DDE trimmer: features and reviews

Lawn mowers as a separate class of gardening equipment have long been segmented into several categories. From this group, in particular, trimmers and scythes came out, characterized by more compact sizes, high mobility and ergonomics. Quality equipment of this type is being developed by DDE. In its assortment you can find models of trimmers of various designs, both with gasoline and modern electric drives. Almost all DDE trimmers have a design that assumes an overhead engine, which also adds functionality and convenience to the tool.

trimmer dde

Key Features

The quality of the mowing and, in principle, the ability to work with a particular lawn is determined by power. DDE developers do not strive for a wide coverage of the power range, focusing on the household segment. Therefore, electric models are equipped on average with engines of 1-1.2 kW, and gasoline units receive 1.5-2 liters. with. that too a little. An important parameter is the bevel width. The maximum coverage of the strip is provided by the DDE petrol trimmer - 44 cm. Electrical analogues work with bevel zones from 23 to 39 cm. From the point of view of the construction device, the type of handle is also important - the physical mechanics of handling the equipment depend on it during operation. Typically, gasoline models have more pronounced controls - for example, a D-shaped grip, which is especially convenient when working with hard-to-reach areas. For flat surfaces it is better to use electric models with T-shaped handles. They are easier to manage and do not require excessive force control during mowing. By the way, the convenience of working with scythes is also affected by their mass. It averages from 3 to 7 kg.

Features of electrical apparatus

Some differences between the representatives of both segments have already been noted, but the difference between them is much deeper and more significant. So, electric models have the following advantages:

  • Lightweight design - usually a weight of 3-4 kg.
  • No need to regularly refuel the engine. However, the electric drive does not eliminate the performance of anti-friction lubrication.
  • No harmful emissions after processing the fuel mixture.
  • More affordable price. For example, an electric trimmer DDE EB1200RD is the most expensive model in this segment and is estimated at 6 thousand rubles. For comparison, this amount is required for the purchase of mid-range gasoline units.

If we talk about the shortcomings of electric trimmers, then the most important ones are two. The first is dependent on the power grid, and the second is expressed in low power. By the way, there is a relatively new segment of battery modifications that are relieved of sockets, but the market does not have such products from DDE.

Features of gasoline motokos

petrol trimmer dde

This is a powerful technique that, of course, cannot compete with traditional lawn mowers, but by the standards of a hand-operated tool, it is very productive. The advantages of gas trimmers include, respectively, independence from the power source (if you do not take fuel into account) and from weather conditions. With an electric model, for example, one cannot look after a grassy coating in the open air at the slightest sign of rain. It is advisable to use a gasoline trimmer DDE in regular maintenance of large areas of the lawn, in which hard-to-reach spots are present. This technique gives two operational advantages: high speed with wide coverage of the bevel strip and compact size with the possibility of delicate trimming of edges, for example, in squares and parks.

Consumables and accessories for trimmer

The manufacturer DDE offers its customers a wide range of nozzles, accessories and consumables. Together with the trimmer it is recommended to purchase fishing line, knives, discs and other equipment, which will basically guarantee the operability of the tool. In the choice of materials, they pay attention not only to the type of brushcutter, but also take into account the nature of the grass cover. For example, for ordinary grass, an electric DDE trimmer provided with nylon fishing line is suitable. But in cleaning the area from plants with thick stems or dead wood, a gasoline unit, supplemented by metal knives or, in extreme cases, plastic blades, will most likely help. For the convenience of the physical use of the trimmer, it will not be superfluous to acquire devices for carrying equipment. In such needs, it is worth using either universal lockable handles that are attached to the equipment rod, or hinged holding belts.

electric trimmer dde

Reviews on the model GB33RD

The device with a traditional gasoline electric drive of 1.33 liters. from. and a processing width of 44 cm. Users characterize the model as reliable, powerful and ergonomic. Many add to the pluses and a low price tag of 5-6 thousand rubles. This is really a modest cost for a gasoline unit, but it is caused by just not the most powerful two-stroke engine. Does this drawback affect the practice of use? As noted by the owners, the DDE GB33RD gas trimmer starts up without any problems and performs its function stably. Moreover, both in conditions of surface adjustment of the cover, and in dense vegetation. In the first case, it is recommended to use a fishing line, and in the second - a disk. But the GB33RD's power is still more suitable for fishing line.

As for the shortcomings, many complain about the need to create a special mixture of fuel based on gasoline and oil. This also leads to the need for regular cleaning of the filter.

Reviews on the model GBS430R

trimmers dde reviews

In a sense, the premium version of the gas trimmer, the cost of which reaches 13 thousand rubles. With a 1.68-horsepower engine, the unit captures a 40 cm strip, allowing you to use a combination of trimmer head and disc. Users especially emphasize the power potential, which is enough even for working with high vegetation and massive stems. The package also earned a lot of positive feedback - for example, the user’s armament will even have a special knife for cutting burdocks. Technological additions like the anti-vibration system, which only expensive DDE trimmers receive, are also noted. Reviews indicate that thanks to this system, the load on the arms and shoulders during work is minimized. But it does not completely eliminate the inconvenience of managing this trimmer. Still, many owners criticize the model for its great weight and bulkiness.

EB1200RD Model Reviews

This is already an electric version of a trimmer with a capacity of 1.23 kW with a bevel width of 39 cm. As for the reviews, according to gardeners, the model copes well with cutting tasks, including hard grass. It has a convenient, from the point of view of assembly and disassembly, design, as well as a fairly wide configuration. Among the additional options noted soft start system. With its help, the DDE EB1200RD trimmer starts up without jerks and unnecessary vibrations - the mechanism is entered into the desired operating mode in the first minute of operation. If we talk about the minuses, then among them there will be a short cord and not the most ergonomic shoulder strap. Some users experience inconvenience when adjusting its mounting hardware.

trimmer dde eb1200rd

How to choose the best DDE trimmer?

You should focus on the main characteristics, but also do not forget about the design and ergonomic features of the model. The complex takes into account the power potential, the bevel width, the configuration of the placement and the device of the handle, as well as the type of engine and the possibility of using different equipment.

For domestic use, a lightweight electric modification, equipped with a simple handle, an adjustable bar and a fishing line for beveling, is quite suitable. Such models do a good job of spot pruning in difficult places where it will be useless to use a conventional lawn mower. For large areas and maintenance of public areas, you can immediately look at the segment of gasoline units. For example, the DDE GB33RD trimmer can be considered as a universal model both for communal services leading a housekeeping and for ordinary summer residents who want to have a powerful and productive tool for regular maintenance of their territory.

Instructions for use

trimmer dde gb33rd

Before work, the tool is mounted in a single design from complete parts. Special attention is paid to the system of fastening and holding the working equipment. Further, the equipment is connected to a power outlet or refuel with a prepared oil-fuel mixture. In the first case, it is recommended to use special holders for the cord, which will not allow the plug to go out of the network in case of an accidental jerk. The DDE trimmer is in hinged position - some models require a certain amount of time to gain enough speed. During mowing, the device is held above the cover in front of itself. You should make unhurried movements from side to side, carrying out the elimination of excess vegetation. When decorative cutting or working with edges in difficult to access places, you can change the position of the working part relative to the surface of the earth.

Maintenance Instructions

Key maintenance activities related to the replacement of functional equipment. In particular, periodic updating of fishing line in the reel, sharpening of disks and blades, as well as checking the gearbox are required. It is worth noting that the deformation of solid cutting elements is a fairly common occurrence. The blade may stumble upon a stone or enter the ground when an operator is overlooked, as a result of which its structure will be deformed. In such situations, it is worth buying new knives for the DDE trimmer . The instruction recommends a responsible approach to cleaning the device. Function blocks with external surfaces get rid of grass particles and other contaminants. It is advisable to wash the case with soapy water and then wipe it with a soft cloth. After cleaning, all moisture should be eliminated - the electric motor must not remain wet.


electric trimmer dde eb1200rd

DDE is not in the forefront of specialized manufacturers of gardening equipment, so its products occupy a very modest place in the general assortment. But this does not mean that in terms of technical and operational characteristics, it is seriously inferior to more eminent products. Of course, the DDE trimmer may lack some high-tech features, a wide variety of modifications, and the same battery versions.

But if you approach the assessment of units of this brand from the practical point of view of the ordinary homeowner, gardener or summer resident, then the existing proposals may well perform typical work tasks. The compact electric apparatus will be able to cope with the decorative adjustment of the cover, delicately capturing hard-to-reach areas, and the gasoline model, in turn, effectively performs the main bevel in large areas.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15260/

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