German Big Spitz (Grosspitz): breed description, nature, care features, nutrition, life expectancy

Owners of these dogs often call their pets "Napoleonchiks." The self-confident and courageous big German Spitz is a reliable guard who will never let a stranger his territory. Nevertheless, the dogs of this breed are quite kind, love children and are able to get along with any pets.

Origin history

Black spitz

For the first time, these cute miniature dogs appeared in Germany in the 15th century. Then the size of the German large spitz (grosspitz) was somewhat larger. European aristocrats very quickly fell in love with them, and soon the German Spitz appeared even among the English Queen Victoria. Thus, the geography of Spitz breeding has become more extensive.

At their core, they are northern dogs brought by the Vikings to Holland and Germany. The breed standard was adopted in 1906, and a club of lovers of this breed was founded 7 years earlier.

What does he look like

Care and maintenance

German Spitz breed standard:

  • The length of its body is equal to the height.
  • He has quite developed muscles, and the body itself is quite compact and strong.
  • The most common color of the German big Spitz is white, although black and brown species are found.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped and dark.
  • With any color, the nose of the Spitz remains dark.
  • The tail is extremely lush and wrapped in a double ring.
  • Wide strong neck with a convex scruff.
  • The dog’s belly is taut and strong.
  • The limbs are straight, muscular and parallel to each other.
  • He has a fairly wide chest with compact dimensions.
  • Like any northern dog, the Spitz has an undercoat. It is quite thick and dense. The coat is straight and long.
  • The neck of the Spitz is curved and with a magnificent collar.
  • The ears are quite high and set close to each other. They have a triangular shape and sharp ends.

Many fans of the Spitz find him like a fox. Indeed, the face of this dog is very reminiscent of a fox.

The nature and features of behavior

Breed features

Spitz is extremely attached to his master and hard to bear separation. He loves children and enjoys playing with them. In case of danger, you can count on him. He fearlessly throws himself at his rivals much more than himself and is absolutely not afraid to participate in fights. This dog is intended for a large and active family. A lonely person can get bored. Things are even worse if the owner is often forced to go on trips and transfer the pet to other people.

The character of the German big spitz requires regular walks and active games. Walking in the city, you should carefully monitor your pet. Sometimes in a fit of games, the dog runs out onto the roadway where it is fatally injured. It is noteworthy that the dog lends itself well to training and even a completely inexperienced owner can cope with his upbringing.

How to contain

Dog character

One of the main conditions for keeping a German big spitz is to keep the pet's coat up to standard. Experts believe that Spitz hair has the property of self-cleaning and therefore frequent washing for this dog is not required. During molting, the undercoat is combed out every day. For convenience, a dog litter is used. In a normal period, it is enough to carry out the procedure 2 times a week. From frequent washing, the quality of the coat noticeably deteriorates and a characteristic dog smell arises. Thanks to the undercoat, the spitz can easily be even in the most severe frosts in the courtyard or in the aviary.

Furminator for dogs

Furminator for dogs

This tool is designed to comb out the undercoat. It has a peculiar design resembling a rake. Its sizes range from 3 cm to 12. The finisher has a fairly comfortable handle to which a knife is attached. The advantages of the furminator compared to a conventional comb are as follows:

  • The hair is combed quickly enough that does not affect the psyche of the dog.
  • The dog has a significantly reduced molting period.
  • It is the furminator that is able to prevent the formation of tangles, which is beyond the power of a conventional brush.
  • It perfectly smooths long hair, making it smooth and shiny.

For a large Spitz, the Small model is suitable. Its hand surface is 4.5 cm. The best manufacturer is the German brand Trixie. It has a very convenient brass insert, tilted and bolted with a blade, which changes with the click of a button. The handle of a rubber product. Furminator has the ability to self-clean using special buttons.

Health preservation

In the description of the breed of the German big Spitz, it is very often advised not to overfeed, because despite the mobility, the dogs of this breed are still prone to obesity. Without long walks, dogs feel bad, their immunity decreases, which immediately affects their overall health. These are quite strong dogs, not prone to diseases typical of dogs. It is enough for the owners to conduct a routine examination at the veterinarian and regularly get vaccinated.

Most often, diseases of dogs of this breed can be found: limb dislocations, hypothyroidism, epilepsy and joint dysplasia. It does not tolerate heat, and is also easily gaining excess weight. In a word, with regular physical activity and proper nutrition, the dog will always be healthy and active. Otherwise, you can encounter a host of other diseases. For example, inflammation of the secrets that are located near the anus. Due to the fact that the dog walks a little in the fresh air and does not mark the territory, he has a malfunction in the work of this important organ. Poor nutrition leads to gastritis, dysbiosis, and gastric colic. Features of the care of the German big Spitz require long walks.

Dog owners should follow the correct bite of their pet and, if necessary, consult a veterinary clinic. Sometimes stones form on the spitz’s teeth, which should also be regularly removed. The main cause of dental problems is related to poor nutrition.

What to feed

Spitz three colors

As a rule, dogs are advised to feed meat. Moreover, offal - the liver, heart, and so on do not belong to it. About 60% of the daily diet should consist of animal meat. The remaining 40 are distributed among vegetables, cereals, herbs and sour milk products. Dogs are often not recommended to give fish, as the phosphorus contained in it makes the animal somewhat cowardly. The main condition is the lack of fat on meat and the presence of bone. The animal is happy to gnaw both small and large bones, getting the calcium necessary for the body.

In winter, the nutrition of the German big Spitz is enriched with vitamin D, which can be obtained from fish oil. Among the cereals, buckwheat and oat are the most popular. Buckwheat contains a rather large amount of iron, while oatmeal contains rare amino acids that are close in composition to animal proteins. When mixing porridge, add a chicken egg and a small amount of greenery dandelion, plantain, dill or parsley.

Tips & Tricks

Proper feeding of the dog is the basis of health, well-being and longevity. Food should be as low as possible cooked and not contain preservatives. The most suitable are meat and offal, bran, fresh vegetables and dairy products.

Contrary to popular belief, feeding dogs porridge is highly discouraged. Simple carbohydrates cause disturbances in the digestive system and often lead to excess weight. Excessive consumption of cereals leads to dysbiosis. You can identify this disease by liquid feces. The widespread dry food is half composed of cereals, so each responsible owner must decide whether to buy a similar product for his pet.

The most optimal type of meat for a dog is beef. Lamb and rabbit meat are quite high-calorie and also lead to excess weight. Chicken today is a rather dangerous product due to the huge content of growth stimulants.

The meat should be exclusively raw and scalded with boiling water. Thus, you can protect your pet from worms and some harmful microorganisms. Products are not crushed in a blender or meat grinder, but cut into small pieces. The stomach of the dog should work and always be in good shape. Shredded food negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system, relaxing them.

Of the meat offal, the dog carries the liver and lungs the worst. Therefore give them as little as possible. The most optimal option is such as an untreated scar, as well as kidneys and an udder. Sour-milk products are of particular value for pregnant dogs and young animals. Their fat content should not exceed 9%, although in some individuals even two percent cottage cheese or kefir can cause diarrhea. Breeders, as a rule, prepare fermented milk products on their own using sourdough. So you can protect the animal from preservatives and unnecessary components.

Pets give vegetables separately and only in raw form. These are mainly bell peppers, carrots, cabbage and beets. It is highly recommended not to use potatoes in food. Do not combine vegetables with fermented milk products. Any vegetable oil is added to food two or three times a week.

Life span

Any loving owner is interested in the question: how many years are allotted to his favorite. Large Spitz lives up to 14 years, while miniature Spitz is much more fortunate. They manage to reach even 20 years of age. At home, with good care and excellent health, the life span of a German large Spitz is quite high. This dog easily passes the ten-year-old age, remaining cheerful and cheerful. This is a fairly healthy breed with good immunity. Of the problems that can occur in Spitz, there are diseases of the digestive system that are directly related to violation of the rules of nutrition, as well as damage to teeth.

These dogs are prone to gastritis and gastric colic. A large German Spitz, as a rule, has a good skeleton and is not prone to injuries. It is noteworthy that with age this dog becomes even more beautiful. As a rule, the quality of the coat deteriorates every year in many dogs. In the Spitz, everything happens the other way around. It becomes softer, fluffier and thicker.

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Breed characteristics

As already mentioned, bathing Spitz should occur as rarely as possible. Because of the undercoat, the dog dries for a very long time, which causes colds. Usually, swimming is carried out before exhibitions. Pets are prepared using special cosmetics against the formation of lumps of wool.

Unlike many other breeds, these dogs do not suffer from diseases of the ears and eyes. The ears are well ventilated and therefore they are simply inspected once every 2-3 weeks.

Be sure to brush your pet's teeth. In specialized stores you can buy sticks, powders and brushes. For him, get a litter or a house. Thus, the dog feels protected, which favorably affects his nervous system.

How to train

The owners of the German big Spitz were extremely lucky. These dogs are easy to train, which even a novice can handle. First of all, the dog is taught styling, recall and shrinkage. The more repetitions, the faster the dog will remember the command. As a rule, training takes no more than 5 minutes, and each time in a new area.

The dog can be encouraged not only with sweets, but also with toys. At the end of the training, the dog offers to play tug of war and eventually succumb, allowing him to drag off the honestly earned prey.

If the owner wants to raise a guard dog, then he can not do without the help of dog handlers. Almost any person can make a companion out of a dog by teaching the simplest tasks.

Grossspitz breeding

The German big Spitz is considered an endangered species. This breed is so rare that some saw it only on the Internet. To date, there are very few nurseries around the world that breed Grosspitz. In addition, their number is constantly decreasing. Because of this, the price of puppies is simply enormous. Unlike other varieties, it has only three types of color: black, white and brown. The highest price is given for a white puppy.

When buying a German big Spitz puppy, you should definitely pay attention to the metric, vaccination list, pedigree and other registration documents. It is best to make a purchase in the kennel to avoid acquiring a not purebred dog. In addition, in the nursery it will be possible to inspect the room where the puppy was. If it is raw, it is likely that puppies will soon have joint diseases. In the early days, the puppy is fed what he ate with the previous owners.

Disadvantages of the breed

The disadvantages include a fairly loud bark. This dog loves to guard its owner and the territory in which it lives. She is bold enough and in which case she is not afraid to rush into a fight with an opponent much larger than her size. Therefore, voiced barking can be heard from the Spitz quite often.

The German big Spitz is quite stubborn, which, however, does not affect training. Sometimes the molt of a pet is so strong that regular combing does not bring the desired result. Owners need careful grooming, which also implies the purchase of special tools to remove excess undercoat.


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