Beautiful chrysanthemums - varieties and species

In the east, this flower, which is already more than two and a half thousand years old, was erected on a pedestal. Chrysanthemum received the status of the national symbol of Japan: the flower is included in the heraldry of the country, is depicted on government documents, the highest Japanese order is called the "Order of Chrysanthemum." Every October, the country celebrates a national holiday of chrysanthemums. According to ancient beliefs, chrysanthemum flowers mixed with pine resin protect from old age. And today, chrysanthemums for the Japanese and a magical plant, and an exotic spice, and a wonderful home decoration. "Golden flower" - the Greeks called it a bright plant.

It’s probably hard to find someone who says he doesn’t like this wonderful flower. Various varieties of spray chrysanthemums brightly decorate our gardens from mid-summer to late autumn, despite the rain, bad weather and cold. Chrysanthemum is a surprisingly hardy flower that blooms mainly in autumn and is not afraid of the first frosts. Flowering chrysanthemums showered with snow, transferred to the house, thaw in the warmth and delight us for a long period of time.

The variety of varieties of chrysanthemums is amazing. You can count about 30 species of these plants, growing and flowering in our northern and temperate climatic zones. The color palette of this striking flower is unusually diverse. White and pink chrysanthemums Pearl, Crystal, Snow Maiden, raspberry and burgundy (Kudesnik, Bouquet), yellow and red (Border yellow, Autumn sun), orange and copper shades. Probably not only pure blue and lilac.

Chrysanthemums are annual and perennial, grassy and bush. Varieties of spray chrysanthemums differ in the shape of the bush, flowering time, height and color, size and shape of the flower. Inflorescences are simple chamomile, terry and semi-double, flat and spherical, curly and radiant, spider-like or filiform, like chrysanthemums of the Rayonnant Pink variety, etc.

All kinds of small-flowered Korean chrysanthemum resistant to low temperatures are grown in our gardens and flower beds.

For example, a chrysanthemum of the Daisy variety is very interesting, having white, with a middle of cream shade, semi-double inflorescences. The diameter of each flower reaches 6-7 cm. A tall, strong bush blooms from late summer to the first frost.

Recently, the interest of amateur gardeners in undersized, border chrysanthemums has increased. So, for example, the chamomile chrysanthemum of the Border yellow variety reaches a height of a little more than 40 cm. But a compact bush with dark green leaves and bright yellow inflorescences adorns the flower garden from the first half of August to November.

Korean chrysanthemum Anastasia is admirable. Chameleon flower - it changes color from raspberry to lemon-orange-brown-yellow as it unfolds. Extremely abundant flowering, due to which even leaves are not visible, is characteristic of this variety.

The small size of Lelia chrysanthemum flowers, which are painted in dark crimson, is compensated in abundance by their huge amount.

Purely white, with a light cream middle, the color of chrysanthemum UMKA, recently received by scientists, was fond of all lovers of this amazing plant. Dense pompon-shaped inflorescences bloom quite early, and, very interestingly, give repeated flowering until the very first snow.

It is impossible to list all varieties and types of Korean chrysanthemums. These are plants that are most resistant to adverse environmental factors and pathogens, capable of abundant and prolonged flowering.

Chrysanthemum is a revered flower of the Japanese, a symbol of longevity. But she became a favorite flower for flower growers around the world. Their lush bushes, strewn with bright, of all colors and shades of the rainbow, flowers became the decoration of the garden. Thanks to beauty, relative unpretentiousness and long decorative effect, they won the recognition and love of many people.


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