Financial law: concept, foundations, norms

Financial law is a set of certain legal norms, the main task of which is to regulate public relations arising at the time of formation and distribution of monetary resources by state authorities (as well as local authorities) in the process of implementation of the main tasks of their activities.

This branch of law, like everyone else, has a subject, its own methods, basic concepts and norms enshrined in law. The subject of financial law are social relations arising at the time of formation and redistribution of monetary funds . In simple non-legal language, the state needs financial resources, that is, money, to realize its basic functions. Relations in society arising from the formation and redistribution of these funds are the main subject of regulation of the financial law industry.

The concept of "financial law" has two main aspects. Firstly, this is a branch of science such as jurisprudence, and secondly, the branch of general Russian law. As a science, financial law studies the basic rules that govern the relationship between various institutions of government and people in the process of conducting their financial and economic activities. When we talk about financial law as an integral part of general Russian law, we mean by it a set of norms that act as the main regulator of the relationship between people and state institutions in the process of conducting their financial activities.

Norms of financial law - a set of specific rules of conduct adopted in public relations of state authorities and people based on the formation and use of fixed assets. Norms, as a rule, are established by the state itself, are generally accepted for all participants arising in the process of distribution of funds, and secure the legal rights of these same participants. Financial law has a close relationship with constitutional law, covering the activities of the state as a whole and being a leading industry in the system of Russian jurisprudence.

The main objective of the methods of financial law is to prevent violations of its basic norms and rules. This is achieved through administrative and civil law methods. Russian financial law has several sources:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation, fixing the foundations of the financial system of the country as a whole and its individual areas.
  • Normative and legal acts of executive, representative, local authorities.
  • Decisions of the government of the country.
  • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Ministry of Finance.
  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

All normative acts, which include financial law, are united by one general concept - the financial legislation of the Russian Federation. In other words, we can say that financial legislation is a specific form of expression of objects of financial law. All relationships arising from the creation and distribution of monetary resources are a type of property relationship and are public in nature.

Financial law as a discipline is taught in all legal and economic higher educational institutions of our country. The study of the course begins, as a rule, with the development of basic concepts and terms, the history of the development of this system in Russia. Modern students begin to comprehend the basics of financial law in high school, since the study of legal disciplines is the key to the successful education of a legally literate generation of people.


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