Genuine pearls of thought. Quotes about life, friendship, humorous sayings

Statements of great people allow you to fill your own mind with valuable ideas. Such aphorisms are a true treasure of wisdom. It allows you to better understand the surrounding reality, to give a healthy assessment of your own daily routine, and possibly yourself. The authors of these statements do not just tell about themselves in them - they put on a beautiful form of their own life experience through which they had a chance to go through. And, as you know, experience is acquired by man over the long years of life.

Albert Einstein

The wise opinion of A. Einstein

The great scientist and author of the theory of relativity Albert Einstein left behind a huge number of wonderful quotes and pearls of thought. For example, the following words should be remembered by every person who has difficulty finding his own vocation:

Each of us is a genius. But judging the fish by its ability to climb trees, it will live its whole life, considering itself stupid.

It often happens that for some reason a person is called stupid. This is observed back in school years. For example, a student is reproached for not understanding a gram in mathematics or physics. But in reality, he has good abilities for the humanities, or for the fine arts.

Sometimes it happens that an adult considers another to be mediocre, as he is weak in any area - for example, he is poorly orientated, does not know how to drive a car, or he cannot repair his own computer on his own. Such an approach is actually more than limited, as the citation recalls. The pearl of A. Einstein’s thought allows us to realize that in reality each person has his own talent. And before judging other people, it is important to discern and develop this talent.

Saying Victor Frankl

The following statement belongs to the world-famous psychotherapist W. Frankl, who stood at the origins of the existential trend in psychology:

Circumstances will never make life unbearable, but it can make lack of purpose and meaning.

The author of these words had more than good reason to say so. After all, he happened to go through a terrible wartime and survive the imprisonment in a concentration camp. There, Frankl was not broken in spirit. He decided to observe how people behave, what their psychology is in these terrible conditions. This became the meaning of life for the therapist.

Victor Frankl

In the process of his observations, Frankl found out: there are much more chances to survive for those people who, despite all the suffering and loss, retain the desire for life. Even those who managed to find even the slightest meaningful meaning of their existence were able to survive. Those who, because of the horrors of the concentration camp reality, fell into despair, in fact, immediately signed a sentence. Therefore, we can safely say that these words are verified by personal experience, and are not just another quote about life. The pearl of W. Frankl’s thought can be a source of motivation for every person who is in difficult circumstances.

The fiery words of V. Tsoi

Many beautiful, touching souls are said on the topic of love and death. One of the most beautiful statements is a line from the song of Viktor Tsoi:

Death is worth living, and love is worth waiting.

It is impossible not to agree with this genuine gem of thought. The quote from the song entitled "Legend" still does not leave indifferent fans of the rock artist and ordinary listeners.

photo by Viktor Tsoi

Death determines the existence of a person, gives him meaning. If all people lived forever, they would have nothing to worry about. But knowing that everyone expects an inevitable hour of parting with the earthly world, a person seeks to do as much good and useful as possible during his life. But this does not end with the pearl of thought belonging to V. Tsoi. The quote from the song continues with an indication: love is worth a person waiting for it. It often happens that circumstances seem depressing. “What kind of love can you think of when there are so many problems,” thinks one whose life is full of trials. But in reality, true love is worth believing and hoping to meet her every day.

Friends Aphorisms

A lot of good statements are devoted to such a phenomenon of human existence as friendship. Here are some of these aphorisms:

The friendship that had ceased never actually began. Publius Syr

There is no enemy more cruel than a former friend. Andre Morois

Secrets and friends can not be trusted, For friends also have friends. Diligently take care of your secrets, Talk about it and your enemies will overcome you. Saadi

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never. Cicero

All these quotes about friends allow you to more consciously approach communication with close friends. On the one hand, one cannot disagree with the statement of Publius Syrah, who essentially claims that true friendship never ends. If it was interrupted, then it never existed.

cheerful friendship

But on the other, every person needs to be careful. After all, even the closest friend inadvertently can tell the enemy important information. Many quotes about friends warn of this. Therefore, in order to always enjoy real friendship, everyone needs to be a little cautious in communication.

Funny sayings

There are many aphorisms that can cause a smile on the face. But at the same time, they are also real pearls of thought, and humor in such phrases allows you to look at familiar things from a different angle.

Diagnosis has achieved such success that there are practically no healthy people left. B. Russell

Freedom of conscience usually means freedom from conscience. V. Klyuchevsky.

I love work ... It captivates me ... I can sit and look at it for hours! Jerome K. Jerome

Before you diagnose depression or low self-esteem, make sure that you are not surrounded by fools. Z. Freud

I lived with many theaters, but I never enjoyed it. F. Ranevskaya

Humorous quotes ridicule those phenomena that in everyday life present a real problem for people. This is precisely their value. For example, Faina Ranevskaya calls the “theaters” of those men with whom she lived. As a true actress, she expects joy from the "theater" - but in this case she does not have to wait.

The best sayings and pearls of thought

Other pearls of thought: quotes, aphorisms and sayings for all time

A few more sayings of great people will inspire new ideas, as well as join the immortal wisdom of their authors:

You must change yourself if you want to see a change in the world. Gandhi

Life is very simple, but we insist that it is complicated. Confucius

The life spent on making mistakes is not only worthy of honor, but also much more useful than that life when you do nothing. B. Shaw

Lord, give me the strength to accept what I can’t change, the courage to change what I can and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other. Reinhold Niebuhr

We believe that poverty is the lack of clothing, home and food. However, when they do not love you, you are abandoned and nobody needs you - this is the greatest poverty. We need to start from our own home to fix the last kind of poverty. Mother Teresa

He who fears that he will suffer, already suffers, because he is afraid. M. Montaigne

Success is the ability to fail again and again without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill

Difficulties are what make life interesting and meaningful, giving it meaning. Joshua J. Marin

Many people read and immediately forget such statements, and in vain. Like aphorisms and sayings can be permanently stored in your memory or on any medium. So that beautiful quotes and pearls of thought are not lost, you can save them on a page in a social network, write them in a notebook. And you can learn by heart. This will show off their knowledge in the company of friends or colleagues.


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