An example of a correctly spelled mailing address. How to write a mailing address in Russian or English?

Today, few write ordinary letters, choosing as an alternative an e-mail. It would seem faster, more convenient, easier and more often cheaper. However, there are people who still prefer to communicate with each other in the old way - using mail forwarding. In this article I want to tell you how to write the address on the envelope correctly, so that the message reaches the addressee on time and without delay.

It is worth saying that the example of a postal address (written on a stand at the post office) is an important source of information. After all, everything is not so simple, you cannot fill out the envelope the way you want, you need to do this in accordance with the established rules, which, by the way, are documented in the Rules for the provision of postal services (Decree No. 221 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.15.05). Here you can find the answer to the question of how to correctly arrange the necessary information, and what details should be indicated on the mail envelope.

mailing example

What is necessary?

How to write an address on an envelope? This is a question that worries many people. Indeed, even because of an incorrectly executed letter, it may simply not reach the addressee and get lost. What needs to be pointed out so that the message reaches the one who is waiting for it? So, the following information will be important (written in this order):

  1. Name of the addressee (for individuals - full or short name, for legal entities - full name of the organization).
  2. Street name, serial number of the house, apartment (if the numbering of the house contains letters or additional numbers, they must also be written. For example, house number 5a or 10/12).
  3. Settlement (its name, as well as designation: city, village, village).
  4. The name of the area.
  5. Mandatory is the name of the region, region, autonomous region, republic.
  6. For international shipments, it is important to indicate the country of residence (both your own and the addressee).
  7. Postcode.

All this is the necessary information that the postal service needs in order to deliver the letter on time and in the right place. Otherwise, if there are errors or the address is incorrect, it can be returned to the sender's address or simply stay in the mail.

English postal address

Basic Rules

If you need to figure out how to write a mailing address correctly, you need to know that there are several simple rules that are important to follow:

  • the envelope can be either postal, unzipped, or simply white;
  • write on the envelope with a calligraphic legible handwriting, preferably in block letters, so that the postal service workers accurately determine the location of the addressee;
  • the text on the envelope can be either handwritten or printed on a computer or typewriter;
  • printed labels can be glued to the envelope, this is also allowed;
  • double house numbers are written in fractions (for example, house number 15/2);
  • if the house number has a letter, it must also be indicated (for example, house number 5a);
  • if the letter is sent within the borders of the Russian Federation, the address must be written in the state language (nuance: you can also write the address in the native languages ​​of the republics, but it must also be duplicated in Russian);
  • as for international shipments, in this case the address is written in Latin letters, as well as in Arabic numerals (the name of the country of destination of the letter can be duplicated in Russian).

how to write an address on an envelope

To where

It is worth saying that many people are confused about how to write a mailing address, that is, where to correctly place the address of the sender, and where - the addressee. So, there are also certain rules for this. Information about the addressee (the person to whom the letter is sent) is written in the lower right part of the envelope, in the order indicated above. Information about the sender is indicated in the upper left corner of the envelope.

Example 1. Normal

In order to better understand all of the above, you need to give an example of a mailing address written on an envelope. If you need to send a regular letter, everything will look like this (recipient information):

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Sovetskaya street, house 5, apartment 44

Marble village of Leninsky district

Vyshgorod region

Postcode: 123456

how to write a mailing address

Example 2. PO Box

Now I would like to give an example of a mailing address if the letter is sent not to the home address, but to the post office box. So, it will look like this:

Petrov Petr Petrovich

PO Box 11

Poteevka, 654321

Example 3. "Demand"

It is worth mentioning that letters can be sent to the post office of the city marked “on demand”. In this case, they will be with the postal employee until the addressee personally arrives for him. In this case, an example of a mailing address would look like this:

Sergeyev Sergey Sergeevich

poste restante

Smirnovka, 112233

how to write a mailing address

International departures from Russia: rules

Information on how to correctly write addresses on envelopes if you need to send a message abroad will turn out to be important. So, first of all, I want to remind you that you must follow all the above rules. The spelling order will be the same: first comes the name, then the name of the street, house number, apartment, then the city, district, region (state) and at the very end the country and zip code. It is also worth mentioning that the names of streets, houses, surnames and names are not translated into a foreign language. But generic concepts, such words as, for example, “house”, “street”, “village” or “city” require translation. However, there are certain nuances when translating into a foreign language: it is better to write the names of famous cities in translation (an example is the city of Moscow. Writing on an envelope is better than Moscow, not Moskva). It is worth remembering that the mailing address is written in English for both the addressee and the sender (the first is allowed to be written in the language of the country where the letter is sent, but the name of the country must always be duplicated in Russian).

Example for regular writing

To better understand how to write the mailing address in English, you need to give an example. So, what will the recipient address look like?

Peter Brown (first and last name of the recipient)
7 Green Avenue, Apt. 4 (street, house number, apartment)
Ann Arbor 48104 (city, postal code)
USA, USA (destination country)

correct spelling of the mailing address

Example for a business letter

The correct spelling of the mailing address is also important if the letter needs to be sent not to a person, but to a legal entity, that is, an organization or its individual work unit. Below is an example of sending a letter to the accounting department of one of the UK banks:

The Accounts Department (organization branch: accounting)
UDD Bank Ltd (full name of the organization: bank)
22 Lombard Str. (street and house number where the building is located)
London 3 WRS (city, postal code)
UK, United Kingdom (country name)

Letters from abroad to Russia

There are some nuances in the event that you need to send a letter from abroad to Russia. So, the address can be written both in Russian and in a foreign language. Variations are possible when the information about the addressee will be written in Russian, but about the sender - in the language of the country from which it came.

spelling the address in English


What can the spelling of the address look like in English and in Russian if the letter goes to Russia from abroad? Option One:

Ivanov II
ul. Belaya 14-10
Zeleniy raion
Gostevaya oblast

Option Two:

Ivanov I.I.

Belaya street, d.14, apt. 10

Zarechye village

Green area

Guest area

Russia, 111222

Important is the fact that you can easily write addresses in both the first and second ways.


If you need to send a letter from the business correspondence section abroad, you need to remember that you should respectfully refer to the person to whom the message is sent. So, female officials must be contacted in the following way:

  • Mrs - if the woman is married.
  • Miss - if the woman is single.
  • Ms is just a woman (if her position is unknown).

As for men, then everything is extremely simple and straightforward. They need to add the prefix Mr. The important information will be that without the name and surname these prefixes are not written by themselves. After this designation, a dot is placed. However, if you need to send a letter to the UK, then in this case, after an official appeal and before the name, a dot is not put. An interesting fact is that, according to the requirements of the Royal Postal Service, the name of the city must be written in capital letters.


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