Automatic voltage stabilizer: types, characteristics, purpose

Stabilization systems for the characteristics of the electric circuit can be considered as an indispensable component in the energy supply complexes of enterprises, utilities, construction projects and responsible power sources. For domestic purposes, the use of a voltage stabilizer has been practiced not so long ago, however, this area is also actively being developed by manufacturers of these devices.

automatic voltage regulator

Developers of models of this type seek to simplify the methods of controlling the device as much as possible by offering digital interfaces and modern control tools. Today, an automatic voltage regulator can be found both in household appliance families and in professional ranges.

The purpose of the voltage regulator

The device is designed to perform a simple task - the normalization of electric current in cases of deviations of its performance from optimal parameters from the point of view of consumer power. The fact is that differences in the network can lead to the failure of an expensive device or equipment. A typical voltage regulator 220V can save from unpleasant consequences of this kind of household appliances. But there are also models operating with a voltage of 380 V, which are already designed for full protection of production and office equipment.

voltage stabilizer luxeon

In fact, the stabilizer acts as a current receiver, transmitting an energy charge with acceptable parameters at the output. However, do not confuse an automatic voltage regulator with line filters. They have fundamentally different tasks. The stabilizer is still in some way a transformer, or a current converter, providing a safe power supply.

The main characteristics of the voltage regulator

The operational performance of the device determines how suitable it is for working in certain conditions. The main parameter is power. It varies from 0.5 to 30 kW. The segment of household stabilizers rarely represents devices with a potential of more than 10 kW. Most often, a 220V voltage regulator with a power of 1-3 kW is purchased for the home.

voltage regulator 220v

For industrial needs, on the contrary, they often use devices with voltage support of 380 V, whose power exceeds 12 kW. Each stabilizer has limit values ​​for input and output voltage. So, the lower threshold varies on average from 70 to 140 V, and the upper limit in the case of household models usually reaches 270 V.

Types of instrument

Almost no longer used, but has many advantages classic electromechanical stabilizer. It is distinguished by smooth voltage regulation, which allows counting on high accuracy of correction of electric circuit operation parameters. Such models are still used to service sensitive audio equipment and lighting systems. A more common automatic voltage regulator is a relay type, the adjustment of which is due to a mechanical switch.

automatic resant voltage regulator

It is advisable to use this option in private houses, at dachas and in apartments. The digital switching regulator is also growing in popularity. The concept of this device fully fits into the concept of modern compact household appliances. Pulse models have displays with control menus, provide for the possibility of programming the stabilizer function, are characterized by quick adjustment and a high degree of reliability.

Additional functionality

The main function of voltage stabilization is not the only one that you should pay attention to when buying this equipment. Another thing is that the rest of the option in most cases will be focused on supporting the task of normalizing the operating parameters of the power grid. One way or another, a high-quality modern device of this type has a system of protection against overheating, overloads and short circuits and is equipped with fuses against electric shock. An example of a combination of low cost and rich functional content is the Luxeon voltage regulator in the LDS 500 modification. This is a device that also provides thermal protection, a digital indication of operating indicators, a servomotor, etc.


The leading positions in the segment are occupied by Elitech, Huter, Sturm, Powerman, etc. These manufacturers develop devices in different directions, offering innovative developments and maintaining the basic quality of elemental filling. The mentioned Luxeon voltage regulator can be attributed to the budget category, but it also incorporates new features, including security systems.

automatic voltage stabilizer single-phase electronic type

High-quality domestic models with a low price tag are offered by Caliber, Calm and Bastion firms. These are devices that reliably perform the main task, but do not differ in high technology. The exceptions are perhaps the Resant automatic voltage regulator, which in premium versions really shows a new level in terms of operating capabilities. These include the soft start function and the reduction in response time at times of voltage drops. Also, the manufacturer pays a lot of attention to the external performance of the device, strengthening the case and making the design more and more ergonomic.

How to choose an automatic voltage regulator?

When choosing a stabilizer, the main attention should be paid to the required power and operating conditions of the device. Power is calculated by summing the potentials of all consumers with whom the device will work. To the obtained value should also be added 20% to increase reliability. So, an automatic voltage regulator single-phase electronic type with a power of 0.5 kW is quite suitable for servicing the function of an air conditioning system or even a productive boiler. If you want to protect the entire house from power surges, then we can talk about a potential of 5-7 kW. As for the conditions of use, the filling of the device with safety systems depends on them in the first place.


The market of household appliances is increasingly filled with offers, the advantages and purpose of which are unknown to a wide mass of consumers. Until recently, such products also included an automatic voltage regulator, but today the situation has changed dramatically.

automatic voltage stabilizer relay type

As the equipment becomes more complicated and the requirements for the safety of its energy supply increase, so does the responsibility of the average consumer in terms of maintaining the reliability of the operation of devices. The presence of a voltage stabilizer in the house is not just a way to protect the computer or the refrigerator from breakage, but often a means of preventing the threat of fire at home, as indicated by the manufacturers of electrical appliances.


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