The best varieties of raspberries: photos, names, descriptions, reviews

Raspberries are a unique berry. It has healing properties thanks to the vitamins and trace elements that make up its composition. To enjoy fresh berries to the coldest, you should plant raspberries (photos are presented in the article for review) with different ripening dates. So which ones to choose?

Large-fruited raspberry varieties: description, photo, reviews

In taste, this berry is better than ordinary fruits. A distinctive feature of large-fruited varieties is the ability to form branching branches in several rows, which greatly increases productivity. The size of the berries affects this indicator. From one plant you can collect five to six kilograms per season. According to gardeners, such a raspberry has a significant drawback: it reacts poorly to low temperatures and thaws. The description of raspberry varieties with large berries is presented below.

Raspberry varieties

"Glory to Russia"

Raspberries, for the most part, are a berry shrub. But this variety is a real “raspberry tree”. The culture got its name because of three-meter trunks. This is a real giant. The raspberry variety “Glory to Russia” is distinguished by very powerful, spiky-free branches that grow up and reach one and a half meters. The three-year-old plant is a large-sized bush with up to 10 pieces of fruiting trunks.

Experts believe that if raspberries are provided with good care, you can collect 100 kg of berries per hectare. They have an elongated shape, a bright red color and a delicate aroma. It tastes sweet, the seeds are small. The size and weight of the berries is affected by the year of planting. The older the plant, the more options. In one-year plants, the length of the berries is three to five centimeters, weight - 20 g, in two-year-old plants - six centimeters and 25 g, in three-year-old plants - seven centimeters and 30 g. Glory to Russia is one of the best raspberry varieties in our country. It has the highest yields and fruit sizes.

"Pride of Russia"

This hybrid of domestic selection belongs to the middle early non-repairing varieties of raspberries. Berry ripening begins in late June and continues until the beginning of the next month. Harvesting is carried out five to six times. The last berries are picked in August, closer to the middle of the month. According to experts, all varieties of raspberries in Russia, the description of which is given in the article, are high-yielding.

The bush has a powerful root system with 10-12 substitution shoots that form during the season. Their length reaches 190 cm. Large-sized corrugated leaves are collected in a rosette, their surface is covered with fluff. Ripe berries have a red color, but not bright. They are large, average weight - 8-12 g, sometimes much more - up to 20. Their shape is conical, the tip is blunt, the surface is hilly. If the weather is ripe during fruit ripening, they can be doubled. Productivity is high, five to six kilograms of raspberries are harvested from the bush.

Description of raspberry varieties

The juicy pulp has a delicate texture and a sweet and sour taste. Drupe have a snug fit to each other, so the berries do not flow during harvesting, they are easy to remove, but transportation over long distances is poorly tolerated. Shelf life of berries is small, only two days.

According to reviews, the raspberry variety, the photo of which is presented above, is adapted to the harsh winters of the Russian climate. He is not afraid of severe frosts. But experienced gardeners recommend not taking risks and bend shoots to the ground in late autumn, and the snow that falls will be a shelter for them. Raspberries in high heat do not bake and do not become smaller from this. The variety is resistant to diseases of the species, this is due to genetics.

"Ruby giant"

This crop is one of the many varieties of raspberries. Photos and descriptions are presented below. The repairing variety has appeared recently thanks to the efforts of breeders from Moscow. It has its own varieties depending on the color of the berries. The bushes have an average height of 160-180 cm. Their stems do not have thorns, which facilitates harvesting. They are not erect, but inclined, slightly hanging down.

Fruiting is extended in time: begins in July, ends in September. This variety has high cold resistance. According to gardeners who have been cultivating raspberries for many years, the roots can withstand thirty-degree frosts without any shelter. The culture belongs to the unpretentious varieties of raspberries. It grows in the soil of any composition, it is not afraid of the climate in any region. Rarely affected by infections and damaged by pests.

Berries are very large. In fruits, the shape is elongated, in the form of a truncated cone, the color is ruby ​​or bright red. Sweet and sour berries, with a pleasant refreshing taste and pronounced raspberry aroma. They have a dense consistency, do not knead during assembly, are well transported. The fruits have a universal purpose: they are used fresh and frozen, from which jam, jam, and compote are prepared.

Raspberry variety giant

The Yellow Giant

This culture belongs to the domestic varieties of raspberries with unusual color berries. During fruiting, the bushes are sprinkled with yellow fruits, it looks very beautiful. Berries are kept on bushes for a long time, this is especially true with a large employment of summer residents who do not have time to harvest every day. Housewives advise this berry to be consumed fresh, since during processing it loses its shape, wrinkles, starts up juice. According to their reviews, raspberries can be frozen, the taste and useful properties are preserved, but the shape is not.

The culture belongs to tall varieties of raspberries. The height of powerful bushes with spreading stems and developed roots reaches two meters. On fruit branches 20 berries and more are formed. They are not the same in size, are medium and large. They are conical or elongated with a rounded tip. The color of the berries is yellow, but by the time of full ripening it becomes amber. Of all the raspberry varieties that can be found in this article, yellow berries are the most delicious, fragrant and sweet. They have a delicate finish.

The first crop is harvested in July, the beginning of the month, the last - in mid-August. However, gardeners with experience noticed that this raspberry bears fruit in September. Plants withstand small frosts. To move the winter with severe cold, you need to prepare the bushes, for which you should bend the shoots to the ground. Snow will fall and cover them.

The best varieties of raspberries

"Morning dew"

This variety is bred from Poland. The appearance of large berries is very beautiful. The value of the culture lies in its high productivity, excellent quality of the fruit and good transportability. The bush grows to one and a half meters, its shoots have hard spikes and are small in size. Fruiting occurs on their upper half. If you look at the bush, it seems to be covered in berries.

Raspberry belongs to the repair varieties. The first ripening of fruits occurs in late June, then in mid-August and before the onset of frost. Berries have a round shape and good density, weigh up to 10 g. They are sweet to taste, with a small proportion of acidity. If the berries are sung in hot weather, they become sour. With timely watering - sweet.


This variety is popular with gardeners, they cultivate it for 30 years and are very satisfied. They are attracted by unpretentiousness in care and taste, it resembles wild berries. In addition, the variety has high productivity, resistance to any climate and frost.

This raspberry is quite tall, its shoots grow up to 180 cm. Spikes rarely cover the surface of the stems, but they are hard. The berries have a crimson color, they are dull, it seems that their surface has some kind of spraying. They weigh a little more than three grams, are dense, therefore they retain their presentation during transportation.


This variety is characterized by late ripening. Berries ripen with the onset of August, their last harvest occurs in mid-September. The bush is tall enough, one and a half meters, its shoots are directed upwards. The shape of the plant is similar to a tree. Biennial bushes form up to five to six shoots. There are many thorns at the base, in the upper part of the stems there are almost none.

Raspberry grade description photo reviews

This variety is unpretentious, does not require special care. The taste of berries is sweet, with a small proportion of acidity. Productivity is average, about three kilograms. But if you periodically feed plants with fertilizers, this figure doubles. Soil composition and climate do not matter for the plant. In any conditions, grows well. Fruits once a season, but plentifully.


This raspberry is the first variety that does not have thorns on the shoots. In general, amateur gardeners grow culture at their dachas. They note that raspberries are unpretentious in care, gives good yields of tasty and large berries. And experts note that in some years, when applying fertilizers, you can collect six kilograms of berries from the bush. It is not suitable for industrial cultivation, as it does not tolerate cold and drought. This is due to the fact that the occurrence of roots occurs close to the soil surface; therefore, they freeze in winter, and in summer they become very hot.

The bush is spreading, its height is one and a half meters. There are many shoots, there are no thorns on them, but there is a felt coating. Branches with fruits are arranged in several rows, usually from two to five. The elongated berries are large, weigh up to 12 g each, and hold tight on the branches. Thanks to the dense pulp, they transport well over long distances.

Early grades

Harvesting such raspberries occurs at the end of spring, when vegetables and many other berries have not yet ripened. Therefore, this culture is often grown for commercial purposes. Early raspberries are expensive, but they buy it because everyone needs vitamins. Some varieties of raspberries with descriptions and reviews are given below:

  • "Patricia" is a tall plant, grows up to two meters, but he does not need support. The bush is strong, it can grow five kilograms of berries, 12 g each. They are sweet and very fragrant. According to consumer reviews, the variety is considered a dessert. The fruits are good in fresh and canned form. Resistance to diseases is average, but frost resistance is high.
  • "Hussar". This raspberry variety does not require much care. He does not need supports, a garter. It is resistant to frost and drought. Differs in high fruiting. According to gardeners, from a plant you can collect four kilograms of medium-sized berries. The approximate mass of the fetus is five grams.
Raspberry varieties pics reviews

Matured Varieties

This raspberry is grown for the preparation of mousses, jams, preserves, since the dry matter in the berries is contained in large quantities. The fruits begin to ripen after harvesting early varieties. Raspberry varieties with reviews are presented below:

  • "Phenomenon". According to experts, this variety is convenient for growing, as it is not afraid of the vagaries of weather, it tolerates frosts and heat, grows on any soil, does not require special care. Berries ripen in the second half of the first month of summer. They have a deep red color, large sizes, do not crumble from twigs. Nevertheless, they must be collected on time, as experienced gardeners believe. If overripe, palatability changes for the worse. The berries are stored in the refrigerator so that they do not let the juice go quickly. If packaged properly, it can be transported over long distances. Berries are eaten fresh, frozen, jam is made from them and stewed fruit is prepared.
  • "Monomakh's hat". Despite the large size of the bushes, they do not need a garter. The berries are not aligned, the average weigh eight grams, large - 18. The yield is quite high - eight kilograms of fruit from the bush.

Late grades

A feature of such raspberries is the preservation of inflorescences after spring frosts, which often occur at this time. The flowering period begins in the summer, the berries ripen in the fall, closer to the middle:

  • "Tarusa" is a demanding crop, the yield of the variety is record only with timely watering and top dressing. One shoot gives a kilogram of berries, and the plants have up to 10 pieces and more. The yield is accompanied by the weight of the fruit, 18 g each. Harvesting ripe berries begins in August. They are eaten fresh, they are suitable for any berry preparations, taste sweet, with a slight acidity. This variety grows in one place for 15 years, so when planting you need to immediately choose a convenient place. “Tarusa” suffers frosts, but to protect the shoots for the winter it is better to shelter, according to gardeners. To do this, they suggest using branches of needles, which are then covered with snow.
  • Cumberland. This variety is interesting in the color of its berries: it is red and black-gray. To taste, they are the same as other fruits. Used for the preparation of kissels, mastics, jellies and other blanks. Berries are a natural, harmless dye. The variety does not tolerate drought, so timely watering is important for it. Plants have fragile immunity. It is affected by diseases of the species and is damaged by pests. If plants are left without watering during the period of growth and fruit formation, a good harvest can not be expected. But with normal care, according to gardeners, you can collect eight kilograms of berries from a bush.
Raspberry grade description reviews

Raspberry best repair varieties

What it is? Repairing cultures are those that repeatedly bear fruit during one season. Fruiting continues until frost. For example, some of the best varieties of such raspberries are:

  • "The Orange Miracle." The color of the berries corresponds to the name. The average weight of the fruit is 12 g. They are sweet, with a pronounced raspberry aroma. If provided with proper packaging during transportation, the juice will not be allowed. This raspberry cold tolerates well, but if grown in the northern regions, it is better to shelter for the winter.
  • "Bryansk divo." Diseases and pests do not cause problems, since the culture does not hurt or damage them. Harvested twice a season: in July and in September. The berries are medium in size, approximately six grams each. During processing and freezing, it retains its original qualities. He tolerates frosts persistently, so experts recommend growing this variety in a cold climate.

These are just some of the best varieties of raspberries, according to reviews by domestic gardeners.


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