Red aquarium fish: species, description, content

A home aquarium is a cozy corner, where water murmurs softly and its graceful inhabitants slowly swim. Many had a dream of raising fish in childhood, when they ran into an excursion to a pet store. But when the hobby develops into something more, a person begins to be interested in the characteristics of the underwater inhabitants, to select individuals suitable for each other according to temperament and appearance. This is necessary so that the fish do not mutilate each other, and also look beautiful and complement each other. Today we’ll talk about the features of the most unpretentious and bright pets, which are most often chosen by beginners. These are red aquarium fish.

For a small aquarium

If the size of the tank leaves much to be desired, you will have to choose the inhabitants who will be comfortable in it. For example, pecilia. These are chic red aquarium fish, whose length is only 10 cm. Young individuals, respectively, are smaller. Their body color is saturated, the lower fins are cast in blue. In order for them to remain bright, it is necessary to give them food with carotenoids.

The red aquarium fish of Pecilia is characterized by active and at the same time peaceful behavior. They are very accommodating and will easily complement almost any collection. Prefer to swim in a small flock. In a general aquarium, offspring from guppies, mollies, and swordsmen can be brought. Therefore, if you are considering the possibility of breeding and selling offspring, it is best to divide the underwater inhabitants.


Another popular and very interesting aquarium fish. Red, blue, black, green - they come in a variety of shades, but all of them are distinguished by a neon strip on the back. These are bright and unpretentious pets. The flocking creatures cannot stand loneliness, live in small groups of 10-15 each and feel very comfortable in such an environment. It is a pleasure to watch them gracefully swim, sometimes forming intricate figures.

Red neon - a small aquarium fish with a red lower part of the body, body length reaches 3 cm, no more. Females are fuller than males; their anal fin margin is concave. Be sure to keep in an aquarium with warm water, at a temperature of 24 to 27 degrees. Compatibility - with small tetra.


The name of the red aquarium fish means "cheerful" or "cheerful." These are really very active creatures, watching which is a pleasure. Gurami honey red is an attractive color variety. The maximum length of the fish is 5 centimeters. Scales are small, bright. The dorsal fins are transparent, and the pectoral fins are filiform. It can be kept in a common aquarium with calm representatives of the underwater world. They are active, but rather timid. A sufficient amount of algae is required in the tank so that the fish can hide.

These creatures can hardly tolerate open space, preferring secluded places. For them, subdued lighting, which can be obtained by floating plants and dark soil, is desirable. Permissible temperature for the content: +24 ... + 27 ° . The air in the room should be similar, because gourami periodically swim up to the surface to capture a portion.

aquarium fish red with black

Fire barbus

Sometimes even the owners themselves find it difficult to answer what the red aquarium fish that live with them are called. This suggests that the choice of inhabitants was made spontaneously, or the person simply relied on the experience of a consultant from the store. One way or another, but barbs are found in almost every second aquarium. These are representatives of the cyprinid family. They are schooling fish, it is best to keep them 5-6 individuals, i.e. small flocks. Males often come into conflict, showing each other fins. Therefore, it is impossible to settle barbs with long-tailed slow-moving fish. For them, this is a direct challenge.


This is one of the most popular breeds. It’s not for nothing that swordsmen always exist in any pet store. Often, they are recommended by the consultant to those who first start the aquarium. Unpretentious and vibrant, they will allow you to study this difficult science without serious losses. Indeed, the death of a pet is perceived by many as a real tragedy.

Breeding fish have a very bright color, much more interesting than their counterparts in the wild. The name of these creatures came from a long outgrowth on the lower fin. He looks a little like a sword. Body size 10-12 cm, and females are usually larger than their partners. Keeping them in pairs is not recommended, otherwise the male will tire the partner with his courtship. An ideal option would be 3-4 females and 1 male. But launching a second leader is dangerous, because they will constantly find out who is in charge.

You can feed your pets with special mixtures. It is desirable that plant components prevail in them. In nature, they feed on algae, so meat feed will put too much strain on the digestive system. In addition, fish can begin to pinch plants, which is not too good. But you can feed them with frozen food. These are very active fish, so do not immediately buy a large flock. Per pet should have at least 35 liters of water. In a crowded aquarium, diseases often flare up.

red aquarium fish photo


This is another popular red fish. Small and unpretentious, they can become ideal pets for a beginner aquarist. The freshwater inhabitants of South American rivers have a small body, up to 4.5 cm in length. There is a dark spot near the gill cover. During spawning, the male's body acquires a rich scarlet color. These are peace creatures that easily get along with other inhabitants of the aqua. Of course, you need to choose relatively small individuals. An excellent duo make ornatuses with neons.

For large aquariums

If you have a fairly spacious aquarium, you might consider populating it with appropriate fish. After all, watching them is a pleasure. Graceful movements, streamlined forms, individual characteristics and even character - all this is inherent in the underwater inhabitants. It's just that in large individuals all these charms can be traced more clearly.

Cichlid (red parrot) is one of the most popular representatives of the aquarium world. If you want to get sick with this hobby forever, it's time to buy a pair of these fish. Large creatures differ not only in bright colors, but also in their endurance, as well as in expressed intellect. They recognize the owner and get used to take food from their hands. You can even play with them.

Looking at photos of red aquarium fish with names, you will surely pay attention to cichlids. Red-orange, 20-24 cm long, they look especially good in pairs. Therefore, if the size of the aqua allows, be sure to take a few. The life expectancy of pets is more than 10 years, that is, it is love for many years. For a saturated color of the scales of the parrot, you need to give food with carotenoids and proteins.

Hemichromis red

This is another variation of the family described above. Large individuals that are found in nature in the southwest of Zaire. The body of the chemichromis is oblong, flattened on the sides. The forehead is steep, lips are thick. Shining dots scattered on the scales. It is they who give the fish a resemblance to a Christmas tree toy and make it especially attractive. There are bluish spots behind the gill covers. Males are larger than females, usually grow up to 15 cm. Live in captivity for up to 10 years.

The fish are unpretentious and calmly tolerate minor temperature fluctuations. The optimal indicators for them will be +23 ° C, but they are also grown quite successfully in the range of +18 ... + 28 ° C. All kinds of feed are eaten with appetite. An animal-eating species, therefore, in dry mixtures should be high in protein. Overfeeding should be avoided.

Red Asian Arovana

This is a spectacular aquarium fish with a red tail. It is not easy to find on sale, and the cost of each individual is usually so high that not everyone can afford to buy an exotic pet. Because of this, she is considered a kind of good luck charm. Elite fish often reaches a meter in length, it needs a spacious aquarium. An amazing creature can jump out of the water, it is very important to close the aquarium with a lid.

The body is oblong, conical. There are no teeth in the mouth; there is a pair of mustaches on the lower jaw. The fish simply swallows its prey, which is sometimes quite large, it is considered aggressive and territorial. It needs to be kept separately or with larger individuals. Able to show aggression in relation to relatives. The content of this creation has its advantages. Fish lives for a very long time, up to 50 years. It is unpretentious to conditions and adapts to any food, usually recognizes the owner and takes goodies from his hands.

red tail aquarium fish


Very effective fish, which is not easy to find in pet stores. Two-tone beauties conquer at first sight. And if a person already has an aquarium, most likely the owner will want to immediately take such a curiosity. Better stop and try to learn more about the potential pet. A black aquarium fish with a red tail is extremely attractive, but if there are already underwater inhabitants at home, then you should refuse to buy.

Labeo is a lone fish. Experts in this field note that they did not have to meet aquariums where two adults or at least a teenager peacefully coexisted. In the market, fry are usually sold up to two centimeters in size. Rarely found grown up, 7-10 cm long. And it is very rare to see adult fish. A consultant selling fry usually claims that they can be kept in a small aquarium, and several at a time. What will happen next? Growing up, they will begin to fight to the death for the territory. These charming red and black aquarium fish should live one at a time, in a container of at least 100 liters.

Labeo is a natural inhabitant of the bottom layers, so it is extremely undesirable for catfish to live along with them at the same depth. As neighbors, it is better to choose the inhabitants of the upper layers, for example neon or barbus. Then they will practically not intersect. Representatives of the family prefer plant foods, but do not refuse food of animal origin.

red aquarium fish title

Goldfish, or Veiltail

This is a pretty popular red-tail aquarium fish. It is an artificially bred species of freshwater inhabitants of the genus Carassius. It features an elongated body, rounded or compressed laterally. Gill covers are characteristic of them. The color of the scales can be orange, golden or fiery red. The length of her body in an aquarium rarely exceeds 15 cm without tail. And this is a real decoration! Luxurious fins that sway in time with graceful movements, and the tail invariably attract attention. Fish feed mainly on granular food, which is a mixture of plants. Although they do not refuse any food, they can eat all day long. These are just physiological features, because in nature they eat constantly.

red aquarium fish

Riukin red and white

This is the breeding form of a goldfish. It is quite rare in stores, usually you have to look through breeders. But there are a lot of lovers of underwater inhabitants of interesting color, so you can find fry if you wish. Red and white aquarium fish are suitable for keeping not only at home, but also for release into decorative ponds. They prefer a society of their own kind, for a lonely living is not suitable.

Riukin loves bright light and plenty of free space. The minimum volume for a couple is 80 liters. The temperature regime is permissible in the range of +15 ... + 30 ° , therefore, problems are not expected here. Food: traditional large ice-cream and dry mixes, including specialized ones, intended for cold-water decorative representatives of the underwater world.

black fish with a red tail

Botsia clown

Charming, relatively small aquarium fish, red and black. The color is striped, which makes these creatures slightly resemble a wasp. Clowns look very impressive and get along with many aquarium inhabitants. The peculiarity of these fish is the presence of sharp spikes that are put forward at the time of danger. This is not to say that clowns are overly aggressive, but they can protect themselves. These are long-livers who delight the owner with a bright appearance up to 20 years.

Caring for them is simple, but you need to create certain conditions. The main thing is the dim light and the presence of snags or other shelters. Clowns love to explore the mazes, make their way through the grottoes. The capacity of the aquarium should be at least 400 liters, be sure to provide it with a lid. Feel good in a flock, so you can safely buy 5-6 representatives of this species. In terms of nutrition, they are unpretentious, but if you want to see your pets healthy and happy, then you should include in the diet various feed mixtures containing meat and vegetable components. Aquatic plants with soft leaves can also pinch.

what are red aquarium fish called

Bolivian butterfly

This is a real gem of the collection! A delicate, beautiful aquarium fish with red fins gets along well with its relatives, is calm and peaceful. The body length does not exceed 9 cm, which makes it possible to contain it even in a small aquarium. In this case, the fish gets used to his master and begins to ask him for food, leading to emotion.

Do not forget that it is compatible with peaceful species, but in the presence of active fish it becomes shy, trying to hide in a corner. It is best to keep a flock of at least 6 individuals. Be sure to plant more green plants, as well as build other shelters and grottoes. water temperature +23 ... + 38 ° . Butterfly accepts all types of food, but prefers frozen and living.

Frequent diseases

Do not forget that the aquarium is a completely unique ecosystem. The launch of new fish and snails, planting plants and feeding the inhabitants - all this makes its own adjustments. The smaller the volume, the more spontaneous are the processes taking place in it. The optimal balance is possible only in a large aquarium, and even then it can easily be disturbed by improper feeding. Some imbalance is balanced by itself, another grows like a snowball. This leads to the development of various diseases in underwater inhabitants or even their death. Aquarium fish of red color require a special diet so that their scales retain attractive shades, but it is better to talk about this with a specialist who can talk about the features of a particular breed.

As for the diseases, everything is individual here, it is necessary to analyze each specific case. Often the first symptom is red spots in aquarium fish. The causes may be mechanical damage, as well as fin rot. A formidable disease that needs to be stopped as quickly as possible. Young animals die, but adults have every chance to recover. First of all, you need to change at least 30% of the water in the aquarium and raise the temperature to the maximum acceptable for its inhabitants. Some inhabitants who categorically do not tolerate high temperatures are recommended to be moved to a hider.

If the condition has not improved, we proceed to treatment with pills. Normal chloramphenicol will help. One tablet goes to 20 liters. It is necessary to crush it into powder and dissolve in a small amount of water, and then pour it into the aquarium. Every three days, replace 30% of the water and add a third of the total dose of the medicine. Treatment continues until the fish are fully normalized.

Instead of a conclusion

If you first decided to deal with the construction of a house for underwater inhabitants, then you need to consult a specialist to make the right choice. He can show photos of red aquarium fish and talk about their features. As a result, you can choose the optimal composition for your water area.


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