Why does garlic turn yellow? Main reasons

Very often, when shoots of garlic appear, and it begins to gain strength, gardeners observe a strange picture: the leaves of the plant turn yellow. If we consider the time of planting, then the one that sits in the winter is more prone to change. So why does winter garlic turn yellow? This can be caused by several reasons that are associated with technology and proper care. Or rather, with their violations. To establish the true reason why garlic turns yellow, the exclusion method must be applied.

why does garlic turn yellow

Main reasons

1. Untimely landing

The teeth of the plant were planted ahead of schedule, and they managed not only to take root, but also to begin to grow. As a result, young but weak shoots freeze even in mild frost. The best time for landing is considered to be a deep autumn. Garlic turns yellow if the erected beds are not covered with mulch for the winter. To do this, use humus or compost.

2. Lack of fertilizer

Thinking about why garlic turns yellow, analyze the amount and time of fertilizing. For the winter variety, nitrogen is needed, which is very quickly washed out of the soil. Its shortage is filled in the early spring, using nitrogen-containing mixtures or humus and urea. In autumn, mineral fertilizing is better not to use, they, together with spring water, will go deep. It is better to use natural organics. With a lack of potassium and magnesium, their sulfate species are used, based on five liters of water, 10 g and 100 g, respectively.

3. Soil acidity

Too acidic soils can be another reason why garlic turns yellow. In this case, lime should be added to the ground during preparation for planting in any of its compounds. With increased acidity, about 60 kg of powder is needed per hundred square meters, 40 kg is taken on medium-acid soils, and 30 kg on slightly acidic soils.

4. Lack of water

When the head begins to form, you need regular watering. This time falls on May and June. Inadequate watering is another reason why garlic turns yellow.

garlic turns yellow

5. Diseases and pests

One of the important reasons why garlic turns yellow. Diseases include white and bacterial rot, black mold and fusarium. This can be avoided by preliminary soaking the seed in a solution of potassium permanganate. And if untreated teeth were planted, they shed the beds with a weak solution of water and salt - one tablespoon per five liters. Of the pests, the stem nematode is considered the most dangerous. These little worms cannot be seen with a simple eye. But their activity is easy to see through a magnifying glass if you dig a couple of heads. They will show their presence by cracks around the drying roots, peeling off scales and an unpleasant odor. It is enough to dig out the garlic and see the pests. Infected bulbs are removed from the site and burned outside. The proximity of garlic to calendula, thyme, marigold, mint and coriander will serve as a good prevention against parasites.

why does winter garlic turn yellow


It is not recommended to plant plants after potatoes and onions, they have the same disease. When foliage turns yellow, garlic is fed with complex mineral fertilizers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15267/

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