State control

State control as a system in the modern world is acquiring great practical and theoretical significance. This system, covering the sphere of political, financial, industrial and social life, has undergone many changes recently. So, after the liquidation of the institute of public control, the role of audit supervision has increased. In addition, norms of both liberalization and tightening the assessment of entrepreneurial and social activities were introduced.

Different experts interpret the concept of "state control" in different ways. Some scientists define it as an independent type of work, the essence of which is to ensure that the activities of the facility comply with the requirements that were received from an official or a governing body.

According to others, state control is a legal procedure. It focuses on the determination of probable offenses. This procedure consists of several stages. So, state control includes the stage at which the regulatory body receives the necessary information, the stage of legal qualification and decision-making on the imposition of any coercive measures in relation to the controlled entity.

However, preference is given to the opinion that this is a separate form of power. As such, supervisory activity is to one degree or another inherent in almost every authority, but it is not the main one.

State control and its types

In accordance with the content and scope of the specified activity is divided into general and special. General control is carried out in all areas of the facility, while the special one covers a specific direction or a specific issue (environmental, customs, financial, sanitary and others).

In accordance with the focus and organizational and legal norms, the following types of state control exist : internal (carried out as part of the system of the controlling body) and external (carried out with respect to facilities not directly subordinate to the control body).

Given the stage of implementation, supervisory activities may be subsequent, ongoing and preliminary.

In accordance with the temporary regime, control can be periodic (temporary) and systematic (permanent).

Based on the subject, the supervisory activities of the President, legislative (representative) or executive authorities are shared . Presidential control can be carried out indirectly and directly. The first is carried out by the Presidential Administration (authorized representatives of the federal districts, the Control Department, the Main State Legal Department).

In the field of public administration, supervisory activities are carried out by the Council of Federations, the State Duma, the Accounts Chamber, as well as the legislative (representative) authorities.

The general control exercised by the executive bodies includes supervision of compliance with and enforcement of the Constitution, Presidential Decrees, federal laws, orders and resolutions adopted by the Government, and normative legal acts developed by federal executive bodies. In addition, the procedure includes consolidation, listening to reports and reports of plenipotentiaries, association of subordinate bodies in accordance with the direction of activity.

Intersectoral control is carried out to ensure the solution of complex issues that relate to certain areas of management.


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