Grusha Yakovlevskaya: variety description, planting, cultivation, reviews

Pear is a very healthy garden fruit with a large supply of nutrients. Today, many gardeners are engaged in the cultivation of this tree on their site. One of the varieties bred specifically for the central regions of Russia is Yakovlevskaya pear.

Plant characteristics

A tree of this variety has medium growth, a pyramidal crown. It bears fruits of medium and large size, up to 210 grams, of a regular elongated pear shape. On the skin - a waxy coating, its color is green-reddish. The pulp of the fruit is cream in color, with a delicate texture, tastes sweet and sour. Fruits rated 4.5 points.

Pear Yakovlevskaya is characterized by good yields. The fruits are harvested in mid-September. They are stored up to 180 days.

Pear Yakovlevskaya

Pear Yakovlevskaya, the description of which is presented in the article, has excellent winter hardiness. Resistant to scab lesions and entomosporiosis.

The only drawback of the variety is the fineness of the fruit in case of thickening of the crown.

Choosing a place to land

Planting a pear Yakovlevskaya is necessary in a well-lit place. If this condition is not met, you can get the fruits are not too sweet, and the total yield will be less.

Good drainage of the soil is important; stagnation of water is harmful to the tree. To prevent it, you can plant a pear on a hill. Groundwater passage should be no closer than 2-2.5 meters.

To the composition of the soil, the tree is not very demanding, but grows better on sandy-loam-chernozem, as well as loamy or sandy soil, subject to the application of fertilizers. Clay lands are not suitable for wood. If this type of soil is on the site, you should, by all rules, prepare a landing pit. The acidity level is 5.6-6.0.

Pear Care


When planting, it is important not to bury the pear seedling in the ground. The root neck should rise 5 centimeters above the soil.

When planting, the roots are straightened, but in no case are they pruned. You can trim only the aerial part of the plant.

Pear Yakovlevskaya needs pollinators, since the variety is partially self-fertile. On the site, it is necessary to plant trees of other varieties with the same flowering periods.

When planting a pear, organic or superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate are introduced into the pit. With further care for the pear, top dressing is performed depending on the soil. Poor (sandy) lands are fed annually; fertile lands are often not worth fertilizing.

In the first year, flowers cut off almost everything. Then they cut off half of the crop while it is still green. This is done so that the remaining fruits have a larger size.

Watering the tree is carried out weekly in a bucket in the morning and evening. Watering during fruiting is very important. At this time, the tree is laying the buds for the next year. If there is not enough moisture, the yield will decline both this and next year. Watering is completed in August, with the exception of dry years.

Caring for a pear involves constant mulching of the trunk circle with horse decayed manure. Before the onset of winter, the booth is covered with air and water permeable material to protect the tree during winter.

Pear Yakovlevskaya description

As a fight against rodents, special nets are used. You can also tie the barrel with nylon tights.

It is important to loosen and weed the trunk circle. You can fence it with a border tape.

Pruning the crown helps shape the future crop and prevent disease. Pear should be cut annually. This is usually done in early spring before the buds open. Branches that lie on the ground must be cleaned.

Of the young branches, only the strongest, the weakest are left, and the curves are cut off. In total, no more than ΒΌ of the total volume of branches should be removed. If you remove a larger volume, it will be a huge stress for the tree.

Specialists highly recommend not pruning a tree in the autumn.

Pear Yakovlevskaya reviews


Pear Yakovlevskaya collects reviews about himself mostly positive. Gardeners note:

  • great taste;
  • long keeping fruit;
  • non-susceptibility to disease;
  • high winter hardiness.

The pear is well transported, consumed fresh and goes to harvest.

Owners note some whimsicality of the variety and the need for thinning the crown to obtain large fruits. But this moment does not frighten experienced gardeners, because the process of caring for this tree has few differences from that of other fruit trees.


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