Mastiff french: description and characteristics of the breed

Among the huge number of dog breeds that differ not only in size, exterior, but also in character, a formidable-looking, but unusually gentle and friendly French mastiff occupies a leading position.

General form

These dogs stand out from other breeds primarily for their unusual appearance. They are quite impressive in size, on average, the height at the withers is 65 cm, sometimes more than 1 m. The weight of mastiffs is corresponding to 70 to 90 kg.

mastiff french
The main feature is a massive rounded head, covered with a large number of folds. The coat of these dogs is soft to the touch, thin and short. Despite this, it protects the animal very well from both frost and heat. The color is tan, golden, fawn, sometimes there may be a black mask on the face and white markings in the chest, as well as on the legs.

The body is harmoniously folded, quite powerful, with muscular limbs. The tail is thicker at the base, but not very long, in a calm state, is lowered down, reaching the hock joint. Ears are hanging.

French mastiff - the dog is very mobile. In short-distance running, it is capable of developing a sufficiently high speed, almost without breaking away from the ground level, and in the jump it can even overcome a two-meter barrier.

Breed history

Mastiffs originate from Molossian dogs who fought with gladiators in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Several centuries ago, they were brought to France by Roman legionnaires and were used for hunting and protection. During the British rule in Bordeaux, these dogs crossed with English mastiffs, hunting dogs, from which they probably took on enormous sizes. The second name came from here - the Bordeaux dog, under which representatives of this breed participated in the first exhibition of French dogs in 1863.

french mastiff

Character and temperament

Impressing himself at first glance as an aggressive or fighting dog, the French mastiff is actually distinguished by its friendliness and devotion. Especially good relations are established with children. The mastiff is always ready to play, dutifully and patiently endures the pranks of the kids and will never harm them. On the contrary, he seeks to patronize everyone: both young children and pets.

Despite the apparent slowness and a silly look, it is worth noting a fairly high level of intelligence of dogs of this breed. The French mastiff knows how to win over him, he is very sociable and unusually attached to his master. Lonely, he begins to yearn.

french mastiff photo

Dogs of this breed are also distinguished by watchdog qualities, courageously displaying them if necessary, but without excessive aggression. Even when a potential aggressor appears, the mastiff will not start barking in vain, he is able to demonstrate strength and power with his terrifying appearance.

Maintenance and care

Like most other breeds, the French mastiff dog needs regular long walks and loads, which helps to avoid obesity and the appearance of diseases associated with it. At the same time, do not overdo it with physical exercises, they should be present in moderation.

dog french mastiff

The nutrition of these dogs should be balanced and contain the required amount of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.

Caring for a dog like French Mastiff requires mandatory hygiene procedures. Numerous folds on the animal's face must be cleaned of contaminants and washed to prevent possible infection. Wool is usually cleaned only during molting. You can use special rubber gloves designed to clean shorthair dogs.

These animals are very thermophilic and adapted to live only in a heated room. If the mastiff is provided with long active walks, it can well be kept in a city apartment.

Training and training

Dogue de Bordeaux (French mastiff) is a very vulnerable and sensitive dog. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in its training in a consistent, calm and friendly atmosphere, while praising the pet with each correct execution of the command. Rough shouts, unfair punishments can lead to the appearance of uncertainty and melancholy in the dog.

With proper upbringing, the Bordeaux mastiff reveals all of its best qualities, and, conversely, the error in this matter or the lack of training can make the dog dangerous to others.

Mastiff French is very easy to learn and train, he is able to understand the owner literally with one word and unquestioningly obey. Rush to defend him will only be on command or at a time of real danger.

Features of raising a puppy

Literally from the first days of the appearance of a puppy of this amazing breed in the house, it is necessary to tame it to human hands.

dogue de bordeaux french mastiff

Moreover, this does not necessarily have to be only the hands of the owner. It is desirable that a variety of people take a puppy, pet and communicate with him. Such socialization is very important and absolutely does not harm the protective qualities of the dog in the future. The room where the baby is located should be quite spacious. This will eliminate the appearance of various deviations in development.

The French mastiff (photos of representatives of this breed are posted in this article) will grow up confident, beautiful and strong if you follow all the rules for feeding and keeping it from a puppy's age.

Unfortunately, the breed does not differ in longevity, and this is probably its only drawback. The average life expectancy of mastiffs is only 7–8 years.


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