Why cats trample paws: experts' answers

Many inexperienced animal lovers often wonder why cats trample on their paws. It should be noted that these are very interesting creatures with many traits and behaviors that are unique to this type of animal. An exceptionally cat-like habit is a peculiar stamping in one place. During this process, some breeds completely hide their claws, while others, on the contrary, release them to their full length.

why cats trample paws
Those who ask why cats trample on their paws should have noticed that they do this exclusively on a soft and supple surface. It can be a blanket, a pillow, another pet or the ownerโ€™s soft foot. Quite often this is accompanied by rumbling, purring and licking. This behavior is not uncommon for any cat, because at the same time they get great pleasure.

Why is a cat trampling on its paws

Explanations of this behavior from various experts change quite often, but everyone notices that this is an instinctive feature of all cats. Newborn babies thus trample the motherโ€™s stomach to stimulate a greater flow of milk through the nipples. A fairly old theory claims that if a cat tramples you with its paws, it means that it was too early to be weaned from its mother. However, simple observations show that all adult individuals โ€œkneadโ€ regardless of whether they live with a mother cat or not.

if the cat tramples you paws
Another theory indicates that this behavior was characteristic of wild cats that trampled a grass pillow to make it softer and more comfortable for childbirth or for simple sleep. That is why they are now "kneading" before you go to rest.

The third theory is based on a practical aspect. Sweat glands are located on the paws of animals , which make it possible to mark their territory in a peculiar way and serve as a marker for other feline representatives. According to this theory, if an animal kneads the knees of its owner, then it not only shows its love, but also marks it as its property.

Anyone who knows the answer to the question of why cats trample on their paws knows that if they get carried away, they can launch their nails deep enough into the delicate skin on the knee or leg. If the pet does this often enough, then you can slightly trim its nails. To do this, use a special machine, which allows you to gently pinch off the tip of the claw by 1-2 mm. You can also hold a special towel nearby and put it on your feet every time the cat intends to start kneading the owner with its paws.

why the cat tramples paws
If such a practice is disturbing to the owner of the animal, then there are several tricks to stop it. You can pull the pet down a bit to lay down and calm down. Also, those who know why cats stomp their paws, are aware that you can gently hold the front legs of a pet and distract it with a toy or affection. The animal should never be punished for this behavior, since its psyche can be greatly disturbed. Kneading is a natural behavior for cats, so they show their love and devotion to the owners. In most cases, just changing the timbre of a voice is enough to show that it hurts you. As a rule, the cat will simply stop flexing you and will go to bed with a happy rumbling .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15338/

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