Balmamin is room. How to plant and grow?

Balsam indoor is a flower that gained its popularity in the early twentieth century. He was admired and grown by our grandmothers, but until today, balsam is considered one of the most common and popular flowers in our homes.

And why such love for this plant? The main advantages are its unpretentiousness, magnificent beautiful flowering and rapid growth. It is absolutely not difficult to create suitable comfortable conditions for balsam - it is a bright place on the window and plentiful regular watering. Indoor flower balsam has a second name given by the people - "Roly wet." It does not tolerate drought, as soon as the land was dry due to the mistress's mistress, the leaves immediately lose turgor, and simply hang in the form of a rag, then turn yellow and fall off. Even after recovery, some of them still die, and the trunk of the plant is exposed.

Indoor plant balsam is a herbaceous perennial with erect stems, which reaches a height of 30-50 cm. The leaves are arranged alternately. Leaf length up to 10 cm, width 4 cm. They have an oval-heart-shaped shape, slightly wrinkled, slightly reddish or green with fine-toothed edges of the leaf blade. Flowers in diameter reach 4 cm and have long spurs with a length of 4-5 cm. Axillary, solitary, bright, they give charm to the whole plant. To date, many hybrids and various varieties have been bred, which differ in their height, size, color, and the degree of terry of the flower petals, and there are also variegated varieties of balsam.

Room balm with proper care will bloom and delight the eye for a long time and continuously. It requires loose, breathable soil. For example, such a composition: sheet or sod land, compost or humus, river sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Add a little peat if desired.

The pot should be selected according to the size of the flower. For a stalk, a pot of 8-10 cm is suitable, then, as the bush grows, replanting is required in a container of a slightly larger diameter, approximately 13-15 cm, and for an adult flowering plant - 18-25 cm. Based on the experience of balsam lovers, in the autumn season, you can prune the plant, and it will continue to bloom, but it is best to root new fresh cuttings. In the new land, they will take root well and begin to bloom very quickly. Cuttings for this can be taken from any part of the plant, give roots and flowering tops. You just need to place them in water and put in a light partial shade.

Indoor balsam will grow well both in brightly lit southern and northern windows, but this plant does not tolerate the summer midday sun. Although there are varieties that are adapted to hot conditions. The most suitable air temperature for this crop is 18-20 degrees, and in winter a little lower (15-20 degrees). Fertilize room balsam every two weeks with complex fertilizer. Dose - half the rate recommended by the manufacturer.

For a beautiful and lush growth of the bush, at each watering or once a week, you should turn the pot with the plant so that the sun illuminates the flower from different directions, and it grows evenly in all directions.

Indoor balsam propagates in early spring, blooms in the same year. In the summer, it is recommended to pinch the shoots a couple of times to stimulate branching. Balsam is also propagated with the help of seeds, which are sown in January, but this will require additional lighting. When growing this plant, it should be remembered that balsam can damage whiteflies and spider mites.

During the flowering period of this culture, it is advisable to remove flowers that have already bloomed in time, due to which the plant will have a well-groomed, beautiful, decorative and neat appearance.


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