After how much you can turn on the refrigerator after transportation: expert advice

Refrigerators are a type of large household appliance that is equipped with a sophisticated cooling system. In this regard, there are special rules for their transportation. That is why many people who have recently acquired this kind of equipment are interested in one important question: how long can I turn on the refrigerator after transportation.

Large home appliance delivery service

But besides this, it is necessary to take note of other equally important points. In what position can the equipment be transported, how exactly can it be transported in winter. We will try to find answers to all these and some other questions.

First connection

Few consumers know how to properly connect the first refrigerator. Many owners turn on the equipment immediately after it has been delivered. And ultimately faced with the need for repair due to improper startup. Of course, the reasons for this can be very different.

At the same time, there are certain rules that apply not only to the specifics of transporting refrigerators and other equipment, but also to their proper inclusion. And if you ignore them, then soon any device can fail.

Reception of goods

How long should I turn on the new refrigerator after transportation? You should not be in a hurry here. Otherwise, some problems cannot be avoided. This applies not only to new equipment, but also to those cases when it becomes necessary to move it to a new place.

It’s pointless to argue about the benefits of this technique

The first step is to take the goods from the persons who delivered it. Let's say the refrigerator is new and was delivered by a transport service. In this case, you must:

  • Unpacking the goods in order to check (if there are external damages) does not hurt to look inside.
  • Remove all excess from the internal cavity and wash the refrigerator, and preferably also from the outside.
  • Now you can do the arrangement of shelves and drawers at your discretion.

Washing will not hurt in any case, but will only be beneficial, since dust and other impurities could accumulate on the refrigerator while it was in the warehouse or in the store. In addition, you can get rid of the smell of plastic, which is sometimes not very pleasant.

The same applies to shelves: before placing food on them, make sure that they are clean. To do this, wash them in warm water with the addition of soda or a small amount of vinegar. Then rinse and wipe dry.

Correct installation

In addition to what you should know when you can turn on the refrigerator after transportation, you must understand the importance of its proper installation. What is meant by this? This technique should stand on a completely flat surface. But this is not always possible to achieve. Fortunately, all refrigerators are equipped with legs that can be adjusted to achieve a strictly upright position.

Allowed a slight deviation back. Thanks to this, the door will close tightly, which is very important for the full functioning of this technique. And when the refrigerator is slightly tilted back, the door can be closed even from a slight push, which is very convenient during operation.

Refrigerator Transportation

For an experienced craftsman, it will not be a problem to install the refrigerator as it should. However, this can be done independently. Now it remains to find out exactly when to turn on the equipment.

What threatens to ignore recommendations

What can happen if you still turn on the refrigerator immediately after delivery? In order for the compressor to run smoothly, the oil must go down. The refrigerant in turn should be evenly distributed throughout the system. Only under such conditions, the correct operation of the device is guaranteed.

And the question is: how long to turn on the refrigerator after transportation is relevant not only with respect to new equipment. Before starting the old device, you must also wait a while. However, this applies to any electrical device.

The need to transport the refrigerator

In life, different circumstances may arise when, at one's own request or in case of emergency, one needs to change one's place of residence. Then you have to think about how to transport all things intact.

This is especially true in relation to overall household appliances, and in particular the refrigerator. In order to deliver it to a new place without undesirable consequences, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.

Fridge preparation

When to turn on the refrigerator after transportation if it is not new and was in use? To answer this question, it is important to consider how it was prepared for transportation. It is clear that the packaging is unlikely to be preserved.

Proper transportation of the refrigerator will allow

In this case, one cannot do without the preparatory stage, which includes the following steps:

  • The device itself is disconnected from the electrical network, and the cord is twisted and securely fixed. Otherwise, during transportation it may be stepped on, damaged, etc.
  • Products, including all other items you need to get. Shelves can simply be locked securely.
  • The refrigerator must be thawed and thoroughly washed, removing all moisture. Otherwise, certain problems cannot be avoided during transportation: the ice will begin to melt, water will flow.
  • If the equipment has external handles, they must be removed. Doors of the cabinet and freezer compartment must also be securely locked so that they do not open during transportation.
  • Now you should pack the equipment, for which it can be wrapped with a film, coated with foam and placed in a box of suitable sizes.

It is better to contact one of the special companies, which has everything necessary for the proper transportation of large household appliances. This will prevent damage.

Standing Refrigerator Transport

Opinions regarding how long you can turn on the refrigerator after transportation, as well as transportation methods, can be several. According to the recommendations of most manufacturers, moving large appliances is only necessary in an upright position. This will avoid the risk of damage, or at least minimize it.

Procedure for cleaning the refrigerator before turning it on

At the same time, due to the fact that most modern models have a rather large height, certain difficulties may arise. However, there is one valid trick: you can tilt the refrigerator, but so that the angle is not more than 40 Β°.

After preparation, the equipment should be securely fixed in the back of the truck, and a sheet of cardboard should be put under the bottom. Also, it will not be superfluous to fit the refrigerator with special belts or cover it with stops and gaskets. In this position, you can transport equipment at any distance. It is worth noting that when transporting in a different way, which led to a breakdown of the refrigerator, the warranty service will not accept it for repair. After all, this is a clear violation of the instructions.

Transportation of equipment on its side

How long can I turn on the refrigerator after transportation on its side? After all, situations can develop in different ways, and it is not always possible to transport the refrigerator while standing. Then the transportation remains in a lying position, but here it should be understood that it is almost impossible to do without the risk of damage. Due to this orientation of the device, various breakdowns can occur:

  • broken pipes;
  • oil leakage from the compressor;
  • blower clogging.

And this is far from all the faults. In addition, one cannot exclude the possibility of cracking through which refrigerant will leak over time. In addition, the compressor mount itself to the frame may break.

Carriage of the refrigerator while lying down

But if you follow a number of rules, then the likelihood of breakdowns can be minimized:

  • Even at the preparation stage, you should pay special attention to the compressor: cover it with packing material or at least fix it well with adhesive tape.
  • Do not place the refrigerator on the door or the back. This is guaranteed to end in any breakdown.
  • Putting a technique follows on its side, but not any. This is done only in such a way that the side to which the oil pipes exit is on top. As a rule, this is the side where the loops are fixed.
  • Directly under the technique itself, put a thick cardboard sheet, polystyrene foam or blanket. After that, it is necessary to fix the refrigerator well in order to exclude its movement on the vehicle body.

When the device is transported in a horizontal position, you should warn the driver and ask him to drive as carefully as possible, to avoid bumps and pits.

Features of transportation in the winter

How long can I turn on the refrigerator after transportation at low temperatures? If you need to transport the refrigerator in the winter, the preparation procedure, as well as the position of the equipment itself, is no different. However, there are a number of features regarding the transfer of equipment to the machine and its use in a new place.

During loading, you can not put the refrigerator on bare asphalt or snow - something should be put. When the equipment is already at its destination, wipe it with a dry cloth.

The waiting time before turning on the refrigerator in winter is even longer than usual. This is because all the condensate has evaporated. Otherwise, damage to the contacts of the internal elements cannot be avoided.

When can I turn on the refrigerator

Now we will analyze when it is already possible to turn on the device after delivery from the store. We now know that immediately after transportation it should not be plugged in. It all depends on how the transportation was made.

To prevent damage, do not turn on the refrigerator.

If large equipment was transported in an upright position and the weather is not too cold, it is enough to wait 2 hours. In winter, you will have to wait more - up to 4-6 hours. It is necessary that the temperature is equal to room conditions, as well as the condensate evaporates.

How long should I turn on the refrigerator after transportation in a horizontal position? In this case, you should wait an even longer period of time - at least 12 hours. There is a risk of oil overflowing, therefore, it is necessary to wait for it to return to its place.


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