Red Book of the Kaluga Region: animals and plants, mushrooms. List, features and description

The Red Book of the Kaluga Region (its animals and plants is the subject of our article) is a document issued in 2006. It is based on the Resolution of the regional government of 1998. This includes those living organisms that need increased attention from the population, because their number is very limited. The list is structured in such a way that species are almost extinct (they are indicated by a unit) and those whose abundance studies are still under study (figure 4). Unfortunately, there are those that completely disappeared from the region. Opposite their definition is 0.

This list is quite large; we will go through the pages of the Red Book of the Kaluga Region, where living organisms are indicated with the mark “1” - they are the smallest.

Mushrooms, Mosses and Lichens

To start, let us dwell on the representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms, mosses and lichens. It should be said that a large number of them are under protection in the Red Book of Kaluga Land. Among mushrooms, the greatest fear for their fate is, for example, the following.

Sarcosome spherical . This is a very rare mushroom of a very interesting kind. It resembles a fairly large (10 cm diameter) barrel of water recessed in moss. Color - brown-brown.

red book of the kaluga region animals and plants
It should be said that the mushroom is very much appreciated in medicine. The liquid with which the fruit body is filled has special healing properties. It is used for rheumatism, to relieve nervous tension, just as a good stimulator of processes.

Ramariopsis is beautiful . This mushroom can be found on dry, heated slopes; he prefers deciduous forests with humus-rich soil. It grows in late summer and until October, most often "families", similar to small bushes. The reduction in numbers has not been thoroughly studied. Scientists agree that the reason is the extraction of calcareous rocks in places of growth.

Among the mosses, Kallergon giant can be distinguished. It occurs in swamps, in backwaters prone to overgrowing. A 30-centimeter long shoot justifies the name of the moss.

The Red Book of Kaluga Region pays attention to ferns. So, the Millipede, ordinary , growing in crevices of rocks and between stones, is a short fern. It should be noted that this is the only plant in the middle lane that lives on others (epiphyte) and uses them only as a basis for growth.


Consider what else is in its list of the Red Book of the Kaluga region. The animals and plants listed in it are very diverse. If we talk about herbs, then it should be noted the heads of plants , cereal and crowded . They differ only in the shape of the leaves. In cereals, they are thinner. The plant is aquatic, prefers clear lake water.

Feathery feather grass is another specially protected plant. Previously, it was a common patron of the steppes and fields, but economic activity and grazing of cattle put the plant at risk of extinction. Identifying this type of cereal is very simple: along the spine there are thin hairs similar to feathers.

The Red Book of the Kaluga Region, mushrooms, the plants of which we are considering, replenished and sedge . We will analyze the smallest population of this plant - Hartmann sedge . It prefers moist soil of deciduous forests, the banks of water bodies. Reaches up to 70 cm in length; the stem is crowned with a spikelet branched at its base.

A flower with charming white inflorescences - branched corolla, is also under protection on the Kaluga land.

Red Book of Kaluga Region
Prefers limestone soils, sunny arid glades. Most often this is the outskirts of the forest. It is rare in the wild, more often cultivated in garden and cottage areas.


Among the trees that contains the Red Book of the Kaluga Region (animals and plants in it, by the way, are also represented), it is worth noting willows, Lapar and blueberry . The first prefers to grow in wetlands that are well moistened. Since most of them have been drained recently, the tree is dying. This is a small shrub reaching two meters. It is covered with whitish leaves with a distinctive edge.

Blueberry willow combines dark purple crust and bright, slightly bluish leaves. Shrub low, growing in swamps.

Another undersized tree is a squat birch . She also prefers marshy soils. Thin branches are completely covered with small leaves and warts. A distinctive feature is the earrings looking up. It is on the verge of extinction due to the development by man of swamps for peat extraction.


The Red Book of the Kaluga Region, whose animals and plants is the subject of our article, contains a large number of insects of various species. Representatives of this type are the largest in the list. Let us dwell on the rarest.

Firstly, it is worth mentioning ground beetles . These representatives of the family of the same name are very rare in the Kaluga land. So, the brilliant shrimp prefers coniferous forests, where it preys on other insects. The name speaks for itself: a bright green body with a golden tint.

through the pages of the red book of the kaluga region
The sizes are average, range up to 18 mm. Ground beetles are also small in number, golden-amphibian and violet . The extinction of the species is associated with the destruction of their habitats during the search for minerals. Also important is the poisoning of forests with pesticides.

The spring dung beetle population is also at risk. This beetle is golden green in size reaches two centimeters. The wings are rounded. Settles under heaps of manure. Limiting factors are most likely associated with habitat destruction.

It should be noted and two types of bronzes - smooth and shiny . These beetles of very impressive sizes (up to 3 cm) prefer to settle in trees, where offspring are produced in rotten bark. The smooth bronze has a golden green color, and the shiny bronze has a metallic tint. The main limiting factor is the felling of old, rotten trees, habitats of bronzes.


It should be noted and endangered birds of the Kaluga region. Many members of this family are at risk, but the following are of particular concern.

Dubrovnik. This inhabitant of meadows with tall herbs belongs to the passerine. This migratory bird is so small due to the reduction of places suitable for nesting.

Garden oatmeal is another representative of passerines. This small bird has a gray-green color.

red book of the kaluga region mushrooms plants
Oatmeal - a migratory bird, flies to nest.

Grebes small and black - necked are waterfowl that do not find optimal nesting places in the Kaluga Region. They prefer to settle in heavily overgrown ponds.


Speaking of the Red Book of the Kaluga region, one cannot but mention mammals. Bats, for example, a giant evening party, are especially protected here.

about the red book of the kaluga region

Feline representatives are also few in the region. First of all, it is a lynx . Brown bear and bison are also rare here.

Mammals are forest animals, so the reduction in their numbers is associated with the development of territories and the narrowing of habitats. In addition, animals such as lynx or, for example, mink - a frequent prey for poachers because of the very valuable fur.


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