Rust appeared on the pear. What to treat?

Growing pears in a garden site takes a lot of time. You need to choose a suitable variety, plant, care for the seedling, protect from winter frosts, and finally, after a few years, your tree enters the fruiting season. However, to relax early, it is now very important to protect the garden from various diseases and infections. One of the most common diseases is pear rust. How to treat and how to conduct effective prevention? We will talk about this today.

rust on pear than cure

What it is?

We will start with a brief description, without which it is impossible to go further. So what is rust on a pear? What to treat will obviously follow from an explanation of the causes of such an ailment. This is a disease that is caused by a fungus. It appears in the form of red spots on the leaves of a fruit tree. If there are few of them, the gardener may not pay attention to them. But in vain. Because you need to know how quickly rust spreads on the pear. How to treat this ailment, we will talk a little later, while let's figure out the risks for our garden.

So, a few brown spots on the sheets - this is not a reason for panic. However, closer to autumn on the back of the leaf spore-bearing growths will mature. Under gusts of wind, they will fly away far, for several kilometers. After that, rust will appear throughout the county on the pear. Than to treat, it is time to think, because this disease progresses slowly but surely. The first year, gardeners may not pay attention to what settled on the leaves. However, after a few years they will face the fact that there will be more brown spots than green leaves. In this case, the tree may even die.

rust on pear than treat photo

Spread of infection

The fight against pear rust will be successful only when you know exactly the entire cycle of the disease. The reason we have already named is the activity of the fungus. The orange spots that you see in the photo are spores of a parasitic fungus called Gymnosporangium sabinae. So that you can be sure that the wind will not bring such a guest into your garden, it is recommended to process fruit trees every year.

At the same time, for a successful fight, you definitely need to know the parasite development cycle. A disease is not betrayed only from a pear to a pear. There are other plants that are affected by this particular fungus. Juniper is an example, so if you have a pear in your area, you need to be extremely careful. Juniper is infected from spores that fly in the second half of summer from the leaves of fruit trees. But pears, on the contrary, are affected only in the spring, when spores from the juniper fly.

Preventative treatment

In fact, when you notice that rust on a pear blooms in a violent color, than to treat, it is too late to look. The best result is given to the prophylactic treatment of fruit plants. If it is completed on time, then you can be absolutely not afraid of fungal diseases, they are definitely not scary to your garden. Processing must be performed necessarily in the first half of the season, preferably before the plant blooms.

rust on pear leaves than to treat

When it becomes obvious that the tree is sick

This will most likely become apparent no earlier than July. It was at this time that brown stains and stripes appeared on the stems and fruits. This is only the very beginning of the defeat, further it will only get worse. The upper part of the leaf is covered with tubercles, and the lower cone-shaped outgrowths, in which the spores of the fungus mature. Affected leaves quickly dry up and fall off. After a couple of years, the bark will crack, in this case, it remains only to cut the tree completely and burn it.

How to treat

If your tree was infected last year, then with the onset of the new season, rust on the pear will become clearly noticeable. What to treat (we provide a photo of the affected tree so that you know exactly what you are dealing with) a fruit plant, given that the parasitic fungus has already wintered?

Usually in this case, the signs are noticeable from the very early spring, when the leaves are just beginning to bloom. Affected areas need to be cleaned to fresh wood. Be sure to cover the wounds with garden var. In this case, you need to douse the entire landing with a solution of copper sulfate.

But not always the gardener manages to notice in time that rust appeared on the pear leaves in the garden. How to treat if the disease is already in development? In this case, one percent will be a one percent Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate. If neither one nor the other is at hand, then cuproxate and copper oxychloride will save the situation.

how to treat a disease of a pear rust

How does the disease develop?

Since it is recommended to treat a pear disease (rust) in advance, before its onset, all methods of dealing with it after a tree is damaged entail certain losses. These are cut branches, time for rehabilitation and restoration, partial or complete loss of the crop.

Usually the disease begins even during the formation of buds on the pear, so the first spraying should be done before flowering. Immediately after the flowering period ends, the treatment must be repeated. It is very important that this procedure be performed before the fruit is formed. After 3-4 weeks, you will need to carry out the final processing in order to consolidate the result.

Pruning the affected tree

Treatment of a pear necessarily involves pruning. Therefore, take a sharp secateurs, prepare a garden var and inspect the plant well. Shoots with serious lesions must be cut off at least 5 cm below the main lesion site. Skeletal, rigid branches must be shortened even more, by about 10 cm. The places of cuts should be well covered with garden var. After this, it is recommended to carry out additional dressing so that the tree can restore its own strength.

rust on pear than treat folk remedies

Modern means

Based on the experience of modern gardeners, we can say that the best remedy for rust on pear is Topaz fungicide. Inexpensive, very effective and practically harmless, it is, year after year, the best-bought product of all that is on the modern market. The first treatment is traditionally carried out when the buds on the trees just started to blossom. The second is repeated immediately after flowering, and the third - two weeks after the second. This is usually enough to protect your land from rust.

Be sure to consider that the pear suffers from this disease much more than the apple tree. She can completely discard the leaves and leave for the winter unprepared. In this case, the tree is waiting for almost imminent death, especially if the winter is frosty. Therefore, you can not neglect the processing of pears in any case.

pear treatment

Other treatments

There is a very effective scheme that allows you to completely cure the garden from this fungal disease. In this case, you will need to carry out a number of treatments, but at the minimum cost and the absence of chemical compounds, you will completely protect your garden. The first spraying must be done before flowering. To do this, take 1% Bordeaux liquid or its substitutes. It can be “Dropped”, “Champion”, “Blue Bordeaux”, copper oxychloride.

The second treatment will be required approximately in 2 weeks. The ideal option is colloidal sulfur. Its substitute may be Cumulus and Tiovit. Finally, for the third treatment, you can take "Poliram".

That should be enough until next year. However, do not forget that this procedure will protect plants from only one bacterial infection, and today there are many of them. Therefore, universal fungicides that can protect the garden from all bacterial adversities are best proven.

pear rust control

In the home

To verify the effectiveness of this scheme, ask the older generation what to do if rust is on the pear? What to treat? Folk remedies can help no worse than modern fungicides.

Among such funds, you can especially highlight a solution of laundry soap. Even better, if it is not dissolved in water, but in chamomile broth. It is very good to add a few drops of ammonia to the solution. Such a tool is used for prevention and treatment, but treatment will need to be repeated every week.

The best fungicides

Do not forget that fungicides must be changed. You cannot use the same means for two consecutive seasons. The result is the addiction of fungal microorganisms, and as a result, their complete resistance, that is, immunity. To avoid this, some funds are changed during the season, others once a year.

In fact, there are a lot of drugs on the market today, in each store you will be offered a huge selection. For a pear, Cumulus DF is ideal. It is used for processing after flowering, with an interval of 10-14 days, each time reducing its concentration by a third. Propi Plus has proven itself very well. A Bordeaux mixture in general is already a classic of horticulture.

Today we talked about how to treat a pear disease. Rust is a serious bacterial disease that can lead to the loss of not only the crop, but also the tree itself. Therefore, the gardener should always be on the alert. First of all, it is very important to carry out prophylaxis, and if treatment is missed and symptoms of the disease appear, then take up treatment so as not to jeopardize other gardens.


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