Tattoo on the collarbone - a sign of unrealized sexuality?

Almost every person wants to be and feel attractive. One needs this to stand out from the crowd, not to merge with the gray philistine mass, while others blindly follow fashion. But fashion is a capricious lady, and it may well be that her last squeak like a tattoo will soon become forgotten and unclaimed, but getting rid of a boring picture will not be so easy, and most importantly, quite painful. But who is thinking about the distant future when he suddenly decides to decorate himself with a certain sign?

clavicle tattoo
Tattoo on the collarbone, however, like others, according to Freud's teachings are considered a symptom of unrealized sexuality. Personally, I believe that this is, rather, the psychological state of the human soul at the moment. It all depends on subjective factors, the moral state of a person, his environment. In youth, looking for an optimal way of self-expression, many young people apply tattoos to themselves, without thinking about such important aspects as: future social status, career, etc. And some individuals are going to apply a tattoo to get rid of complexes. Leaving a picture on the body, they try to protect their inner world, their soul. I will not begin to talk about those who make tattoos because of fanatical, religious and other beliefs, this is a completely different conversation, however, like applying tattoos to confirm a certain status, usually in a criminal environment. We cannot but mention “forced tattoos” (I call those masterpieces that are applied quite consciously to mask various defects on the body, scars, for example).

Girls prefer a clavicle tattoo

clavicle tattoos

I don’t know how to explain the fact that the tattoo on the collarbone is preferred by the fairer sex, despite the fact that the clavicle belongs to those areas of the body where pain is most pronounced. Girls decorate their seductive body in the area of ​​the clavicle with ornaments, images of birds, patterns, flowers, bows, practically without giving a deep secret meaning to the applied drawing, but simply using a tattoo on the clavicle as a decoration. Men also draw drawings on the collarbone, but not so often. Representatives of the male more often "decorate" the collarbone with separate phrases or names, significant dates. In places of imprisonment, stars are stuffed on the collarbone. They have a certain decryption in the criminal environment. Therefore, when choosing a picture, you need to be careful, especially with the stars in the tattoo on the collarbone. Photo tattoos used among criminal elements, it is very easy to find now in specialized magazines or other sources. If you are already going to fill a star, take the trouble to find out its meaning in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

To be or not to be? To beat or not to beat?

tattoo on the collarbone photo
When planning to apply a tattoo, you should carefully consider your decision. Perhaps it was a second spontaneous impulse, then does not expect an annoying disappointment? Listen to yourself. In the warm season, one way or another, a tattoo on the collarbone will always be on display, on the beach it is unlikely to be able to hide it completely. In any case, you need to think about how much the chosen tattoo matches your personality, character, current lifestyle, and most importantly, the future. And deciding not to back down, carefully choose a tattoo parlor, because nobody wants to get HIV or hepatitis together with a spectacular tattoo. Talk to the master, listen to his recommendations. And if after all this your decision remains unshakable, proceed and remember that tattoos on the collarbone do not have any restrictions on the style or degree of detail. The collarbone is almost the perfect place to showcase your ambitions with tattoos.


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