Tales for a child of 3 years: what can be recommended to parents

At the age of three, the baby is a completely conscious creature that already has its own idea of ​​the surrounding reality and the processes that occur in it. And it is precisely in this period of the life of the peanut that one should begin to form basic values ​​with him, which over time will transform him into a highly moral person. Of course, we are talking about kindness, responsiveness, courage, honesty, responsibility. How to develop these qualities in a baby? One of the main tools here are fairy tales. Yes, yes, it is they who can clearly demonstrate to a little man what is good and what is bad. And here parents face a difficult dilemma: what fairy tales for a child of 3 years are recommended for reading?

We were all children

It should be noted that a fairy tale is an integral part of children's education. We were all told fascinating stories about Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, the Serpent Gorynycha and other unusual heroes. Parents have an important task - to help the child understand the meaning of morality, which is contained in a magical legend. It is with this in mind that the question of which fairy tales for a child of 3 years should be chosen in the first place should be decided. Unfortunately, not all parents bother to specially go to the bookstore and buy a really informative fiction for the little one.

Tales for a child 3 years old

As a rule, this process is spontaneous, and mom acquires for her child that the first will come to hand.

The first books for the baby

And yet, what can be advised the first tales for a child of 3 years? Naturally, those that will be interesting and easy to understand, that is, having a straightforward plot.

Children's educators and psychologists recommend starting with the works that they read to all the kids in the USSR: “Gingerbread Man”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Chicken Ryaba”, “Teremok”. Experts also advise stopping the choice on the writings of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky: “Tarakanische”, “Fedorino Gora”, “Moidodyr”. It is in them that in absolutely accessible language the negative qualities are ridiculed and the positive ones are emphasized. Believe that after reading them, your baby will understand that you can not be lazy, arrogant and ignorant.

Tales of Andersen

Of course, the question of which fairy tales for a 3-year-old child should be taken “into service” should be decided individually by parents. However, fathers and mothers should not forget that the full development of the little man depends on the quality of the material that will be read to the child in early childhood.

Before you purchase this or that fairy tale in the store, try to evaluate it from the point of view of children's interest. As practice shows, kids prefer Russian folk art more. Our tales are understandable, instructive and at the same time kind, which can not always be said about foreign works.

About animals

Of course, not a single peanut remains indifferent to works of animals, since each representative of the fauna is an embodiment of dignity or vice. So, Lisa Patrikeevna is associated with cunning, Scythe - with speed, and Mikhail Potapych with clumsiness. Do not know what fairy tales to read for children 3-4 years old at night?

Tales for children 3-4 years old at night

You can advise the following: “Wolf and seven kids”, “Geese-Swans”, “Zayushkina hut”, “Fox and the Wolf”.

Do not forget about epics

However, parents should not only read Russian fairy tales to their offspring. For children of 3 years old epics about heroes are also suitable. For example, “Ilya Muromets and Kalin the Tsar”, “Volga and Mikula”, “Dobrynya and the Snake”. It is from these folk opuses that the child learns about courage, ingenuity, courage and determination. The kid will love epics no less than fairy tales.

The magical world of Andersen

And, of course, Andersen's tales contribute to the moral development of the child, which is a pleasure to read. The writer invented an amazing world of magic for kids, in which good always triumphs over evil. In dozens of works by the famous storyteller, the main human vices and shortcomings are ridiculed: greed, stupidity, indifference, cowardice, hypocrisy. Of course, the kid should learn about the “Snow Queen”, “The Ugly Duckling”, “Ole-Lukoye”, “Thumbelina”.

It is Andersen's fairy tales, filled with kindness and sincerity, in a veiled form that help to discuss with the baby unpleasant topics that parents try to avoid in everyday life. Carried away by the fascinating plot, the little one is trying to put himself in the place of the protagonist - thereby developing abstract thinking.

Russian tales for children 3 years old

In addition, the child has imagination, fantasy, and vocabulary is replenished. The ability to build contact with parents is an integral component of the proper development of the offspring, and Andersen's fairy tales play one of the key roles here.

Fairy tale discord

Unfortunately, not all modern fairy tales help to set the right vector for the development of a child. Of course, 99% of them contribute to the growth of children's imagination, but some folk opuses describe stories in which well-being can be achieved through lies, betrayal and deception. In everyday life, this leads to disappointment, and sometimes to spiritual degradation. Often, parents themselves are not able to answer the children's question: “Why?”, Which almost always begs after reading or viewing the fairy tale “today’s day”.

Then what should be read modern fairy tales for children? “Developing,” reputable psychologists will answer.

Developing fairy tales for children

Today, experts advise acquiring audio books, in which fairy-tale stories using concrete examples will demonstrate what character qualities need to be “tempered” from an early age, thereby the child’s personal potential will be awakened.


Of course, today, in the dominance of computer technology, it is simply necessary to instill in the child a love of reading. How to do it? Only by personal example. When the baby sees that dad or mother can not tear themselves away from fiction, he himself will pick up a fairy tale and begin to imitate them. If in this way to maintain interest in reading, then the child will expand the vocabulary, and his thinking, imagination, logic, speech will move to a new stage of development.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15346/

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