"Megafol": instructions for use, reviews

Every summer resident wants to grow a good harvest of various kinds of vegetables, fruits and berries. However, sometimes it happens that even the most careful care of cucumbers, strawberries, tomatoes or peppers does not give the desired result. The reasons for the decline in yield of horticultural crops may be different. But almost always the situation can be corrected using modern growth stimulants. There are many varieties of such drugs on sale. At the same time, Megafol is considered one of the best.

megafol instructions for use

Main advantages

This relatively new product on the market has earned popularity primarily for its environmental safety. The composition of the drug "Megafol" does not include absolutely no substances harmful to human health.

The benefits of this tool include, but are not limited to:

  • perfect balance of all components;
  • universality;
  • possibility of use even during harvesting;
  • ability to improve the penetration of fertilizers into plant tissues.

Unlike animal stimulants, the growth of the treated cultures is affected by absolutely all the elements that are part of the Megafol preparation, the instructions for the use of which will be discussed below.

megafol instructions for use when to apply

Stimulator Composition

The main components of the drug "Megafol" are:

  • amino acids (28%);
  • soluble potassium (8%);
  • nitrogen (3%);
  • carbon of plant origin (9%).

The amino acids included in the preparation are obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of organic (plant) substrates containing a large amount of proteins. Externally, Megafol is a brown liquid. This drug is usually packaged in small 5 liter cans. Sometimes on sale you can also find bottles with a capacity of 30 ml or 1 liter. The drug "Megafol" is absolutely non-toxic not only for humans, but also for bees and other insects.

megafol instructions for use reviews

What is used for

You can use the drug "Megafol" for:

  • strengthening the vegetative development of crops;
  • stimulation of metabolic activity of plants;
  • maintaining energy reserves of crops;
  • stimulation of pollination and fruit formation.

The developer of the product recommends using it not only to stimulate the growth of various garden crops, but also to protect them from drought and severe temperature extremes. Very often this drug is also used to remove fruit trees and shrubs from winter "hibernation". For the same purpose, it can be used for ornamental plants.

megafol instructions for use expiration date

What tools can be used

Ease of use is also what distinguishes the Megafol preparation. The instructions for use of this tool allow it to be processed simultaneously with any pesticides. Also, spraying plants with Metafol is often done in combination with foliar application. It is believed that the Master fertilizer, as well as Radifarm, can significantly enhance its action.

There are also substances with which this drug is unacceptable to mix. These include:

  • oils;
  • phosphoric acids;
  • copper.

At the same time as copper-containing fungicides, Megafol is allowed to be used only for processing grapes, tomatoes, olives and artichokes.

What crops can I use

The undoubted advantage of this drug is that it can be used to stimulate the development of almost all garden and horticultural crops. It is also often used to process cereals in large agricultural companies.

If necessary, MegoFol can be used both for plants in open ground and in greenhouses or greenhouses. The greatest effect from the use of this drug is obtained on crops of early ripening.

megafol instructions for the use of root dressing

Developer recommendations for use

So, the effectiveness of action and absolute harmlessness - this is what distinguishes the drug "Megafol". Instructions for use are extremely simple. However, certain rules must be followed when applying it. So, for example, it is impossible to prepare a working solution in food utensils. Plant treatment should be carried out in the absence of children and animals. Before starting spraying, it is advisable to test the drug on a small number of plants.

After finishing work, wash your hands with soap. The empty canister should be burned.

A working solution is prepared by mixing the amount of the preparation necessary for processing a particular culture with water. It should be done in such a way that in the process it will be spent all without a trace. Working solution is not subject to storage.

megafol instructions for use root watering

"Megafol": instructions for use for different cultures

It is recommended that fruit and berry plants be treated with this preparation before flowering or the formation of fruits begins. You also need to use this tool in case of any delays in the development of cultures. For spraying fruit and berry plants, the drug is diluted in a proportion of 250-350 ml per 100 liters of water.

Vegetables using MegaFol are processed approximately 15 days after planting. Further spraying is preferably done at intervals of every two weeks before harvesting. The treatment of plants of this group is carried out with a solution prepared also in a ratio of 250-350 ml per 100 l of water. The exception is those cases when spraying is performed in a greenhouse. The plants are treated with a less concentrated solution (150 ml per 100 l).


As you can see, with regard to garden and horticultural crops, the instructions for use are very simple for the Megafol preparation. When to apply it to agricultural plants? There are also clear recommendations from developers regarding this. So, it is desirable to spray corn and legumes at the stage of tillering and heading. For such crops use 0.5-1.5 l of the drug per hectare. For industrial plants, the agent is used in an amount of 1-2 l per ha.

It is recommended to use "Megafol" for processing vegetables, fruits and crops during drought and in spring with return frosts. Also, the stimulant proved to be very good after treatment of plantings with herbicides. The use of Megafol in all these cases helps plants recover from stress experienced faster.

Some summer residents are interested, of course, and in what Megafol preparation instruction for use for flowers exists. In this case, 2-2.5 ml of the product is dissolved in one liter of water. You need to water the flowers every 10-15 days.

In what cases it is not necessary to carry out processing

The drug "Megafol" can not cause any harm to plants. However, dosages recommended by the manufacturer must be observed. Actually, the treatment itself is carried out in the morning or in the evening in calm weather. Otherwise, burns may appear on the leaves and stems of plants.

It is not recommended to spray with the Megafol culture preparation:

  • in the rain;
  • in the event that the green parts of the plants are wet;
  • more than twice a week.

Here is the instruction for use with the Megafol preparation. Root dressing of plants using this tool is best avoided. The solution should also act on the green parts.

Reviews of summer residents

All gardeners who have already managed to test the drug "Megafol", consider it very good. After spraying with a solution, the plants really begin to develop much better. Garden and horticultural crops are less sick and yield a much larger yield. Therefore, in specialized forums, experienced summer residents recommend it to beginners unconditionally. It is believed that this tool is really capable of working miracles. Positive points include summer residents and the fact that the preparation “Megafol” has very simple instructions for use. Reviews about this tool in terms of harmlessness to plants are also positive.

megafol instructions for use for flowers

According to gardeners, using "Megafol" is useful absolutely for any crops grown. It is possible to spray them not only vegetable, fruit and berry crops. Very well, this tool stimulates the development of flowering plants. The decorative qualities of various kinds of coniferous "Megafol" is able to increase at times. In this case, the Megafol preparation is also simple for use. Watering under the root when processing conifers, of course, is undesirable. However, sometimes it happens that it is not possible to spray the crown completely with this drug. After all, Christmas trees and pines can grow very tall. In this case, you can treat the reached branches by spraying, and water the tree with the rest of the solution. Prepare a tool for processing conifers in the same proportion as for fruit crops.


So, we have found out what Megafol preparation instruction is for. The shelf life of this product is 36 months from the date of manufacture. That is, the drug can be stored for up to three years. But only in closed containers. Keeping Megafol is recommended in a cool dark place, away from pets, children and food.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1526/

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