Cactus Decembrist: types, description, features of cultivation

Many beginner growers believe that all cacti grow in the desert under the hot sun and do not like excess moisture. Not everyone knows that there are species that grow and develop only in moist soil and do not like the sun. Such plants include Schlumbergera cactus or Zygocactus.

In nature, it grows in the tropics of South Africa and is an epiphyte. Among the people, the flower received another name - the Decembrist cactus. It is due to the fact that bright and lush flowering plants occur in December. When in our country there are severe frosts, in the homeland of zigocactus the hot summer is in full swing.

Schlumbergera Cactus

Beautiful and abundant flowering is not the only advantage of the Decembrist cactus. Few plants are distinguished by their unpretentious care and such a beautiful form of shoots. It's hard to believe, but this flower can give the owner of the winter a piece of summer for 20 years.

Types of Cactus Decembrist

This plant is so popular that over its long history in indoor floriculture it has gained many names: “barbarian braid”, “Christmas tree”, “Christmas cactus”, “crayfish neck”, and “Decembrine”. But, of course, the most common of them is the "Decembrist cactus."

The flower belongs to the large cactus family. Being a natural epiphyte, it is strengthened by roots for crevices of tree bark and grows in the shade of their crowns. In the description of the Decembrist cactus, which is cited by various sources, it is said that under natural conditions, zigocactus flowers are painted in various shades of lilac.

White Decembrist

Today, breeders managed to develop varieties with lemon and white, lilac and orange, two-tone and pink inflorescences. In specialized stores, customers are usually offered hybrid zigocactuses, which are obtained from natural species. With a brief description we will introduce you further.

  • Gertner. This is a fairly large plant. It can reach 7 cm in the length of its segment. Gertner's Schlumbergera flowers are large, multi-tiered, petals at the ends are pointed, pestles hanging and long. The color of the flowers depends on the variety.
  • Russeliana. Up to 80 cm reaches the length of the drooping branches of this plant. The segments are dark, resembling small leaves in shape. Streaks are clearly visible on them. The edges are very corrugated. Large, tube-shaped flowers are arranged in tiers.
  • Bukleya. Cactus with a height of not more than 50 cm. The segments are shiny, very dense and dark, with denticles along the edges. In length, the flower can reach 8 cm, the edges of the petals are pointed. Depending on the variety, the flowers may be yellow, white or purple. The Decembrist Bukley begins to bloom in November and delights with beautiful inflorescences until March.
  • Truncated Schlumbergera. In culture, this is the most common type. The stems are light green. Flowers open at the ends of the shoots. Their color, depending on the variety, can be purple, red, white or pink.
Types of Decembrist

Plant Features

Schlumbergera cactus has a number of features that distinguish it from other members of the family. These include:

  • Winter bloom, when most indoor plants rest.
  • It can grow even on windows facing the north side, easily tolerates a lack of lighting.
  • In summer, it needs fresh air, it feels great on a shaded balcony or loggia.
  • Loves a warm shower very much.
  • At home, lives up to 20 years.
  • During budding, the plant should not be turned over or rearranged so that unopened buds do not fall off.
  • It can be grown in the usual and ampelous way.
Ampel growing

Cactus Decembrist: features of cultivation

This representative of the cactus family perfectly develops on a bright but shaded window, preferably east or north. It is very important to protect the flower from the negative effects of direct sunlight to prevent burns to the stems.

In winter, the plant has an optimal air temperature of about +15 ° C. In summer, this flower requires fresh air, so it should be exposed in a shady area of ​​a loggia, terrace or balcony. It is recommended that the adult bush be turned periodically in the direction of the light so that the plant is not one-sided and does not lose its shape, but this cannot be done during the flowering period.

Growing Features

Choose soil

As a rule, it is composed independently. To do this, you need peat, sand, sheet and turf land in equal parts. To this mixture add some brick chips or the smallest expanded clay. Pulverized coal is needed to disinfect the soil mixture.

Many gardeners use ready-made soil for cacti and succulents. In this case, the drainage in the pot should be 1/3 of the volume of the pot.

Watering and humidity

For a cactus, the Decembrist is important moderate watering with warm, well-maintained water. In this case, it is necessary to find a middle ground - the soil should not be waterlogged and overdried. The plant responds well to a warm shower, but do not touch the inflorescences and buds during flowering.

Watering the Decembrist


Decembrists are transplanted immediately after flowering. This usually happens in late February or early March. For adult bushes, such a procedure is necessary once every 3-5 years, for young people a new capacity is required annually. In this type of cactus, the roots are superficial, so the pot can be used shallow, but wide, stable and heavy. It is advisable to plant a flower in a finished substrate marked "for forest cacti."

It’s easy to transplant the Decembrist. It is necessary to remove the flower from the pot, after watering the soil, so as not to injure the roots. Carefully remove the old soil from them and install it in the prepared new pot with a drainage layer and a small amount of soil mixture. Then add the rest of the soil and slightly compact it.

Propagation by cuttings

Immediately after transplanting, you can’t water the flower - you need to give the roots time to heal the micro-wounds obtained during this procedure. The plant is placed away from direct sunlight in a cool place. The first watering is carried out after 3-4 days.

Top dressing

The Decembrist in March begins to grow young shoots on which beautiful flowers will appear in the winter. During this period, the plant is responsive to dressing with any complex fertilizer for indoor plants. In this case, the concentration of drugs should be less than half that indicated in the instructions.

You can feed Schlumberger once a month with liquid fertilizers for cacti and succulents. In the summer, top dressing can be done twice a month. They stop in September: you can not fertilize the plant during the flowering period.


The best time to form a bush is June. A well-formed plant blooms luxuriantly and has an attractive appearance. To give the shape of a bush, the excess part of the shoot is unscrewed (but not cut!) In the place where the segment is attached.


If you want to replenish your collection with a new flower, this should be done immediately after flowering. At this time, zygocactus is easily propagated by cuttings. To do this, shoots with 3-4 links are unscrewed, dried a little and planted in moist soil, covered with a glass jar or plastic wrap.

Reproduction of zygocactus

The seedlings are put in the shade and regularly moderately watered, not forgetting to air every day. The cutlery can be rooted in water by adding crushed coal to it. Usually a young Decembrist blooms in the second year of life.

Plant diseases

Although this flower is unpretentious and easy to maintain, Decembrist is predisposed to some diseases. Sometimes his leaves begin to crumble. Such leaf fall can cause anchor (spider mite). His presence is indicated by the thinnest, barely noticeable layer of white cobwebs, which covers the lower part of the leaves. You can get rid of this pest by spraying the plant twice a day with a solution of laundry soap. Actara is more effective.

Another cause of leaf fall can be soil depletion. Add complex fertilizer for epiphytic cacti to the soil and your flower will come to life. Falling leaves can cause stress, which the plant suffers during a sharp temperature drop, transplant, stay in a draft. In order for the cactus to recover, it is transferred to a cool place, maintaining a constant soil moisture. Soon you will see that new shoots grow from the center of the bush and the plant becomes both lush and green.


Sometimes the owners of the Decembrist find whitish, like cotton lumps between the shoots of a flower. This is the result of the presence of a mealybug. The Aktara insecticide will help get rid of it.

The drug "Aktara"


Decembrists can pester fungal diseases: late blight and fusarium. The infected flower turns pale, wilts even with wet soil discards foliage. In this case, spraying with Topaz or Maxim will help the plant.


Excessively moistened Decembrist, contained in the cold, begins to fade, becomes unstable. Such symptoms indicate the death of the roots. By the way, the roots can die not only from hypothermia, but also from heat, if the plant is overheated in the sun.

In addition, a large concentration of fertilizer can damage the root system. In this case, the flower must be transplanted into a fresh substrate, after pruning the roots to healthy areas. If there are few living roots left, it is necessary to thin out the top of the flower, bringing the aerial part into correspondence with the underground part.

Problems that arise when growing

  • Buds and flowers fall - temperature drops and drafts, a change of place during the flowering period.
  • The appearance of light spots on the shoots is too bright lighting or infection.
  • No flowering - air temperature dropped below +10 ° .
  • Pale and sluggish shoots - the negative effects of sunlight, pests, irregular watering.
  • The appearance of brown spots on the leaves is a defeat by the scab.

The Decembrist will add a very spectacular cactus to any room of coziness. When most plants freeze, suffer from too dry air, short daylight hours, the Schlumberger transforms space. The flower seems to remind you that it is time to prepare for your favorite New Year holidays.


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