Vasily Belov, "Starlings": summary

The story of Vasily Belov "Starlings", a brief summary of which is given in this article, is a classical work of the author for reading in elementary school. This is a heartfelt story about a little boy, his sorrow and joy, about how he learns the world around him.

Writer Vasily Belov

white starlings summary

Belov's story "Starlings", the brief content of which allows you to get acquainted with the plot in detail, refers to the works of children's literature by this author.

Belov is one of the most famous representatives of the so-called village prose in Russia. He comes from the Russian North, a native of the Vologda region. He found plots for many of his works in his small homeland, in the village of Timonikha.

He entered the domestic literature with a story entitled "Berdyaka Village" and a collection of poems "My Forest Village". Then he began to publish collections of short stories, among which the River Rays and Sultry Summer should be highlighted.

The writer gained fame all over the country after the release of the novel "A Habitual Affair" in 1966. After this publication, he became the recognized leader and one of the founders of village prose. Strengthened this reputation with another famous story, Carpentry Tales.

Summary of the story "Starlings" Belova

summary of the story starlings whites

At the center of the story "Starlings", to which this article is devoted, is a Soviet schoolboy named Pavlunya. The action begins on a Saturday afternoon, when his mother is busy with large-scale cleaning: she mopped the floors. The samovar rubs the river sand to shine, and then decides to arrange a rearrangement in the house.

Together with the boy he puts his bed to the window itself. But these were not all her affairs. She hemmed a blanket, and only after that she went to work on the collective farm.

Belov’s story β€œStarlings,” a summary of which is given in this article, describes in detail what the boy decided to do when he was left alone. He wanted to consider a clean samovar, as well as boots that his father bought for the winter. But he is not able to do any of this. Pavlunya is seriously ill and does not get out of bed. He had not even gone to school for a long time.

His consolation is an opportunity to consider what is happening on the street. Fortunately, now his bed is right at the window. He draws attention to the blue sky, a huge icicle and white snow that falls to the ground.

Winter day

Vasily Belov Starlings Summary

Pavlunya realizes that it is still very cold outside the window. Although the icicles under the roofs are already starting to drip. These observations of the surrounding nature have always been famous Vasily Belov. In Starlings, a brief summary of which is given in this article, this feature can also be observed.

Father returns home, who brings a filter for cleaning engine oil from work. Soon, a doctor visits Pavlunu, who prescribes the next medicine and advises her to warm her legs. Constantly staying warm is very important for his recovery. And what to do with his serious illness, he certainly does not know, advises to consult in a regional hospital.


The boy has been sick for a very long time. Belov in Starlings, a brief summary of which allows you to get acquainted with the plot in detail, describes that the soil has already blackened outside the window.

In order to somehow entertain him, his father makes a birdhouse. On plywood, he cuts a hole for the entry of birds and sets up a house for starlings on the street. He fastens it directly to the tree, opposite the window of his son. The boy is happy and is looking forward to the arrival of the first birds. The early spring is coming.

The first birds settle in birdhouses. Soon they have offspring. But once the birdhouse falls to the ground, Pavlunya rushes out of the last forces into the street, but he is no longer able to help the birds. All the eggs have broken. His father consoles him, saying that starlings will surely take down new ones.


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