Places where cloudberries grow

Surely many have heard of such a delicious berry as cloudberries. She is very fragrant and often served at the royal table. And in the restaurants of pre-revolutionary Russia, fruit drinks and kvass from this sweet berry were sold. It is popularly known as "moss currant." In the countries of Northern Europe, it is still equal in value to gold. Cloudberry blooms around the end of May, and ripens in mid-June. Visually, the berry is like raspberries.

And of course, many will be interested to know where cloudberries grow? But before giving an answer to this question, a few words on the topic of how useful this piquant berry is.

What is useful berry

It should be noted that cloudberries are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. That is why the fact that cloudberries are a healing berry can be added to its unique taste. And indeed, in folk medicine, “moss currants” is used in the fight against cardiovascular and gastrointestinal ailments. It is also effective in removing salts of heavy metals, in the fight against skin diseases and burns. The berry has a diuretic, anti-zingotic and anti-febrile effect.

Where cloudberry grows

It should be emphasized that cloudberries are an integral component of hygiene products and medical cosmetics. Based on cloudberries, liquid soap, toothpaste, shampoos, shower gels, foams and washing gels are made. Vitamin C, which is part of cloudberries, improves the structure of hair and skin and relieves physical fatigue. "Moss currant" is also widely used in nutrition.

After listing all the useful properties of this amazing berry, surely every reader will wake up with a desire to find out where cloudberries grow? Let's move on to this issue.

North Berry

Unfortunately, in the age of technological progress, units are interested in this delicious berry: they simply forget about it, although in the Soviet era many liked to spend their leisure time gathering “moss currants”.

Where cloudberries grow in the Leningrad Region

But in the Scandinavian countries, many farmers are engaged in the cultivation of cloudberries, erecting fence barriers from wind and snow. Freezing is fatal for her. As a result, they get rich berry yields and sell it profitably in local markets.

A lot of cloudberries grow in the northern part of Russia, namely: on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia. The berry prevails in wetlands, found in shrub and moss tundra of the Far North. Locals love to make her tinctures, preserves, fruit drinks. Where does cloudberry grow yet? In a number of Russian regions: Pskov, Vologda, Novgorod, Leningrad regions.

Tver region

Of course, many are interested in the question of whether cloudberries are found in Moscow? No, in the Russian capital the berry does not grow. But Muscovites, if desired, can go to a neighboring region, namely to the Tver region and pick up “moss currants” in a swampy area, not far from the city of Vyshny Volochek.

Cloudberry in Moscow

This is another iconic place where cloudberries grow. Sixteen kilometers from the Vyshny Volochyok is Lake Metz, in the marshy surroundings of which you can also pick up delicious berries.

How to get to your destination?

How to get to the place? First by train to Tver, and then to the Terelesovskaya station. The rest of the path will have to be done on foot: through the village we go to the forest, and then through the swamps to the lake. On the way, cloudberries in the forest may not even meet you, but blueberries and mushrooms can be plenty.

You can go for "moss currants" and by car. You need to get to Vyshny Volochyok, from there to the village of Berezka, where you can rent a motor boat that will deliver to your destination.

There is another travel option: near the village of Berezka there is a recreation center where you can rent a room and stop the car. Here you can collect a kayak (you should worry about this in advance) and go on your own to the lake.

Cloudberry in Syktyvkar

Cloudberries are very numerous along the banks of the Metz in its wider part. Since it is remote from the villages, there are few people there, and cloudberries are called a dime a dozen. On the opposite shore from the village of Berezka, you can pitch a tent: it’s better to take a boat or a kayak with you, so that you can cross the coast to search for “productive” clearings.

Leningrad region

Not everyone knows where cloudberries grow in the Leningrad Region? It's no secret that this region is full of marshy areas, so the above berries in it are more than enough. In many areas where there are swamps, you can pick berries. Where does cloudberry grow in the Leningrad Region? In the Tosno, Vsevolozhsk, Volosovo regions. In the Kirov region, not far from the urban-type settlement Mga, a lot of berries also grow. On Kingisepp's Friday mosses, you can also collect "moss currants."


Or maybe cloudberries are growing in Syktyvkar? In the city itself, no, but residents of the Komi Republic pick berries in the Pychimsky swamp, which is located next to a place with the unusual name Kochchoyyag. A gas pipeline runs through marshy areas and can be reached by car, since there is a dirt road.

Cloudberries in the forest

Also, the Kortkeros region of the republic is rich in "moss currants." One of the glades is located along the highway to the village of Maja.

Cloudberry plantations are also located on the right side of the Kortkeros - Veselovka automobile section, starting from 9 km. This territory was called Sobinovsky swamps. They are distant from the highway and occupy vast territories, so it will be difficult for an inexperienced berryman without a compass to navigate them.

Experienced cloudberry collectors say that when you come to the swamp, the berries are visible to the naked eye, and in the harvest years it simply can not be counted. For many, collecting “moss currants” is one of the ways to make money, and the berry falls not only on domestic but also on foreign markets.


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