Standard width of the doorway of the interior door

Overhaul is a laborious task, during which many nuances must be taken into account. Especially if you plan to approach it thoroughly and want to replace the doors that separate individual rooms. As practice shows, it is with them that the biggest problems arise. What is the reason for this? According to the requirements of SNiP, the width of the doorway of the interior door must correspond to certain sizes. However, many do not take into account errors that arise due to uneven walls, and errors made by builders during the construction of the object. Let's look at the basic recommendations of GOST and find out how to do it right.

general information

standard width of the doorway of the interior door

When determining the dimensions of the opening, it is very important to take into account its functional affiliation and design features. For example, the width of the doorway of the interior door leading to the bath or toilet may be slightly smaller than the living room or bedroom. At the same time, GOST 6629-88 distinguishes two key parameters:

  • width;
  • height.

As for the depth, it does not matter and depends on the materials used for the construction of partitions. Let's dwell on this in more detail and find out what each of them is.


width of the doorway of the interior door 80

During repair, the width of the doorway of the interior door is calculated taking into account many parameters. The main one is height. As a rule, in modern houses it is 190-200 centimeters in the case of a bathroom and 10-20 cm more for the rest of the rooms. This height is quite enough for a comfortable movement of an average person with a height of 1.7-1.8 meters. However, there are openings exceeding two meters. Most often they are made in apartments and houses with very high ceilings. But this is a deviation from generally accepted standards, so we will not focus on such things.


So we came to the parameter that interests many people. Standard, according to SNiP, the width of the doorway of the interior door is 60 centimeters when installing conventional single-door structures. This figure was calculated by specialists, taking into account the size of an adult with average physical data. For the toilet and the bathroom, the width can be less by 5 centimeters, and for the living room, on the contrary, it is increased to 1.2 meters.

Custom dimensions

width of doorway interior door snip

In some modern apartments and private houses, the width of the doorway of the interior door is 80 cm. What to do in this case? This is considered a deviation from the standards that many people are striving to increase functionality and practicality, as well as create a unique interior design.

Depending on the redevelopment project, doorways can expand up to 1.6 meters with the subsequent installation of a two-floor structure. Such a width allows even large furniture to be moved around the apartment without any problems. In addition, it visually expands the room, making it more spacious and bright. But there are cases when, on the contrary, work is required to reduce the width of the opening. Such work is permissible provided that the basic rules and requirements for evacuation and fire safety are observed. In accordance with SNiP 21-01-97 entrance doors - exit to the evacuation. In the event of an incident, such as a fire or natural disaster, people should be able to freely and quickly leave the premises.

Door arches

arched openings

As we have already found out, when installing conventional structures, the standard width of the doorway of the interior door is 60 centimeters. But what about the arches, because they belong to a separate group because of their design features? Their sizes can expand significantly if the redevelopment does not affect the bearing walls. However, it is necessary to consider the type of construction.

Arches may be as follows:

  • classic
  • rectangular;
  • asymmetric;
  • ellipsoidal;
  • round;
  • eastern;
  • semiarca.

The dimensions of the rectangular arches are no different from those of conventional interior doors. For classical and oriental designs, 80 centimeters are usually allotted. The smaller dimensions are due to the more complex design of the upper curve. The remaining options for interior arched openings are on average 90-100 centimeters wide. No one makes arches of standard width, because they will look very ridiculous, which will negatively affect the entire interior.

Features of calculating the optimal size

width of the doorway of the interior door in the panel house

Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. If you plan to change the doors in your home, it is very important to determine the size of the openings. Thanks to this, you can not only avoid many problems, but also greatly simplify the subsequent installation of structures. So, for example, if the width of the doorway of the interior door is incorrectly calculated, you will have to redo the layout, which entails additional physical and financial costs.

You need to be especially careful when carrying out repairs in new buildings. New buildings eventually shrink, which most people do not take into account. The exact timing depends on the building materials used. The worst situation is with wooden and log buildings, the height of which in a few years can decrease from 2 to 15 centimeters. Also, the dimensions of the opening depend on the type of structure. When installing sliding and rotary doors, it is necessary to additionally take a stock of 10 centimeters. It is necessary to accommodate complex opening and closing mechanisms.

The last criterion that affects the size of the opening is the interior decoration of the room. If ordinary linoleum without insulation is used as a flooring, then it will take 1 centimeter of height, and a laminate - two altogether. Under warm floors you need to take up to 10 centimeters. It all depends on the heating elements used.

A few words about the types of designs

how to measure the doorway

What you need to know about this? When calculating the width of the doorway of the interior door, you must first determine which structures you will install. They are divided into many types depending on the totality of certain parameters. By the number of paintings, the doors are divided into:

  • on same-floor;
  • bisexual;
  • one and a half.

According to the type of installation, there are:

  • single and double-wing swinging;
  • folding;
  • sliding open and pencil cases;
  • swinging.

According to the material, interior doors can be:

  • wooden;
  • glass;
  • combined;
  • metal;
  • metal-plastic.

All these parameters affect the dimensions of the doorways, so experts recommend determining in advance which structures you will install in your home. So you save not only your own time and money, but also nerves.

General tips and tricks

What else do you need to know about the height and width of the doorway of an interior door in a panel house? When taking measurements, you need to add 3 centimeters, which will go to adjust the design with wedges and mounting foam when installing the box. But it is important to understand that this value may differ if the dimensions of the opening do not match the established building standards. In addition, to improve the thermal insulation of rooms and reduce heat loss in the openings, a nut may be required. It also requires some margin in height.

When installing the door frame, you need to start from the final surface. Otherwise, after installation, the structure may rub against the floor. It is impossible to eliminate this defect independently, without experience and special tools. And not all types of doors provide for this. For example, in the case of metal-plastic and metal canvases, it is only possible to adjust the angle of inclination and the density of contact with the groove. However, this is a very time-consuming task that requires high accuracy, so without the help of qualified specialists you can hardly cope.


the width of the doorway of the interior door during repair

So, now you know what the width of the doorway of the interior door should be, how to calculate it correctly and what to pay attention to at the same time. Correctly determining the dimensions is very important, because they affect not only the functionality of the structures, but also the aesthetics of the interior. Even a small mistake made or an unaccounted millimeter as a result can turn into big problems. Therefore, if you haven’t done anything like this before, or are afraid that you won’t be able to do it yourself, it’s better to turn to experienced craftsmen who will do everything in accordance with all the norms and requirements of Construction Norms and Regulations.


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