If a child falls asleep badly at night, what should I do? Doctor's advice

With the advent of the baby in the family, parents have many questions and situations that they do not know how to cope with. The first months pass quietly. Most of the time the baby sleeps and eats. Many psychologists call this period "golden time" for young mothers and fathers. Time passes, and children need to learn the world around them, to develop. It takes no more than 5-6 hours a day for daytime sleep. And at an older age, children have enough of a 2-hour rest.

For many parents, the question that the child falls asleep badly at night is so acute that it leads to huge scandals in the family. How to proceed in a similar situation, we learn in the article.

the child falls asleep badly at night

A few words about the sleep of babies

It is worth noting that the newborn is able to sleep almost a day. This is natural and is due to the physiological needs of the body. The birth process for babies is quite a difficult job, after which a well-deserved rest is required. Also, the brain must process and cope with the information that enters it in huge flows. As a rule, at this time, parents do not have problems with motion sickness of the baby. It is enough to give him a bottle with a mixture or chest, and he will instantly fall asleep.

Do not be scared if you see that in a dream the child shivers, waves its arms and legs. Sleep in newborns is considered active (and not passive, as is customary in adults). There is no need to immediately consult a doctor and do an ultrasound of the fontanel, just wait a bit, and everything will return to normal.

If at such an early age the child falls asleep badly at night, it means that the parents are doing something wrong. Perhaps the baby is malnourished and lacks breast milk. If it turns out that the reason is not food, try changing the brand of diapers. There is a possibility that the baby feels discomfort. Remember: a child who is 1 week old needs fresh air. Daytime walks are mandatory, they not only help strengthen immunity, stimulate appetite, but also improve sleep.

2 years old baby falls asleep badly at night

Why did the baby stop sleeping?

Many parents do not understand why a month-old baby falls asleep badly at night. In this case, as a rule, there are no complaints about daytime sleep. Leading pediatricians say that during this period the baby should fall asleep quite well, since he spends most of the time in this state. The following are situations that may affect this process:

  • Perhaps one of the most popular reasons at this age is that the child mixed up night and day. Such situations occur all the time. To prevent this from happening, try from the first days of life of the crumbs to develop a certain regime. It is also important to make clear to the child the difference between the time of day. Let the day pass actively, while feeding, let him listen to calm music, gently talk with the child. At night, do not turn on the light, tell tales, and so on. From the diaper, the baby should understand that at night it is worth behaving quietly and calmly, to sleep.

  • Another mistake is not to swaddle the baby when falling asleep. During the day, the child receives a lot of information, the nervous system still cannot cope with it in full, so the baby can randomly move its arms and legs, thereby waking itself up.

  • If the baby (3 months) falls asleep badly at night, the cause may be colic, which can torment babies during this period. Massages and a warm diaper will help to cope with the problem.

It is worth paying attention to if the child falls asleep badly for a long time. At the same time, his condition is restless, accompanied by crying and tantrums. In this case, there may be neurological health problems, you need to contact a pediatrician.

How to help a child cope with a problem?

Many parents get so tired during the day that they wait for the night as their salvation. But there are situations when the baby screams and does not fall asleep. What to do in this situation? How to deal with the problem? A pediatrician or pediatric neuropathologist can answer these questions . First of all, you need to consider the age characteristics of the crumbs.

  • Why does the child fall asleep badly at night? 4 months is the time when a number of physiological changes occur in the body of a small crumb. Colic recedes, their place is occupied by problems with teeth. The gums swell, itch, the oral cavity is preparing to meet the first guests. Of course, this gives trouble to the baby, he becomes irritable, cries. In this case, special ointments for gums and rodents can help. They will calm the baby for a while.

  • Does the baby (5 months) fall asleep badly at night? There can be many reasons, ranging from a wet diaper to a lullaby, which he does not like. But it is worth considering the fact that this time period is accompanied by the active physical capabilities of the baby. He learns to crawl, roll over, sit. The nerve endings simply can not cope with the accumulated information, so in the evening the overexcited child does not think about sleep. To help in this situation, it is enough to give him a light massage in the evening and bathe in a warm bath with the addition of soothing herbs (mint, chamomile, lemon balm and others).

  • "The child is 1 year old, falls asleep badly at night, what to do and what to do?" - the main question of parents. Perhaps they incorrectly determine its mode. At this age, children are able to hear and understand the words of adults. They are already consciously doing certain actions. If a child falls asleep badly at night in a year, try to exhaust the baby during the day, play active games, watch books, sing songs, visit playgrounds, so that by evening he would not have the strength to cry and cry. Do not forget about evening water procedures to relieve the baby from nervous tension. In this case, healthy sleep for both the child and parents will be ensured.

If you listen to the tips outlined above, you can forever forget about the question: "Why does the child fall asleep badly at night?"

the child began to fall asleep badly at night

The child is 1.5 years old, but he falls asleep badly? We are looking for ways to solve the problem

After the baby appears in the family, the life of the parents changes dramatically. At first he sleeps almost the whole day, then the regime seems to return to normal, and after that the problems begin again. Often, mothers at a pediatrician’s appointment ask the question: “Why does a child (1.5 years old) fall asleep badly at night?” The main reason is that the baby may be disturbed by the teeth. Itching swollen gums make themselves felt.

It is also worth noting the features of the development of children during this period. They begin to realize that the world is so interesting and entertaining that there is no time to sleep. Of course, this is not true. After all, a sleepy baby behaves just disgusting: nervous, naughty, not obeying.

If a child (1, 5 g.) Falls asleep badly at night, the most important thing is to explain to him that sleep is obligatory. Try not to fall for the tricks and scream that the baby is used to resorting to. With the help of affection and love, calm the baby, sing a song, have a relaxing massage, and such a problem will disappear once and for all.

the child falls asleep badly at night Komarovsky

Children 2-3 years old. A few words about them

Many mothers often have the question: "What if the child (2 years) does not sleep well at night?" Doctors say that if until this time there were no problems with sleep, then you should not sound the alarm. The main explanation for this problem is the age characteristics of the baby, or, as psychologists say differently, a crisis of 2-3 years.

During this period, children become independent, clearly aware that they can manipulate the situation and their parents. The main thing is to prevent the growth of the problem and put the child in place on time, indicating who is in charge of the family.

Many parents, faced with the fact that a child (2 years old) falls asleep badly at night, make a huge mistake, scolding the baby and humiliating him in every possible way. You do not need to do this, thereby you instill in your child self-doubt and provoke him to even greater tantrums.

the child falls asleep badly day and night

The main reasons why sleep can be disturbed

Often you can hear the question from parents: “Why does the child fall asleep badly at night?” 3 years is a period when dealing with children is much more difficult than at an earlier age. It would seem that the baby has grown up, already knows how to do a lot on its own, but there are no fewer problems. In this case, you need to find out the reasons why the baby cannot fall asleep at night:

  1. Active evening games.

  2. Watching cartoons.

  3. Late afternoon nap.

  4. Child psychology and physiology. Many children after overwork have an additional surge of emotions. And instead of relaxing and falling asleep, they, on the contrary, want to have fun, run, jump.

  5. The child has a lot of energy that he does not spend during the day, so there are problems with falling asleep.

  6. Daytime sleep lasts too long. If the baby falls asleep and cannot wake up at all, he must be woken up.

  7. An evening quarrel, a showdown. After the scandals, the children come to their senses very hard.

If the child falls asleep badly day and night, makes constant scandals, does not respond to parents, it is better to contact a children's neurologist.

It's time to sleep

Before scolding children, you need to figure out if the parents are behaving correctly. Indeed, in many cases, when a child falls asleep badly at night, mom and dad are to blame. They need to learn the basic rules for the baby going to bed:

  1. Do not arrange active games at night. This will only excite the child - it will be very difficult for him to fall asleep.

  2. Often there are situations when dad brings a new book or toy in the evening from work. Of course, the baby will react to this with a sea of ​​emotions, which will not be easy to calm down.

  3. Develop rules for preparing for bed. For starters, you can read a fearless tale, then bathe in warm water with fragrant foam or herbs.

  4. If the child is a schoolboy, you should not find out the reason for poor grades and other negative situations in the evening.

  5. Do not let children watch cartoons after they go to bed.

  6. If the child began to fall asleep badly at night, you can try a folk sedative: a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of honey. This option is only suitable for those children who can well control their urination.

Using the above tips, you can exclude from your life the problem that the child falls asleep badly at night.

why does the child fall asleep badly at night

Never repeat other people's mistakes

There are wrong actions and actions that parents commit when laying children. If your child begins to fall asleep badly at night, read carefully if you are not making the following mistakes:

  • Go to bed pretty late. The optimal time for motion sickness is nine ten in the evening. Remember: if the baby is overworked, it will be worse to fall asleep. Many doctors even recommend keeping a sleep diary.

  • Remember: sleep in motion is not the norm. Having become accustomed to motion sickness since childhood, the child will seek and demand this in the future.

  • Sleep with light and music is unacceptable.

  • There is no single ritual before going to bed.

Try to correct these errors, and the child will fall asleep without problems.

Tips from a famous doctor

What to do if a child falls asleep badly at night? Komarovsky offers the following:

  1. The most important thing is to set the right priorities in life. Of course, a healthy baby is very important, but peppy, happy parents are the key to success and the proper development of crumbs.

  2. A regime that would suit all family members. No need to fully adapt to the little peanut, show who is in charge of the family.

  3. Children should sleep in the playpen.

  4. No extra daytime sleep.

  5. After the child is 6 months old, he does not need night feeding.

  6. An active day is a guarantee not only of health, but also of good sleep.

  7. The optimum temperature in the room where the child sleeps is 16 -19 degrees.

  8. Properly equipped sleeping place. There should be no soft beds or feather pillows. Orthopedic mattress - required.

  9. Use proven diapers so that the baby is not wet at night.

If you adhere to these rules, then you can forever forget about the problem of nighttime motion sickness of the baby.

the child falls asleep badly at night 3 years

Briefly about the main thing

If your baby began to fall asleep badly at night, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor. It is important to find out the cause of the incident yourself. Perhaps he is worried about colic and cutting teeth. In this case, tummy massage and a special gel for gums will help. If the child has grown up, and there can be no such problems, it is worth considering and analyzing the daily routine. Perhaps it needs to be adjusted. Pediatricians recommend a schedule and find out where you made a mistake. In most cases, all the blame is daytime sleep. The kid goes to bed late, sleeps for a long time and, of course, does not want to go to bed in the evening.

Create comfortable conditions for the child. The first item is the temperature regime. The room should not be stuffy and too hot. Many pediatricians claim that the maximum allowable mark is 22 degrees. Do not forget to ventilate the room, enough for 5 minutes.

"Why does the child fall asleep badly at night?" - perhaps this is a question that worried every parent at least once in a lifetime. In fact, there can be many reasons, ranging from age-related changes occurring in the body, and ending with nervous disorders.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15216/

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