Holiday Surprise: How to Make Happy Birthday Posters do it yourself

DIY happy birthday posters
Birthday is a special date. In childhood, this holiday is eagerly awaited. And adults are also happy to celebrate it in a close circle of family and close friends, however, trying not to particularly remember the years. In any case, in order to emphasize the solemn, joyful atmosphere, the house is decorated with balloons, flowers, special illumination. And they are preparing many other pleasant surprises.

Ideas for Posters

One of the unexpected and very touching gifts is the “Happy Birthday!” Posters. Do it yourself with your own hands is quite simple. And the hero of the occasion and the invitees will have much more positive emotions than about any gift bought in the store. Children’s faces will be especially happy to shine. And adults will be very, very pleased. So, ideas on how to make “Happy Birthday!” Posters do it yourself. Of course, they should be colorful, cheerful, positive. You can be comic. For girls, girls, women, a floral background, bouquets in the corners as a frame will do. For boys or men, balls, toys, money, elements of fireworks are better. Then on the posters “Happy Birthday!”, With your own hands again, put congratulatory inscriptions. It’s great if you write your own little quatrains-wishes. Well and below, as usual, the signature "from the author."

birthday poster ideas

We realize creative

Suppose you are celebrating a holiday for a 4-15 year old child. In this case, you can make a kind of calendars, posters "Happy Birthday!". With your own hands, the idea is embodied as follows: in the center of a large Whatman paper, write a large headline. For example, “Happy Anniversary!”, “And we are 8 years old today!” etc. And stick a photograph of the child, preferably a little enlarged. Around the same paste other pictures, starting with the earliest, infant ones. And supply them with appropriate original, comic, poetic or prosaic signatures, interspersing congratulations and wishes. Hang whatman in a conspicuous place - there will be no limit to the delight and joy of the child. Similar birthday poster ideas are good for adults as well. Here you can use the principle of "chronicle" on significant dates, special achievements: birth, admission and graduation, high school, wedding, the appearance of children, etc. Such a "calendar" will also be a resounding success. The birthday boy will really like it, will cause the most joyful feelings.

Poster from a homegrown artist

And if the children want to make a hand-made gift to dad or mom? Nothing is simpler: we don’t stick photos, but draw a birthday poster. Of course, one of the parents will have to help his children. Whatman need to be distinguished by a simple pencil into sectors. In each sector, with the help of colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, pictures of festive content are depicted. Adults can only slightly correct or prompt.

draw a birthday poster
And the children try to draw themselves. And signatures-wishes, if they already know how to write at least a little, let them do it themselves. Tie a few inflated balls to the poster - they can hang even when the picture attaches to the wall. And under it, fold the cooked gifts. Sincere, from the heart, such a wonderful, warm surprise will remain in memory for many years.

Be joyful and happy!


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