Retirement for military servicemen: accrual rules, allowances and features

For many years, people in military uniform have served for the benefit of the people and their native land, sometimes protecting their homeland with their own breasts. And therefore, by the nature of their activity, they very often retire much earlier than the rest of the able-bodied population.

And in this case, perhaps, the most pressing questions are "do people in this profession receive a seniority allowance" and "what does the concept of" seniority service pension mean "." In this and other equally important issues we will try to understand in more detail below.

Which of the citizens can take advantage of receiving a pension for the length of service?

seniority pension

Based on the law of the Russian Federation, military personnel can apply for a retirement benefit for years of service in such cases:

  • at the time of dismissal from the ranks of the military, the total experience must be at least 20 years;
  • if the total length of service is 25 years, but only half of them are given to military service, while the person is 45 years old, then you can get a seniority pension only if you have health problems or when the age limit for the position has reached.

If at least one of the above conditions is present, then the person has the full right to a retirement pension for military service.

But in the case when the opposite situation occurs, the length of service is added to the total length of service. As a result, a person goes on a well-deserved rest on general grounds that are provided for by pension legislation.

Retirement age

It is worth noting that the maximum retirement age for each category of military personnel is different:

  • ordinary employees - 50 years;
  • average generality - 60 years;
  • the highest composition - 65 years;
  • women - 45 years old.

This applies only to people in military uniforms who serve for the good of their homeland.

Conditions of appointment of a pension for seniority to military personnel

Very often people are interested in the question of what are the conditions for calculating monetary allowance for long service.

seniority pension for military personnel

For a soldier to be able to receive a pension for seniority, the following is necessary:

  • serving in the army of the former USSR, CIS or RF;
  • a person must serve his homeland over 20 years or reach retirement age.

There are several more cases where such a payment is due, this applies to persons who have served in the internal affairs bodies, in the bodies controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs, and in the criminal system. But at the same time, the calculation of retirement benefits is a little different.

Features of accrual of military pensions

If a person falls under the above requirements, then he can apply for the calculation of a pension by military servicemen after years of service.

But what will be the size of this payment, consider below.

If at the time when dismissal and retirement takes place, there is a length of service of at least 20 years, then the net amount of the pension will be equal to half of the salary that a person received during the period of service. This rule applies to people who have a minimum work experience of at least 25 years, of which half have been assigned to military service. For example, if a person had a military salary of 30,000 thousand rubles a month, then the net amount of pension payments without allowances would be 15,000 thousand rubles a month.

Accrual procedure

What is the procedure for assigning a pension for seniority to military personnel?

If a person has spent over 20 years in service, then discrepancies will arise. In other words, a person who has served more than 20 years in the armed forces will be able to claim an additional 3% for the net pension for each processed year. It is worth considering that the total amount of the received pension with additives for processing cannot exceed 85% of the previously received salary. And as an example, it will look like this: if for the annual period there was an average monthly salary of 30,000 thousand rubles, then from this amount an additional 3% is calculated to the net pension.

right to seniority pension for military personnel

If a soldier has a mixed length of service, namely, half is devoted to the service, and the other half is spent in other structures, then for each processed year the increase will be only 1%. And it will be calculated according to the same principle as described above.

Types of payments

It is worth noting that the appointment of a pension for seniority by military personnel consists of several types of payments, namely:

  • position rate;
  • rate for a military specialty or rank;
  • length of service supplement;
  • payments related to indexation of pensions;
  • money back for food and the monthly cost of military rations.

It is also important that the premium for service in remote regions will not be included in the amount received. Since in this case the calculation of the pension payment will be made in accordance with a completely different formula. In addition, at the legislative level, the size of the retirement pension for military servicemen has been adopted and is clearly controlled.

This amount should be exactly 100% of the main part of the old-age pension, which was established at the time of accrual and registration by the military. In practice, it looks like this: if at the time of applying for a pension there is a monetary allowance of 10,000 thousand rubles, then a military pensioner is strictly forbidden to pay below this level.

Can I get two pensions at the same time? How to arrange them?

conditions of appointment of a pension for seniority to military personnel

First of all, each soldier can refuse pension on seniority in favor of a pension, which is issued in old age. In this case, the government developed and secured at the legislative level the possibility of obtaining old-age monetary allowance both for the length of service and a guaranteed old-age pension.

Pension for military service for seniority may be paid together with an old-age pension, subject to the following points:

  • after the end of military service, a person must continue to work under a contract;
  • a person who wishes to receive monetary allowance in old age must reach the required age in accordance with the law;
  • the total insurance period should be at least 5 years;
  • according to the law, the right to receive monetary allowance for the length of service is assigned to a soldier.

It should be borne in mind that when calculating the size of an old-age pension, periods of activity of a military pensioner are not taken into account if they have already been taken into account.

How is the length of service calculated for military personnel who have served under special conditions?

the procedure for assigning a pension for seniority to military personnel

Almost every soldier has information that the length of service does not always occur in calendar terms. If a person performed military service in special conditions or was involved in the performance of complex tasks, then the person is subject to preferential accrual of pension for the seniority of servicemen.

For example, a person took part in hostilities or served at a time when a state of emergency was established. In such situations, a special calculation applies to this person. This rule also applies to those servicemen who took an active part in counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus.

Each month such a service will be tripled. In other words, the month is considered to be 3. Accordingly, the calculation of the pension for the length of service for military personnel will be made 1: 3. The legislation of our country has designated other cases when accrual of seniority is possible by the preferential method. They have the right to use preferential accrual if service and accommodation take place in a region with adverse climatic conditions. These include the Far North and other regions of our country equated to this region.

But there is one crucial point: if a military pensioner resumes his professional career, this payment will not be available. If the person quits, then the payment resumes again and will be re-counted. In this case, an increase will follow for each year worked.

Retirement benefits for military personnel in 2017

grace period for retirement

The coming year will bring to all military pensioners who deserve it, an allowance for years of service. It will be calculated not only in the form of a cash supplement, but also according to the bonus system, namely:

  • in the case when the military experience is over 30 years, then the put bonus will be 1 point;
  • Well, if the military experience was over 40 years, then the bonus will be many times greater - 5 points.

Will there be an index of military pensions in 2017?

The coming year will please many military pensioners, and not only them. The most unprotected layer of the population expect several pleasant surprises at once. Which ones? Read on.

Since February 1 of this year, there has been an increase in pension payments to absolutely all non-working pensioners. The premium was made in the amount of 5.4%. Moreover, the good news does not end there, since from April this payment will still increase by 0.4%. As a result, the overall increase will occur by 5.8%.

How will seniority pension be indexed? As regards a special category of civil servants, in particular, military men, this group of people, as you know, has special rights, so raising their pensions will be as follows:

  • mandatory annual increase of 2% regardless of inflation and other factors;
  • mandatory indexation of pension payments by the percentage of inflation, as you know, it amounted to 5.4%.

If you make simple calculations, the picture is obvious - the pension for military personnel over the long term of service will increase by 7.4%.

accrual of pensions for military servicemen

In addition, military benefits remain for all pensioners. As before, people of advanced age from this layer have the right to use free travel on certain types of public transport. Moreover, absolutely all military pensioners are entitled to a discount when paying for travel in other modes of transport.

But this is not the whole list of benefits. When a person receives the status of a military pensioner, he has every right to take advantage of a 75% discount on a ticket to a sanatorium. It is also important that the tax burden for this category of citizens is much less than for other segments of the population. The tax rebate applies to the vehicle and land. It is worth noting that there is another rather impressive preference in the form of extraordinary compensation for utility bills. That is what the grace period of service for retirement means.


The last few years have been quite complicated for our country. Especially difficult the past tense was for the most unprotected layer of the population - pensioners. But the coming year brought faith and hope that everything will work out, and, as can be seen from all of the above, a positive trend is obvious.

As for military pensioners, the conclusions are clear: this layer of the population of our country is strongly supported by the government. And this is very important. Because retired servicemen have honorably defended their land and people for many years. And when the legal right to a well-deserved rest came, the state did not forget about them, but continues to take care and support financially.


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