Lamps for the bath: a review of models, reviews

Building a bathhouse is a difficult issue. But finishing the bath is no less important event. And, as everyone has long known, good lighting is very important. That’s why we’ll talk today about bath lights. Consider the various options.

Features of such lamps

It should be understood that the fixtures for the bath are noticeably different from the classic lighting devices. The bathhouse has special operating conditions. It is very hot and humid. Accordingly, for the lamp to last for a long time in such conditions, it is necessary that it be of high quality. The materials of such products should not emit toxic substances when heated, which will occur very often during the operation of the device.

Fire safety is also an important point, therefore, it is desirable that the fixtures for the bath have a lampholder and other internal parts made of ceramics. It is desirable that the lighting device has a margin of operating temperature up to 250 degrees.

Moisture protection is one more important criterion. The level of protection for bath lights must comply with IP 54, but not lower! Corrosion protection is a moment that is important. The components of the lighting device should not come into disrepair, losing their aesthetic initial appeal. The moisture-proof heat-resistant lamp for a bath from safe materials is an ideal option!


It is worth saying that not all materials are suitable for the production of lighting devices for a bath. But among the materials there are precisely those that are not only suitable for bath lights, but also very preferred for them. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail.

steam room light


For wall bath shades, a special thick opaque (cloudy, opaque) glass is often used. If the product is tight, then it is possible to use an incandescent lamp. Glass waterproof luminaires for the bath are diverse in their design, they differ in color and shape of shades. Structurally, they can have decorative metal grilles.

There are also very rare original options, for example, a lamp that imitates an old kerosene lamp with its shape. I must say that glass and dark metal "antique" perfectly combine and look incredibly impressive. Such options are permissible to use only in large-area baths, because such lamps themselves are very bulky and massive.

waterproof bath light

Heat resistant plastic

Such material is mainly used in budget versions of fixtures for baths and saunas. There is nothing wrong with this material, but in terms of aesthetics it loses to all other options. Plastic is cheap and cheerful. Suitable products for the bath without frills.

light in the bath

Aluminum and stainless steel

Use in expensive fixtures. These materials are not afraid of water, that is, a lamp made of aluminum or stainless steel does not corrode and does not lose its original attractiveness over the years. You need to understand that metals heat up very well, and you can get burned about them accidentally during operation. Therefore, you need to carefully consider the location of such lamps in the bath.

Himalayan salt

This is the case when the material can not only be used in the bath, but even should. The material is environmentally friendly, has a special embossed surface texture. During operation, a lamp made of this material creates a very soft flicker. In addition, the material has a therapeutic effect on human health.

Himalayan salt can be used as a kind of lampshade or as solid plates, which are diffusers for various kinds of light sources.

When heated, a unique material ionizes the room and emits a lot of healthy elements, which is what creates a powerful healing effect. Such material is effective for various pathologies of the bronchi, as well as for skin diseases or for mild disorders of the nervous system. An important point lies in the fact that Himalayan salt does not lose its properties at all over the years.

Himalayan salt can have completely different colors and shades, so you can easily choose a heat-resistant lamp for a bath made of Himalayan salt, which will successfully fit into the interior of your bathhouse. Salt lamps in the steam room are especially effective.


The material blends in perfectly with absolutely any bathroom interior, continuing the style you have chosen and being the last touch in it. The material is 100% natural and precisely environmentally friendly. It is from wood that you can make a lamp in the bathhouse with your own hands. Usually decorative grilles and screens for lamps are made of wood. But there are craftsmen who make structures from an integral part of wood.

Of the widespread species of wood for bath fixtures, one can distinguish abach, linden, less often cedar. These rocks feel great in high humidity (if we are talking about a Russian bath) and can easily tolerate extreme heat (if we are talking about a Finnish sauna). No exorbitant loads do not spoil the aesthetically attractive appearance of the above wood, and linden is also the most budgetary among them. The peculiarity of abash and cedar is the fact that they do not heat up. And this means that you will not get burned about such a product.

Steam room lighting

Varieties of lamps and fixtures

Incandescent lamps are still found, although they are a thing of the past not only in baths, but also in general. When using such devices in the bath, experts recommend limiting themselves to a power of 60 watts. These experts also recommend looking for alternatives to incandescent lamps.

LED lamps are fireproof, moisture resistant and durable. In addition, they consume very little electricity. Some LED light sources have a safety class of IP 65, which means that they can be used even in water. Powerful LEDs are best covered with diffusers, because a person’s eyes can quickly get tired of them, and a bathhouse is a resting place for the whole body, so your eyes do not need to be given a reason to overstrain.

LED sauna light

There are options for LED lights for baths and saunas with a control panel, with which you can adjust the color of the glow and the power of the light flux. In addition, it is worth highlighting another stylish option for a bath, which is based on LEDs. We are talking about LED bath lights in the form of small dots, they create the effect of a starry sky. This glow looks very impressive and bewitching.

light "starry sky"

Also, decorative LED multi-colored ribbons in the bath can be found. They are used more for decoration and styling, rather than as the main source of light. The tape requires installation on a substrate (aluminum, special heat-resistant plastic). In a bathhouse, LEDs have a shorter life than under normal operating conditions. Keep this fact in mind when choosing bath lights in the steam room.

Fiber optic fixtures are 100% safe to use. Such light sources are usually located at the bottom of the pools, they also withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees above zero without problems. Such light sources are not common, because for their purchase you will have to invest a fairly serious amount of money. Easy to install and very durable. Fiber optic shines softly without dazzling. Such light sources can realize various insanely beautiful effects (for example, burning fire or the northern lights). To obtain effects, an additional filter is required, as well as a special color lens.

Halogen lamps can be used in steam rooms. These designs have a relatively low power (compared to an incandescent lamp) of 25-30 watts. The light of a halogen lamp is very close in spectrum to natural, and such light is not at all harmful to your vision. Lamps are not afraid of splashing. For a bath, halogen lamps are usually made in the form of a ceiling or half-ceiling of various colors.

Fluorescent lamps have the ability to adjust the brightness. Such lamps belong to the class of energy-saving, but do not tolerate negative air temperatures, consider this if your bath is cold in winter days.

Gas discharge elements are not suitable for hot rooms. They can be used only in rest rooms at a bathhouse or in locker rooms.

Infrared lamps have serious power (up to 300 watts). If you connect such a lamp, always use silicone wires. It is possible to adjust the light intensity. The glow of such a lamp has a healing effect. Products are relatively new, but there is an increase in the popularity of this type of lighting for a bath.

Classic energy-saving lamps are suitable for rooms where the temperature does not rise above 60 degrees. In other words, such lamps are not suitable for doubles. They are used in the same places where gas discharge.

Installation in the steam room and washing

Whatever safe lamp and lamp you choose, but extra safety rules will not hurt. Try to place the fixtures further from the heat source, and also away from the source of increased moisture. It is better to place lamps in the corners. Remember that the hottest place in the bathhouse is the ceiling. Perhaps there is an option to limit only to wall lights.

Steam room light

Famous brands of bath lights

It is in Finland and Sweden that people are choosy in the sauna. Sauna lighting manufacturers from these countries are leaders in the segment. Tylo (Sweden) and Harvia (Finland) have long earned the recognition of bath lovers around the world. The products of these companies are thought out, made exclusively from the best materials and have a modern stylish design.

Linder, of course, is slightly inferior to the above two brands, but also in the lead. The products are of high quality and have a lower cost. Lighting Steinel (Germany) is only gaining popularity. The products of this company are equipped with a touch built-in motion sensor. That is, you do not even need switches. These are solutions from the category of “smart home”, but in this case - “smart bath”. The manufacturer gives a guarantee of uninterrupted long operation of their products. It must be admitted that, with the excellent performance of the products of this company, the manufacturer conducts quite democratic pricing of its products.

Summary of the above

In a wide variety of fixtures and lamps you can get confused. Today we examined in detail all aspects of the choice of such structures. You just have to come up with the style of the interior of your bath and successfully complement it with lighting equipment. In addition, there is plenty to choose from.


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