protection of the plant world of Russia

Russia is an amazing, majestic and multifaceted country, striking the beauties of nature. Every corner of our country is a real abode of different representatives of flora and fauna. The flora and fauna of Russia is represented in the vast expanses of the taiga, in the royal mountains of the Urals, in the crystalline waters of lakes and seas. In terms of quantity and diversity, the inhabitants of the wild nature of Russia are several times superior to European.

Russia: flora

From the tundra to the forest: a diversity of flora

In such an extremely large country like Russia, the plant world is represented in extraordinary diversity. The tundra is rich in mosses and shrubs. In its southern part you can find a fairly large number of dwarf birches and willows, low herbs, lingonberries, blueberries and blueberries. Closer to the north increases the advantage of lichens and mosses. Severe taiga are plant species that can withstand cold. Pine, fir, spruce, Siberian maples and larch are best suited to harsh conditions. Broadleaf maple, linden, aspen grow in the southern part of the taiga. Due to the lack of lighting, the soil of the taiga is covered with moss. Also here you can find shrubs of plants such as currants, honeysuckle, juniper.

flora and fauna of Russia

In the forest-steppe zone of such a huge country as Russia, the plant world is rich in broad-leaved forests. Here oak, birch, aspen, maple grow. In the steppe zone you can find feather grass, fescue, wormwood. The shrub family is represented by spirea and caragan. Lichens and mosses grow in extremely large numbers. Due to the fact that most of the steppe territory has been plowed up, there is very little local vegetation left.

A very rich flora is characteristic of the Far Eastern region of our country. Among the trees and shrubs, plants such as Mongolian oak, linden, and maple dominate. A unique feature of the local forests is vines, which include magnolia vine, vineyard, actinidia.

plant world of Russia table

In the Caucasus, oak and beech forests are represented, and there you can also find the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean species of pine, juniper, Pitsunda pine.

The Amur basin is one of the richest biomes of such a country as Russia. The flora here, unlike the rest of the southern borders of the country, has no barriers to the resettlement of various representatives of the flora.

Arctic zone

The Arctic and tundra have their own separate floristic and faunistic complexes. They are distinguished by originality in environmental terms, since they inhabit habitats that are extreme in terms of conditions. Plants are characterized by a very short growing season, which is caused by sharp changes in light, frozen soil and low temperatures. Representatives of the plant world such as mosses, lichens, shrubs prevail in the Arctic tundra.

protection of the plant world of Russia

The Polar Oasis

This nickname is called the Ionian Islands, where an extremely large number of flowering plants grow that color meadows with colorful paints. Also here you can find fern thickets, a variety of mosses. In the places where sea gulls congregate, the soil is well fertilized, so the vegetation is distinguished by many species: large-flowered daisy, cold eye, sorrel, buttercup, and others.

The relevance of the issue of conservation of species diversity

Despite its wealth, the flora and fauna of Russia is constantly confronted with obstacles that threaten the disappearance of some of its representatives. This fact overshadows the pride in such an abundance and diversity of flora and fauna. Many species of plants and animals cause a great commercial stir among poachers. At risk is Karelian birch, which is the most expensive source of wood material in the world. Sable, squirrel and mink have expensive fur, as a result of which they are subjected to mass slaughter. Greed and greed of people daily reduces the number of plants and animals. In view of this, the protection of the plant world of Russia is currently an extremely topical issue. Everyone should appreciate the natural heritage of our country. Day after day, the plant resources of the world and Russia are declining; therefore, their destruction must be prevented in every way.

plant resources of the world and Russia

Nature Conservation Measures

In order to preserve the diversity of the flora and fauna of Russia, as well as rare and endangered species of plants and animals, a number of laws and regulations on environmental protection have been adopted in our country. Effective measures have been developed to suppress the activities of poachers and punish violators. The existing reserves and reserves are especially effective in protecting nature. To date, there are about one hundred and fifty such protected areas. They allow you to save rare species of plants and animals in their natural habitat.

By systematizing data on typical representatives of various climatic zones, information can be summarized.

Flora of Russia: table


plant group

Typical representatives
TundraCloudberries, moss, dwarf trees: birch and willow, blueberries, polar poppy
The woodsLarch, cedar, pine, birch, aspen, maple
Steppe zoneIris, feather grass, tulip,
Deserts, semi-desertsCamel thorn, saxaul, wormwood, stag

Thus, due to the enormous spatial difference of such a country as Russia, the plant world is represented in a wide variety. In terms of species, the inhabitants of the flora and fauna are significantly superior to European countries.


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