Napoleon Hill Inspirational Quote.

All people would like to change something in their lives: quit their hated job and find a more interesting and well-paid job, move to the city of dreams or go on a trip around the world, in a word, go beyond the boundaries of everyday life and feel truly successful.

But not everyone succeeds in fulfilling their wishes, and some dreams remain only dreams. In order to achieve your goals, you need qualities such as responsibility, hard work and self-confidence. But the most important role is played by motivation - it is it that determines everything.

Napoleon Hill Quotes from the Book

One of the sources of motivation is the inspirational statements of people who have already become successful. One of them is the American writer and journalist Napoleon Hill, whose quotes about life can often be found in articles on how to achieve your goals.


Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in the United States, Virginia. The place of his birth was a forest hut in the mountains.

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

He studied at Georgetown University at the Faculty of Jurisprudence. As a student, Hill worked as a newspaper reporter, thus earning enough money to pay for his studies. Once, the governor of Tennessee, impressed by Hill's reports, ordered from him several articles about successful people.

The first article in the series was dedicated to Andrew Carnegie, whom Napoleon Hill also made a great impression on. Over the next 20 years, the journalist was engaged in interviewing famous people, questioning them in detail about their lives in order to derive a universal formula for success. His interlocutors became well-known American entrepreneurs, bankers, lawyers and even three presidents.

Napoleon Hill's famous book “Think and Grow Rich” was published in 1928 exactly two decades after the fateful acquaintance with Andrew Carnegie. Throughout his life, the writer continued to improve and supplement it. In the book, Hill talks about his life, his personal philosophy of success, and also shares with readers tips on how to achieve their goals.

Napoleon Hill Business Quotes

This was followed by such achievements as the establishment of the Napoleon Hill Association, the formation of the foundation of the same name, and others. Napoleon Hill's book “Think and Grow Rich” marked the beginning of the genre of works on self-development and personal growth.

Throughout his life, a journalist conducted educational activities and taught people how to succeed. He died at the age of 80 on November 8, 1970, having lived a long and productive life.

Quotes of Napoleon Hill. "Who told you?.."

Who told you that this is impossible? And who is he to apply the word “impossible” so simply to your ideas?

This statement by Hill suggests that a person should not listen to people who do not support his undertakings.

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

If you give up every time someone says that their plan is impossible, it is unlikely that they will be able to achieve anything. The deciding factor should be your own beliefs, but not the opinions of others. If a person trusts others rather than himself, then this is a sign of uncertainty, which can become a serious obstacle in the process of achieving the goal.

Of course, sometimes the opinion of others can be useful, but only if it is justified constructive criticism expressed to help.

Potential success

Any failure carries the seed of potential success.

This quote from Napoleon Hill’s book should always be kept in mind.

Each successful person can confirm that before he achieved his goals, he encountered many obstacles that were not always overcome.

Failures happen to anyone. The essence of the above quote by Napoleon Hill is that any perfect mistake is an experience that will be useful in the future and will help to achieve success. Therefore, failures should beware, but one should not be pathologically afraid of doing something wrong. Fear of making a mistake often leads to complete inaction, which is definitely worse than any defeat.

Ladder to success

On the upper steps of the staircase leading to success, there is never a rush of crowds.

This quote from Napoleon Hill about business explains the main principle by which life operates: the winners are always a minority.

Napoleon Hill Quotes from the Book

Inspired by the success of others, many begin their journey to the fulfillment of a dream, but only a few get to the end without giving up and without losing faith in themselves after many trials.

The staircase leading to success, as quoted by Napoleon Hill, can also be compared to a mountain or rock. At the base it is the widest, but the higher the mountain, the narrower it becomes, and not everyone who started the ascent will be able to get to the very top. But, once there, we should not forget that the most difficult thing is to stay at the top. It’s easy to get off the top, the fall will be long, and the landing painful.

About knowledge

What is valuable is not knowledge per se, but how it can be used.

If in one of Napoleon Hill’s previous quotes about business and success, it was said that any perfect mistake brings experience, then these statements teach to rationally manage acquired knowledge.

Experience alone is not of great value. It becomes useful only when it is used correctly. If one day to forget about a perfect mistake, then it is likely to repeat it again. In the Russian language there is a phraseologism about it - “twice on the same rake”.

napoleon hill quotes about life

In order to do the right thing next time, it is necessary to analyze the situation that has happened and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Last step

The longer you go to success, the closer it becomes. Too many give up one step to victory. This step will be taken by others.

This quote from Napoleon Hill once again reminds us that you need to strive for your goal even when it begins to seem like it's pointless.

Important features of the winner that need to be developed in yourself are persistence and the habit of going to the end. Otherwise, why start to achieve success with the thought that there is an opportunity to ever give up, having almost reached the desired and give up your dream to a competitor?


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