Cedar Pad, Vladivostok. Nature reserve, recreation center, hotel, restaurant

Cedar Pad (Vladivostok) is a unique nature reserve with biosphere status. It is one of the oldest in Russia. However, there are other places with the same name. About the reserve, its history and much more will be told in a sketch.

General information

The reserve "Cedar Pad" is located in Vladivostok in the Primorsky Territory, between the border with China and the Amur Bay on the western side. Its height is different, from 40 to 700 meters above sea level. It has an area of โ€‹โ€‹about 18,000 hectares and belongs to the natural zone of coniferous and deciduous forests. Along one side of the reserve lies the Kedrovaya River. The highest points of the Kedrovaya Padi (Vladivostok) on the Sukhorechensky ridge are the peaks of the Krestovaya Mountains, 600 meters, and the Corner, 700 meters. From the Gakkelevsky ridge, the highest point is Mount Chalban.

History of the natural park

The reserve "Cedar Pad" (Vladivostok) is one of the oldest in Russia. This unique biosphere zone was created in 1916. The need to create a reserve was due to the fact that since the 70s of the 19th century, in these places, intensive development of the coastal regions of Primorye began. New ports and trading bases appeared, and active settlement of lands began.

The reserve "Cedar Pad"

In 1911, on the site of the future biosphere reserve, Slavyanskoe forestry was opened. Because of what the territory of forests began to decline. Careless human activities entailed massive forest fires. Everything that happened caused concern of the government, and in 1916, to preserve the unique nature of these places, it was decided to create the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve (Vladivostok).

At the end of the 20th century, Russian ecologists noted a decrease in the number of individuals of the Far Eastern leopard. A special program was developed for its conservation, and in mid-2012 an order was issued by the Ministry of Nature, according to which the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve became part of the newly formed structure - the biosphere reserve. He was also attached to the new Leopard Land National Park.

Vegetable world

Rare, and even relict plants that have survived to our time from the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods grow on the territory of the Kedrovaya Pad. By their diversity, the reserve has no equal in the whole Far East. There are more than 900 species of the highest flora representatives, several species of maple and birch grow at once, and some of the plants can be found only in the Kedrovaya Pad nature reserve (Vladivostok). Of these, 64 species are Red Book.

Despite the fact that the reserve has a relatively small area, there is a diverse and rich fauna. It is an interesting fact that some representatives of Far Eastern animals were found in the Cedar Pad.

The inhabitants of the reserve

The reserve is inhabited by rare species of the animal world, many of which are listed not only in the Red Book of Russia, but also in the World. "Cedar Pad" is the only place in Russia where the Far Eastern leopard constantly lives. Various species of mammals are widely represented here. From rodents you can meet here:

  • red-gray vole;
  • column;
  • American mink;
  • an otter;
  • Shrew
  • rat-shaped hamster.
Far Eastern leopard in the reserve "Cedar Pad"

Of the rare species, it should be noted:

  • Ussuri tubenos;
  • giant shrew;
  • Ikonnikovโ€™s night
  • a tiny shrew is the smallest mammal found in Russia.

In the reserve "Cedar Pad" also live:

  • flying squirrel;
  • Chipmunk
  • Manchurian hare;
  • Ussuri Mogger;
  • roe deer;
  • Himalayan bear;
  • boar;
  • dappled deer;
  • musk deer;
  • forest raccoon.

Amur tiger, forest cat and Far Eastern leopard are found on the territory of the biosphere park. There are ten species of fish in the rivers and keys of the reserve, including salmon - these are kunja and sima. From amphibians you can see a toad, a frog, an angler, a toad, as well as a snake, an Amur long-tailed snake and a snake. Here you can also meet a poisonous moth.

Recreation Center "Cedar Pad" (Vladivostok)

In addition to the Kedrovaya Pad reserve, Vladivostok also has a recreation center of the same name. It includes a whole complex for a comfortable stay. Hotel Kedrovaya Pad (Vladivostok) will offer its guests beautiful rooms with varying degrees of comfort.

Hotel "Cedar Pad"

So, for example, there are standard and deluxe rooms. The rooms have double beds, refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, kettle, various furniture and Wi-Fi. The cost of living ranges from 1750 to 6000 rubles. You can eat in a cafe or in a restaurant. The complex has a sauna, a bathhouse, a hammam, a pool and a playground for children. For the convenience of visitors, parking has been created.

Restaurant "Cedar Pad"

The Kedrovaya Pad Restaurant (Vladivostok) is located next to the hotel. It offers a different assortment of dishes from several cuisines of the world. In addition to traditional Russian cuisine, you can try Chinese, Japanese and Caucasian dishes. It serves meat, fish and vegetables cooked over an open fire, as well as sushi, rolls and seafood. In the recreation center "Cedar Pad" you can enjoy the fresh air, the beauty of nature, comfortable living conditions, as well as excellent cuisine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15248/

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