Puppies of the black Russian terrier: breed characteristics, care, education methods and description with photo

The Russian Black Terrier is one of the rare breeds that has been gaining great popularity recently. These dogs attract pet lovers primarily because of their versatility. Representatives of this breed instantly adapt to any environmental conditions. Mind, stamina and good health are what distinguish black Russian terriers. Puppies of this breed are very active and a little wayward.

Breed history

Bred Russian black terriers in our country relatively recently. The breed was registered in 1957 and is considered, although already established, but still young. Specialists of the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery were engaged in breeding the black terrier in the middle of the last century. This Soviet cynological club was created in 1924 by order of the Revolutionary Military Council. The main goal of the kennel was to train dogs for the needs of the army.

Army Black Terriers

According to legend, the order to breed a new breed was given personally in the late 1940s by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. In WWII, dogs took an active part in hostilities. Four-legged pets served in the sanitary battalions, in intelligence, with signalmen. The dogs at the front performed their tasks very well. However, all the tetrapods used then had one serious drawback. None of the rocks that existed at that time were frost-resistant. German shepherds, for example, could not be in the winter on the street for longer than 6 hours.

The Soviet government decided to correct this defect and in 1949 ordered to bring out a fierce, intelligent, well-trained dog that easily adapts to any climate. The specialists of the "Red Star" coped with their task perfectly. Puppies of Russian black terriers bred in this kennel less than 10 years later were presented to the public.


Appearance for the new dog, displayed for the army, was, of course, not important. This greatly expanded the selection of parent breeds for Red Star breeders. For breeding new dogs, the kennel's kennel decided to use aggressive Rottweilers, fearless Airedale terriers, and large and brave Giant Schnauzers. Other breeds (about 15 in total) were used in breeding black terriers. But these three are still considered basic.

In the end, Russian specialists managed to get one of the most hardy, unpretentious, intelligent, well-oriented in the environment and able to independently make decisions in unusual situations, dogs. A photo of a puppy of the Russian black terrier can be seen below on the page. As you can see, these dogs are actually powerful, strong and independent.

Little black terriers

Breed standards

When buying a puppy of the Russian black terrier, as well as a representative of any other breed, you need, of course, to pay attention, including its exterior. The appearance of these dogs is determined by FCI standard No. 327. According to this document, the Russian black terrier should have, for example:

  • athletic build of a slightly stretched format;
  • proportional large head;
  • muzzle with a mustache, beard and large nose;
  • wide-set dark eyes;
  • strong, dry and muscular neck;
  • well balanced body;
  • powerful withers, strong back;
  • the line of the lower abdomen at the level of the elbow joints or slightly lower;
  • deep chest;
  • thick at the base, high set tail;
  • coarse, thick, double coat;
  • straight parallel limbs.

The gait of the black terrier should be as balanced as possible. The color of this breed standards allow only black. Dogs with gray hair may also be allowed to compete.

Black terrier exterior

Dogs Russian black terriers are very large. Males of this breed can grow at the withers up to 70-78 cm, bitches - 66-74 cm. The males weigh black terriers 50-60 kg, girls 45-50 kg.

Disqualifying signs

Of course, to determine how a puppy of a black terrier grows up, it will most likely be difficult for a beginner. Therefore, it is best to buy such a dog with a specialist who will give the right recommendations. In any case, the future owner must make sure that the baby he likes has no disqualifying defects. These include black terriers:

  • not a black nose;
  • disagreement or thorn;
  • lack of teeth;
  • any other besides scissor bite;
  • any color except black;
  • lack of decorating hair on the limbs and head;
  • the presence of white spots;
  • testicles not descended into the scrotum.

Also disqualifying signs are cowardice, excessive aggressiveness, obvious behavioral deviations.


Breeders recommend only experienced dog breeders to buy a black Russian terrier puppy in Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other city in Russia. This is especially true for males. Black Terriers - dogs are smart, strong-willed and a little stubborn. They can be trained easily. But at the same time, they will not obey a person with a not too strong character.

These dogs were bred as primarily guard and workers. If you wish, you can buy such a dog in a city apartment. But in this case, the dog will have to be occupied, for example, with sports games on the street for at least 1 hour a day. Without physical exertion, such a dog will simply get bored from idleness. Best of all, according to breeders, such dogs are suitable for keeping in the yards of private houses.

The black terrier will fearlessly protect its owner in any situation. The nature of these dogs, among other things, is very suspicious and incredulous. In the absence of education, such a dog can even become dangerous to strangers. To accustom to the surrounding puppy of the black Russian terrier, therefore, follows from childhood.


People who want to buy such a pet for a city apartment, among other things, need to keep in mind that it will definitely need to be taught to the basic teams to "sit", "next to" and "lay".

Also, a puppy of the Russian black terrier from childhood will have to be accustomed to bathing and combing. Without these procedures, the hair of such a dog will quickly become ugly. Black terriers really do not like combing and swimming. In the future, it will be impossible to accustom an adult dog to cosmetic procedures.

Hardy black terrier

What should be the nutrition of a puppy of a black Russian terrier

Almost any food can be given to such an unpretentious pet. Since these dogs are large and powerful, they should receive a lot of protein. That is, meat must be present in the diet of the black terrier. Also in the menu of such a pet should include sea fish, vegetables, dairy products.

You can, of course, feed the black terrier and purchased ready-made feed. But to choose for such a dog, in spite of the strength of its stomach and body, should be only quality products of this type. The only thing that cannot be done is to combine homemade and purchased food in the dog’s diet. This can lead to an upset or even digestive tract disease.

Breed standards

Methods of raising a puppy of a black Russian terrier

This breed of dogs is, therefore, powerful and quite masterful. Therefore, the upbringing of such dogs should be given maximum attention from childhood. The hierarchy in the family for such a pet must be strictly delineated. The leader in the "pack" should be the master of the house. Women usually do not obey these dogs. The owner of the house in the hierarchical step of the family in the dog’s view should be followed by his wife and children.

Black terriers usually begin to try to change the situation and lead the “flock” at the age of 5-6 months. Stop pet attempts to "squeeze" the "old" leader "immediately. The owner should become a role model and indisputable authority for the puppy of the Russian Black Terrier. In any case, aggression towards family members should not be allowed for a puppy in any case.

Puppies of the Russian black terrier

The dog must learn to recognize the tone of the owner’s voice, the expression on his face. If a pet, for example, intends to do something inadmissible, you need to sharply and loudly say to him "No!" An important aspect of raising a black terrier is also praise. If a puppy, for example, did his little “thing” not on the carpet in the room, but on the street, you must, with enthusiasm, say “Good!” To him.

Basic Rules

When raising black terriers, it is worth following, among other things, such recommendations:

  • execution of commands should be sought;
  • from time to time it is worth encouraging the dog a treat;
  • shout at the dog and beat him is not necessary (except for light slaps).
Black Terrier Teen

It is also undesirable to punish the black terrier after he comes to the owner on the command “to me”. In order to scold the dog, it is better to nevertheless approach him independently. The command “to me” should be associated with the dog only with something pleasant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15219/

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