ODON VV MVD RF - Dzerzhinsky division, Balashikha: reviews, photos, address

Law and order is a key principle in building any state. After all, the activities of the population of each country should be carried out within a certain framework. Otherwise, anarchy will begin, which will not bring anything good. This fundamental principle was deduced in ancient times. Therefore, many monarchs maintained internal order through imperial command using certain state structures, such as the army. With regard to modernity, the rule of law in states is a priority. Huge amounts of money are being spent on its support. At the same time, it is people who are an important component, since they directly organize certain measures to maintain law and order as part of law enforcement agencies. In this case, the key role of special units should be noted. In Russia today there are many different organizations that provide law and order. Among these are the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division, which was once part of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Dzerzhinsky Balashikha division

What is a Dzerzhinsky division?

In any unit, special compounds that are entrusted with special tasks are of great importance. A similar formation is the ODON - a separate operational division named after Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky. The unit is located in the city of Balashikha. On the territory of the village is also located the training center of the famous special forces Vympel. ODON is used to ensure law and order in Moscow and the Moscow Region. In addition, the unit performs other tasks prescribed by law. Getting to the territorial location of the formation is very easy. The formation is located near metro stations such as Partizanskaya, Novogireevo and Vykhino.

Division History

The division of Dzerzhinsky, Balashikha, whose address is presented in the article, has a long and extremely interesting history, which has been going on since 1924. After its creation, the unit was actively used in the wars with white fins. The use of the personnel of the unit during the Great Patriotic War on the Volkhov and Western fronts was quite effective. During this military conflict, snipers of the division destroyed about 11 thousand snipers of German forces. The personnel of the unit was used to guard the Yalta and Potsdam Conference, as well as at the time when fascist banners were thrown to the walls of the Kremlin at the first Victory Parade. In subsequent years, the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division was involved in maintaining and maintaining public order during mass events held in the Russian capital.

Odon VV Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation division of Dzerzhinsky Balashikha

Current use of the division

It should be noted that the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division, the photo of which is presented in the article, performed special tasks and took part in many ethnic conflicts, namely: Nagorno-Karabakh, Ferghana, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Azerbaijan. Currently, military units are used to organize and conduct counter-terrorism operations in the regions of the North Caucasus.

The current position of the unit

It should be noted that the ODON VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Dzerzhinsky’s division), Balashikha is a non-existent unit. More precisely, the structural affiliation of the formation is different. Today it is not included in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the Internal Troops were disbanded and transferred to the Russian National Guard. In other words, the division belongs to the new structure. In general, from such a reform, its tasks remained virtually unchanged. Moreover, belonging to a separate, independent department significantly expanded the freedom of the division. Thus, the once existing ODON VV of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Dzerzhinsky’s division), Balashikha became a more professional and independent formation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Dzerzhinsky Balashikha division

Unit Tasks

The Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division is used to implement a certain range of tasks of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the unit is a highly mobile formation that can be used in any military conflict or other situation. However, there are several basic tasks of the division.

1. Law enforcement in the Moscow region and Moscow. This task is being implemented everywhere. The division’s military personnel are used to guard mass events and patrol services together.

Dzerzhinsky Balashikha division

2. The fight against terrorism.

3. The protection of objects of national importance is an exceptional task that is implemented, as a rule, in wartime.

In addition to the presented functional areas, the formation may be entrusted with other functions provided by applicable law. At the same time, the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division, reviews of which speak of the professionalism of its soldiers, uses in its activity a whole system of various legal acts.

Normative base

Any military formation without fail has a legal status and a number of legislative acts that directly regulate its activities. This is the fundamental principle of the work of law enforcement units. In its activities, the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division is guided by the provisions of the following regulations, namely:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law "On the Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation";
  • Federal Law "On Military Duty";
  • Federal Law "On the status of a serviceman";
  • other by-laws.

Thus, the legitimacy of the activities of such a unit as the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division is ensured by the presented regulatory documents. At the same time, it should be noted that today a large part of the by-laws base is under development. Since the ODON was reorganized and introduced into a completely new department - the Federal Service of the National Guard Forces.

Dzerzhinsky Balashikha division

Command and structure

The Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division, the photos of which are presented in the article, is a separate structure as part of the National Guard troops. That is, ODON has its own system and command. Today, Major General Zakharov Sergey Yuryevich manages the division.

As for the military personnel, the Dzerzhinsky (Balashikha) division, the address of which is presented in the article, is a combat-ready unit of the National Guard troops. In other words, it consists of a number of parts of different technical and functional orientations. The structure of the division today includes:

  • 2nd, 4th, 5th operational regiments;
  • division management;
  • special purpose center;
  • 60th training regiment;
  • commandant battalion;
  • health battalion;
  • repair and construction battalion;
  • chemical and biological defense company;
  • security battalion.
    Dzerzhinsky Balashikha division photo

This structure is quite effective when it comes to its functionality in the context of the direct implementation of the tasks of the Dzerzhinsky and Balashikha divisions. It should be noted that there is a clinical military hospital in the territory of the unit.

Technical equipment of the division

A key aspect of any special forces is its weapons and, of course, technology. Without these components, the activity of a military-type formation is simply impossible. If you analyze directly the ODON, then this unit uses all the technical means that are on the balance of the National Guard. A more specific analysis makes it possible to identify the main types of weapons and equipment, which today appears in the activities of the division, for example:

  • pistols: PMM, PM, APS, PSM;
  • special pistols for underwater shooting SSP-1M;
  • rifles: SVDS, IED, VSS;
  • assault rifles: AK74, OTs-14 Thunderstorm;
  • armored vehicles: BTR-70m, BTR-80;
  • airplanes, helicopters and armored sea boats.

As we can see, the technical equipment of the ODON is quite good, given the range of tasks performed by the division.

Dzerzhinsky Balashikha division how to get there


So, one of the most effective units of the National Guard today is a separate division of Dzerzhinsky, Balashikha. How to get to the location of the formation, its specific aspects - all this was considered in the article. The division has a good technical base, which is suitable for the high-quality implementation of all functional tasks. At the same time, the formation must be constantly modernized, because law enforcement is one of the most relevant target areas today.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1524/

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