Service life of water meters. Characteristics of water meters

Many owners mistakenly believe that everything ends with the purchase and installation of metering devices for the water supply system, and you can no longer worry about this. In reality, this attitude can later come out sideways, because it is always worth considering the life of the water meters. These meters are a set of mechanical parts, and any mechanism has certain limitations.

Water meter removed

Therefore, with the arrival of the end date, the counter must be replaced with a new device. Otherwise, no one guarantees its proper operation, and the accuracy of the measurements may be in doubt.

Counter Life

The life of the device is indicated in its technical passport. It is worth noting that at the end of this period, the manufacturer can no longer give guarantees regarding its further uninterrupted operation. As a result, technical malfunctions may occur, which negatively affects the readings.

For example, with P50601-93 meters, the uptime can be 12 years. At the same time, it should be understood that this indicator is individual for each meter. This is mainly due to the manufacturer of each particular model.

Reasons for the failure of water meters

But what can affect the proper operation of metering devices for the water supply system? This largely depends on a number of factors, due to which the life of the water meters is noticeably reduced or they simply fail:

  • hard water;
  • poor cleaning;
  • rusty or worn water pipes;
  • chips, cracks or other damage to the meter itself;
  • drying out of the metering device due to problems in the operation of the water supply system.

In addition, there is a purely human factor. Some consumers of water resources intentionally underestimate the readings of meters by using special magnets. Ultimately, this inevitably leads to the device breaking down. The installation of water meters should be entrusted only to masters of their craft. They have special training and a license to carry out this kind of work.

Water meter life and law

The need for saving natural and energy resources has contributed to the emergence of various legislative standards. Among them there are those that regulate (or rather even oblige) the owners of private and commercial real estate to install metering devices and pay fees depending on the evidence.

Water resource

All this is regulated by the following standards:

  • Federal Law N 102 “On Ensuring the Unity of Measurements” adopted on June 26, 2008.
  • Government Decision to Improve Water Supply Meters (2004).
  • Government Decision No. 354, which entered into force on 05/06/2011, it regulates the provision of utilities to persons who are the owners of the premises of apartment buildings.

In addition, if the water in the houses meets the requirements of GOST 2874, then the meter will be in good working order for a long time.

Mandatory manipulation of metering devices

How long does it take to change water meters (hot water or cold water)? It is worth noting that the size of the monthly utility bills is affected not only by the service life of metering devices, but also by the timeliness of their verification. This is also determined by law. There is one important rule that governs the timing of the verification of meters. This takes into account the date of manufacture of the meter, and not the day of its installation.

In addition, the frequency of verification also depends on the type of meter device:

  • cold water metering devices - 6-7 years;
  • hot water meters - 4-5 years.

Both periods are also included in existing legislation. Even if no one bothered to notify citizens of the timing of the inspection, you can determine it yourself. To do this, just pay attention to the date of manufacture of the meter.

As for the verification itself, here the owner will not be able to perform such actions on his own. This is done by an employee who has permission and certain skills.

Checking water meters

No matter what the life of the water meters is, in some cases unscheduled calibration may be required. The following situations usually become the reason for this:

  • manufacturer's marriage;
  • counter impeller is damaged;
  • personal desire of the owner to change the water meter;
  • loss of documents to the device.

To replace the water meter, an application must be submitted to the Gorvodokanal.

The need to check metering devices

As previously mentioned, homeowners will not be able to independently verify the water meters. To do this, there is a special person who is able to determine the degree of operability of the meters. In addition, the frequency of such a check is important. However, why is this done at all if each device has its own service life?

We have already familiarized ourselves with the timing of checking water meters. The need to regularly check the device allows you to control the readings, since accuracy is important here, since this factor affects the size of the monthly utility bills.

The catch is that standard metering devices fail in a fairly short period of time. They begin to spin either too fast or too slowly.

In addition, it is important to consider that, due to its structure and operating mode, the meter has a much greater impact on hot water than meters for cold water supply. This is mainly due to the passage of heated liquid through them. If a problem occurs, it is better to replace the device with a new one, which will be the only right solution.

Counter Features

The technical passport is mandatory included in the delivery package of any metering device, where, in fact, all the technical characteristics of each particular meter are given, including the service life. In respect of imported appliances, there must be an appropriate certificate that confirms compliance with standards and allows installation.

The registration certificate on the water meter

Among the technical characteristics of water meters, some deserve attention:

  • The diameter of the conditional passage (DU) is the size of the hole of the connecting pipes. If the diameters do not match, adapters are allowed.
  • Nominal flow rate (Q n ) - the largest period in time of water use.
  • Maximum consumption (Q max ) - in this mode, the meter should work no more than 60 minutes per day, respectively, less than 200 hours per year.
  • Transitional flow rate (Q t ) is the boundary with which the maximum permissible error begins.
  • Minimum consumption (Q min ) - in this case, the error remains within acceptable limits.

In addition, the mass of the meter, including its length with fittings, is taken into account. An error is also important, which each class has its own:

  • Class A - 0.04-0.10.
  • Class B - 0.02-0.08.
  • Class C - 0.01-0.015.
  • Class D - every 10 liters (precision instruments).

For many meters, additional modules can be attached to automate the reading and transmission of meter readings, payment for water. Models with a sophisticated filtration system provide for replaceable cartridges. At the same time, many of them are also equipped with an audible warning about the need to change filters.

Functions and Material

The main functions of water meters are to control consumption and save the budget, natural resources. The life of the water meters in many respects depends on what materials the case of these devices is made of:

  • brass, bronze;
  • stainless alloy steel;
  • silumin;
  • polymers.

Brass and bronze have a high impact coefficient. And due to these qualities of the materials, a long service life of the meters is ensured. The same advantages allow the devices to withstand aggressive components of water, including various impurities.

As you know, steel, due to its mechanical qualities, is more wear-resistant in comparison with other existing alloys. Due to this, it costs more.

What materials are water meter housings made of?

The alloy of aluminum and silicon is characterized by good resistance to water impurities. At the same time, the material itself is fragile. And due to its cheap cost, it is relevant in the production of inexpensive metering devices, which many Chinese manufacturers use. However, in this case, the service life of water meters is very short, so the use of such devices is undesirable.

As for pressed polyethylene, this material is also of high quality and resistant to aggressive aquatic environments. However, sensitivity to high temperature allows the manufacture of metering devices only for cold water supply.

Universal metering devices "Betar"

Betar is the largest manufacturer of measuring instruments for consumption metering. Moreover, specialists produce not only water meters, but also gas meters. In addition, the company also produces components for water supply devices. It should be noted that the company produces metering devices with the name “Betar” only and is not related to other commercial brands.

Those consumers who are interested in the service life of the meter for hot water (or cold) will be interested to know that at present the company produces up to 37 brands of home and industrial use. For apartment owners, the following varieties are provided:

  • Antimagnetic type - SHV-15, SGV-15 and SHV-20, SGV-20.
  • Remote water meters - SHV-15D, SGV-15D and SHV-20D, SGV-20D.
  • Counters with a radio channel - SHHV-20D.

The Betar company’s water meters are rated by the majority of consumers as the best and most reliable in the Russian Federation.

Features of antimagnetic protection

Many water meters (if not all) are equipped with a magnetic fluid coupling, which serves to transfer the rotation of the impeller to a data meter. In fact, the device is presented in the form of a magnet pushing another magnet, which is turned towards it by the opposite pole.

Anti-magnetic water meter

The pushed element is connected to the clockwork. It is equipped with a set of gears with numbers printed. The movement of water causes the impeller to rotate - on the instrument panel at this time, you can observe a change in the reading values.

Those consumers who have purchased Betar metering devices should not worry about the shelf life of the meter for cold water (or hot). A special system is provided to protect the meter from external magnetic influences in order to distort data. Its function is to protect the magnetic coupling from blocking the metering mechanism by exposing it to a magnet.

For better protection, an anti-magnetic seal was developed. This is a special sticker on top of the case made of different materials (plastic, polished wooden board, glass, iron), including paper and painted surfaces. It sticks easily, but without breaking the seal, it cannot be removed.

What to do if expired?

What should water consumers do if the water meter has expired? In this case, the meter must be replaced. The cost of installing new meters, as a rule, ranges from 500 to 700 rubles per unit. Thus, the total amount for the installation of two meters of the water supply system (cold water, hot water) will be 1000-1400 rubles. But this is without taking into account the cost of water meters.

You can install the meter yourself or contact a service company or other organization that has permission to carry out such work. After installing the device, it is necessary to invite a specialist from the water utility, who will carry out its sealing. In accordance with the law, this procedure is free of charge. All data goes to the accounting department, which begins to carry out calculations for new devices.

Procedure for checking metering devices

Now it’s clear how to find out the life of the meter for water - just look into its technical passport. Nevertheless, many are interested in the procedure for checking it.

How long does it take to change water meters?

If consumers of water resources have noticed incorrect operation of metering devices, it is possible to order verification ahead of schedule. To do this, you can contact a specialized organization or management company. At the same time, the verification itself can be performed in two ways:

  • with the removal of the meter;
  • without dismantling.

The same authorities should be contacted when the life of the water meters has already ended. A malfunction of the meter can be detected by a number of characteristic signs:

  • The indication of the device during the monthly use of water changes dramatically and unreasonably.
  • The flow dial or motion indicator does not show “signs of life”.

However, only an authorized specialist can officially determine the breakdown. For this reason, verification is required within the time limits established by law.

Counter Removal

As a rule, verification in most cases is carried out with the removal of a water meter. To do this, it is enough to call an appropriate specialist who will perform the dismantling in order to verify the water meter. In this case, the master in return must provide the owner of the real estate (apartment or other home) with an act in writing, which will indicate the following data:

  • Number, brand and date of reading of the instrument.
  • Data of the specialist whose forces dismantled the meter.
  • Date of work.

After the verification is completed, the device is returned to its rightful owner. And if at the same time a malfunction is detected, the counter must be replaced.

Performing inspection without dismantling

Fortunately, it is possible to check water meters without removing them. For this, modern special equipment is used, with the help of which the verification of water meters can be carried out at home by the owner. In this case, there is a risk of skipping the counter malfunction.

Given the advantages and disadvantages that both methods of verification possess, each consumer has the right to make an independent decision in favor of one or another verification.

In conclusion

Checking the metering devices of the water supply system can be carried out by both state and private companies. It is worth noting that each counter has an individual number, which during the verification is entered in a separate database.

Shelf life of cold and hot water meters

Of course, this is done once and after each replacement of devices, and by no means with each verification procedure. And if the contract was concluded with a state organization, then the verification of the counters of a private office will be considered invalid.

Meters are designed to control citizens' consumption of water resources. But first of all, it is worthwhile to understand that any water meter is a mechanism with a limited period of work. To obtain accurate readings and save on payment of resources, it is necessary to change metering devices at the end of the service life of water meters.


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