Disabled people of 3 groups: pension, co-payments, benefits

We will examine in detail in this article everything that is somehow connected with the pensions of disabled people of category 3: the procedure for calculating payments, their components, the right to surcharges, allowances and benefits, as well as the size thereof in 2017. Let's start with the laws governing disability and, accordingly, pensions for it in our country.

Under the law

Before determining the size of the pension for a disabled person of group 3, we list the main legislative acts that make it possible to rank a citizen in this category and make it eligible to receive the due payments:

  • Order No. 95 of the Government of the Russian Federation: a clear statement of the conditions that must be met to obtain disability.
  • Order No. 17 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: a description of the conditions that allow for the medical examination procedure necessary to obtain a disability category.
  • Decree No. 317 of the Ministry of Health: the rules and terms of this medical examination.
  • Decree No. 1 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development: a list of medical clinics entitled to carry out a medical examination procedure for disability.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, granting the right to each disabled person to receive financial and social assistance from the state.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation, listing all the benefits available to people with disabilities.

disabled person 3 groups pension

Who is a disabled person of category 3

A citizen who has certain health problems that entail various physical restrictions and the consequent loss of a job can count on the minimum pension for a disabled person of group 3. A person with a disability of the third group:

  • Has the ability to serve himself alone, without the help of outsiders (subject to the use of special aids).
  • It may well move independently, but the speed of his walk and the distance that he overcomes without rest is much lower and less than indicators for a relatively healthy person.
  • During the learning process, needs additional rest, a special mode, the use of special equipment.
  • In the process of laboring, there is a need to reduce the proportion of physical activity.

disabled person 3 groups pension amount 2017

Varieties of pension for people with disabilities 3 categories

The size of the pension of a third-group disabled person is a value consisting of three components:

  • social;
  • insurance (labor);
  • state pension.

In our country, indexation (an increase in the size of payments , depending on annual inflation) of pensions for people with disabilities is traditionally carried out at the beginning of the year. Its value is 1-6 percent. And now we will consider both the total amount of pensions this year, and each of the presented elements in more detail.

The size of the pension for a disabled person of group 3 in 2017

For convenience, we present the information on pensions in the form of a table.


4279.14 rubles.

The amount of the pension for a disabled person since childhood of the 3rd group in 2017 (+ EDV) is 6302.08 rubles.

Minimum size for:

lack of dependents - 2,402.56 rubles;

one dependent - 4004.26 rubles;

two dependents - 5605.96 rubles;

three dependents - 7207.66 rubles.

For a disabled child of the 3rd group, the size of the pension in the current year (including EDV) was 14,609.12 rubles.

The latest indexation of social pensions took place in April 2017. As a result, payments increased by 1.5%, i.e. by approximately 129 rubles. One-time cash payments increased by 5.4%.

Social benefits features

In Russia, the size of the pension of a disabled person of the 3rd group belonging to the social category does not depend on his seniority. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes its single fixed size for all disabled people of this category in the territory of the state.

The disadvantages of a social pension, as you can see for yourself from the previous paragraph, are its small size.

disabled person since childhood 3 group pension amount

Insurance (labor) pension

Since a disabled person of the third group is not prohibited from working, his seniority and earned points in the Pension Fund significantly affect the amount of the labor part of pension payments. In addition to the base rate, the latter also depends on the category of disability.

A good amount of the insurance part is provided by at least 20 years of official work experience. All citizens can count on the minimum labor pension of a disabled person of 3 groups (2,402.56 rubles for 2017).

State pension

The calculation of this type of pension is dependent on the economic situation in the state and annual inflation. In the most general case, such a pension of a disabled person of group 3 is calculated according to the formula: the amount of social pension multiplied by 100%.

disabled person childhood 3 group pension amount 2017

Features of pension accrual

The pension of a disabled person of category 3 is also dependent on which group a citizen belongs to:

  • Disabled people with disabilities in this category generally do not receive any supplements. There are no particularities in calculating their pensions.
  • The amount of the pension of a disabled person since childhood of group 3 is fixed and not subject to recalculations. Only annual reindexing can increase it.
  • For disabled workers, the amount of the pension is annually recalculated automatically. Two factors influence it - the size of the official salary of the disabled person and the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund, redirected by his employer. With an increase in wages, pensioners have no right to reduce, but if the salary has decreased or remained at the level of the previous year, the size of pension payments may increase.

what is the size of the pension for a disabled person of group 3

Premiums for disabled people 3 categories

Everyone with a category 3 disability is entitled to receive a monthly allowance of about 1000 rubles. Please note that it is available only to officially disabled people - at registration you need to show your work book. To receive this benefit, you must apply to the FIU with a corresponding application.

Since a disabled person of category 3 can look after himself, benefits for caring for him are not supposed. However, a person who takes care of such a citizen during the illness of the latter is entitled to receive payments for temporary loss of work. The allowance is calculated based on official earnings for the last six months.

Additional cash payments for people with disabilities

All persons with disabilities, regardless of category, are eligible to receive the cash benefits listed below. The size of the pension of a disabled person of group 3 will increase if he meets all the conditions for their accrual:

  • Monthly cash payments (EDV) - replacement of in-kind benefits with cash. From 01.02.2017 is 2022.94 rubles. for disabled people of the third category. To obtain it, you need to visit the FIU at your place of residence or registration. To apply, you need a passport, SNILS, documents indicating the presence of disability (certificate of a disabled person, the conclusion of a medical expert commission, etc.).
  • A set of social services is a component of EDV. Includes per month: provision of medicines prescribed by the treating doctor (807.94 rubles): funds for acquiring a ticket to the sanatorium corresponding to the doctor’s recommendations (124.99 rubles); free travel to the place of treatment and back (116.04 rubles). In order to cancel the NTSU and receive an equal monetary remuneration, you must apply to the FIU with a corresponding application - it is submitted once, it is not required to renew it every year. The equivalent of an NSO from 1.02.2017 is 1,048.97 rubles.
  • Add. monthly material support (DEMO). 1000 rub 3 cateogrians who are participants in the Second World War are provided with disabilities; disabled people due to trauma received during military service; former children prisoners (under 18 years old) of concentration camps. 500 rub receive servicemen from units of the army that did not participate in the battles, which are listed in them during the Second World War; widows of veterans who died at the front; residents of besieged Leningrad; adult prisoners of concentration camps. To receive payment to all the indicated persons, it is worth contacting the FIU with an appropriate statement.
  • The federal social security contribution (FSD) is charged to non-working disabled people of category 3, whose total income per month is lower than the established regional subsistence level. The calculation takes into account both the pension itself, EDV, DEMO, NSO, as well as benefits for paying for travel, utility bills and using telephone communications. To receive FSD, you need to appear in the FIU with the appropriate statement, photocopies of the pages of your passport and work book.

size of social pension for disabled people of 3 groups

Benefits for disabled people of the third category

Since the size of the social pension of disabled people of group 3 is small, they also have a number of benefits:

  • For disabled people from childhood - exemption from property tax on individuals.
  • For disabled people since childhood - exemption from payment for the issuance of a warrant for housing.
  • For disabled people from childhood - exemption from registration fees for individuals starting a business.
  • Tax exemption for vehicles with a capacity of less than 100 liters. from. or a specially equipped vehicle.
  • 50 percent discount on medicines prescribed by your doctor.
  • Preferential sanatorium-resort rehabilitation.
  • Gratuitous provision with the necessary technical equipment for rehabilitation, including prosthetic and orthopedic products.
  • 50 percent discount on housing, utility bills and, if necessary, the purchase of fuel for heating a house.
  • The right to own living space within the same room (see the list of diseases necessary for this, approved by the Government).
  • Obtaining in the first order land for individual construction and farming.
  • Creation of conditions appropriate for the disabled person in the workplace.
  • An annual vacation of at least 30 calendar days.
  • The provision by the employer without consequences for the disabled employee of unpaid leave of 60 calendar days at the request of the latter.
  • Work at night, on weekends, overtime work is possible only with the written consent of the disabled person.
  • Exemption from insurance contributions to funds: compulsory medical insurance, pension, social insurance, employment.
  • Repeatedly receiving free vocational education in the direction of the state employment service.
  • Refund of 50% of the insurance amount paid under the CTP.
  • Citizens who have received disabilities due to the introduction of a vaccine that has brought them harm are eligible to receive monthly compensation of up to 1,000 rubles.
  • For disabled people from childhood - a return of 500 rubles per month when paying income tax on individuals.
  • For citizens who have received disabilities during military service - a return of 3,000 rubles per month when paying income tax on individuals.

disabled child 3 groups pension

Disability category 3 involves not only paying a citizen a pension consisting of social, insurance and state parts, but also a number of additional payments and exceptional benefits.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F1529/

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