Valtec products: reviews, overview, selection

Having decided to repair the apartment themselves, most Russian families do not expect a dirty trick. After all, glue the wallpaper, lay the laminate, and even fix the suspended ceiling under the power of a skilled owner. And watching several videos on the Internet will eliminate the lack of knowledge and give confidence.

However, the installation of intra-apartment and intra-house engineering networks without the involvement of specialists will cause a lot of difficulties for the average person. To cope with the repair of the whole system or design upgrade is perfectly acceptable with Valtec components. Reviews on the use of high quality materials and spare parts of the company give hope for the smooth operation of the equipment in the long term.

Valtec Brand

In 2002, an Italian company began producing household goods. Over the next year, goods were delivered to Russia. Today, co-production with an affordable price compares favorably with expensive items of the same orientation.

Connecting elements


According to available reviews, Valtec consumers prefer because of the good ratio of cost and quality of materials. A variety of products will allow you to find your product in the domestic market, presented in the categories:

  • pipelines;
  • fittings;
  • metering devices;
  • underfloor heating system;
  • Filters
  • instrumentation;
  • elements of automation;
  • collector systems;
  • radiator and control valves;
  • Pumps
  • flexible hoses;
  • membrane tanks;
  • tool.

The first seven categories of goods were especially popular in the repair industry.

Crane device


Depending on the material, this type of component is divided into 3 subgroups: metal-polymer and polymer, polypropylene and stainless steel.

The first subgroup of Valtec pipes is classified as follows:

  1. Universal multi-layer, which are used for water supply and heating. The advantages are anticorrosive properties of the material, prevention of damage due to exposure to aggressive chemicals, increased smoothness of the inner surface, ease of installation. Products are sold in rollers 40, 60, 80, 100 and 200 meters long with diameters: 16 x 2, 20 x 2, 26 x 3, 32 x 3, 40 x 3.5 mm.
  2. Samples of cross-linked polyethylene are particularly resistant to temperature extremes, low resistance to water flow, quite elastic and are resistant to corrosion. Samples of 16 x 2 and 20 x 2 mm are sold in coils of 100 and 200 m.
  3. High-temperature-resistant polyethylene pipes are characterized by a high degree of strength; they are recommended for hot water supply, a complete floor heating and transportation of household and industrial fluids. Available with a diameter of 16 x 2 mm and a length of 200 m.

Polypropylene pipes “Valtek” are produced in two versions: single-layer and multi-layer. Experts call the advantages of the samples the convenience of installation by the method of socket welding and the absence of internal overgrowing. The company launched the production of goods reinforced with fiberglass and aluminum, and used in engineering installations of plumbing, heating and technological type. Valtec also includes pipes for joining and insulating pipes, fittings and installation tools as a Valpec polypropylene subgroup.

Instances of stainless steel are durable, unchanged in form inside and out, hygienic and predictable, which gives the consumer a sense of reliability for a long time.

When choosing Valtek pipes, it must be taken into account that the purchase of cheap polypropylene pipes and fittings for them will not be able to significantly reduce costs. After all, the cost of installation, using budget components, will several times exceed the installation and fitting of stainless samples.


The company has launched production of Valtec ball valves for the following purposes:

  1. A group of water representatives, including 3 items: Base, Perfect, Compact.
  2. Gas taps.
  3. Special purpose.
  4. For household appliances.
  5. Gates and gate valves.

In a separate line, experts single out components for cranes. Valtec is distinguished by the production of its own spare parts, including handles and other accessories for fittings.

Pipeline accessories

The manufacturer positions pipeline products and fittings for them as an inexpensive product, adapted to Russian reality and satisfying the maximum requirements of customers.

Metering devices

The category of goods that consider the consumption of natural and energy resources is represented by meters and specialized inserts of the Valtec brand. Reviews on the models indicate the availability of devices to almost all categories of citizens.

Water meters operate at temperatures up to 90 ° C, differ in the accuracy of measurements and are available in five versions, two of which have a pulse output for external monitoring.

Heat meters are increasingly in demand, as they reduce the cost of utilities. The Valtec counter group, known for its three samples in the form of electronic systems, counts, processes and displays information on the screen or on a special remote control.

Underfloor heating system

Warm floor

The company's developers have released several technical solutions for the installation of water floor insulation. These decisions are reflected in the diagrams and tables reflecting the number of component materials. The schemes differ in area indicators and are presented for rooms of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 120 m 2 . The standard Valtec floor heating kit consists of:

  • pipes;
  • coated polystyrene boards;
  • ball and drain valves;
  • automatic air vent;
  • shut-off valves;
  • collector cabinet;
  • crimp connectors;
  • brackets and tees for collectors;
  • corner locks;
  • collector with valves and taps;
  • damper tape;
  • fixing brackets.


The devices are used for rough cleaning of liquids, oils and other products from impurities in order to prevent breakdowns of household appliances and the formation of blockages.

Water filter

There are 5 varieties in the Valtec filter line:

  1. Oblique samples, the case of which is made of brass, and the inner element of stainless steel with an additional Teflon gasket, operate at temperatures up to 150 ° C.
  2. Direct filters, whose operation is based on changing the direction of the liquid, differ from previous instances by the presence of a synthetic rubber sealant.
  3. A small-sized representative is produced in a single version, similar to a direct filter according to its characteristics, but can be installed in small areas in a cramped position.
  4. Universal filters can be mounted on any pipe, regardless of fluid flow. Here the flask is installed in the direction of the working movement, turbulence and purification take place.
  5. Self-cleaning models have two mesh elements with different mesh sizes, which makes it possible to filter small particles.


The equipment group is represented by pressure gauges and specialized fittings.

Pressure gauges are used to control pressure in water and heating systems and look like ordinary meters. Valtec produces 2 types of pressure gauges with bottom connection and 1 version with upper connection. The latter is used in conjunction with a pressure reducer.

Ball valve

The fittings for the instrumentation are made in the form of ball valves and have several variations:

  • to connect a temperature sensor;
  • for connecting a manometer;
  • normal complete with a thermometer.

Automation Elements

Devices in this category are responsible for the comfort and ease of use of Valtec equipment. Reviews about automatic devices deserve special attention, since they are only positive. Users note that the installation of additional elements provides not only ease of handling, but also the safe operation of engineering systems and other company products.

The equipment is divided into several types, among which:

  • Wi-Fi data acquisition and transmission device;
  • wireless dispatch system;
  • thermostats and sensors;
Thermostat mounting
  • controllers and communicators of water floors;
  • device for remote control of heating radiators;
  • thermal heads and drives.

There are practically no complaints about the automation manufactured by the Valtec brand, both from the installers and from the consumers. Professionals speak of the good quality of most product samples manufactured by the company.

Choosing an affordable sample, experts recommend paying attention to the manufacturer and giving preference to those products that are by ear. After all, it has long been known that without the help of a specialist it is easy to replace a valve or filter. It is quite difficult to fix a leak or reinstall a warm floor on your own, and with the involvement of professionals it is also expensive. Therefore, the adoption of informed decisions from the first minute of repair and the purchase of quality goods will save the consumer from many problems in the future.


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