Is it possible to give water to newborns, which, when and how much

After the baby is born, mothers have a large number of questions related to the care and nutrition of the baby. One of them is the question: “Is it possible to give water to newborns?”. After all, its benefits are obvious, it plays an important role in the development of a small organism and in the formation of the immune system. How to organize the baby the right drinking regimen? When to give water, how much and what? The answers to these questions will be disclosed in our article.

Does the baby need water

Almost all adults are confident that water is simply vital for a person, especially a small growing body. However, in the case of infants, not everything is so simple. So, is it possible to give water to a newborn baby? Does he need her? And if so, when, how much, and from what moment? Many doctors believe that the baby’s need for drinking water depends on the method of feeding him. That is, from what food he eats, breast milk or an adapted mixture.

But can a newborn be given water to drink? There is no clear answer to this question, because each organism is individual. Many doctors claim that up to a month babies do not need to drink, as this can only harm him. But after this period, water, according to many domestic doctors, must be given.

Some pediatricians argue why it is not worth giving water: in the body of every person, including the baby, its own water balance, on which health and well-being depends. In an adult, it can be disturbed as a result of dehydration or, conversely, as a result of abundant water consumption. In a baby, a tiny drop of water daily is enough to disrupt it, which in turn will lead to problems with the circulatory system and appetite.

But the lack of water in the body leads to its dehydration, and in infants this process develops much faster than in adults. So where is the middle ground?

Lack of water

Is it possible to give water to a newborn

Doctors believe that giving water to children who have just been born is undesirable, but there are those who claim that they need it. However, both of them say that, starting from 4 months, water can and should be given. In addition, if a child drinks it with pleasure, and there are no contraindications for this, then it should not be limited in drinking. But it should be borne in mind that a lack of fluid is very dangerous for a small organism, and the metabolic rate in infants is very high and the rate of moisture loss is no exception. Parents need to know when and in which cases they need to drink a newborn baby and how the type of feeding affects their need for fluids.

Breastfeeding baby

Is it possible to give water to newborns with breastfeeding? This complex issue can be solved very quickly if you consider the composition of breast milk. It is 90% water, 10% are vitamins and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats. It follows that on the breastfeeding type, the baby receives the amount of water he needs. He simply does not need it, and excess fluid will fill a small stomach, which will ruin his appetite. This will lead to the fact that the mother will have to express the remaining milk, or its quantity will simply decrease.

On breastfeeding, giving the baby some water for up to 2 months is generally not worth it. In the third month, in hot weather, if the baby sweats a lot, he can be invited to drink, but only from a spoon. If you give him a bottle, then there is a chance that he may refuse to suckle.

You should know that you can’t drink the child by force, but only offer. Children know better whether they want to drink or not, if he does not need it, he will spit it out. You need to drink strictly between feedings and small portions - one or two sips.

Natural-fed baby

But mother’s milk remains the best for the baby, the first portion is not very oily, so it’s much more useful to drink milk instead of water.

How to find out that a child is getting enough fluid

How to determine whether to give water or not to a child who is breastfed? Before panicking a baby, you should evaluate how well the nutrition process is and how your child feels. So, if the total weight gain per month is more than 500 grams, then the baby does not need additional fluid. It does not need to be drunk if the number of urinations per day is 10-12 times.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that if the baby is applied to the breast on demand, and not withstand a strict regimen, then it will receive enough fluid from breast milk.

Water with artificial and mixed baby nutrition

Mixtures contain a huge amount of protein compared to breast milk. Therefore, with an artificial type of feeding, a child should be watered from birth. Lack of water will lead to constipation. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to give water to a newborn child to drink, in this case has a definite answer. Yes, it’s not only possible, but also necessary. Vodichka will help the intestines to empty, improve the well-being and mood of the baby.

At the same time, the volume of drinking water does not need to be taken into account when calculating the volume of the mixture eaten per day, you need to drink the baby as necessary and at the request of the child. Artists can be watered both from a spoon and from a bottle.

Water children from birth

Is it possible to give water to a newborn after feeding? Pediatricians clearly say no. It is best to drink the baby between feedings, since his ventricle is still very small, and such a load will lead to colic and discomfort.

With a mixed type of feeding, you can give your baby some water, but its volume should be much less than in children who eat only the mixture. On average, a baby can drink about 100 ml of water per day.

How often should baby drink

This is the most important question. Pediatricians do not recommend giving water very often. This will badly affect the baby’s appetite and well-being, and in the worst case, it can lead to water intoxication. Starting from 2 months to a year, the volume of water, according to pediatricians, should not exceed 200 ml per day.

It should be remembered that the child himself knows when and how much water he needs. Do not force him to drink, but to completely limit the drinking regimen is also not worth it.

The kid needs to be drunk in small portions

Dehydration and signs

With a lack of water in the body, its dehydration develops. Here are the signs by which you can determine that the baby has developed this dangerous condition:

  1. The number of urinations is less than 6 times a day.
  2. The color of the urine becomes saturated yellow.
  3. The baby is lethargic.
  4. He has dry eyes and lips.
  5. When probing, a fontanelle is detected.

At the first suspicion of dehydration, you must urgently go to the hospital.

Water in the hot season

Many consider the heat and dry air a weighty argument in order to give water to the newborn. Can this be done? The experience of hot countries indicates that it is more efficient and useful in such a situation to offer a baby a breast more often than a bottle of water. Since milk is saturated with all the necessary minerals and salts that help the baby survive the heat.

In hot weather it is better to drink the children

But this is possible if the baby is breastfed, and what to do with children who eat only the mixture? They need to give some water. In addition, it helps kids survive the hot time:

  • lighter and more spacious clothes, and only from natural materials;
  • rubbing the body of the baby with water;
  • humidification of indoor air;
  • wet cleaning.

All these measures will help protect the child from dehydration.

When it is vital to give baby water

Sometimes there are cases when it is simply necessary to give a child a little water, even if he is still very tiny. And in such situations, you should not think about whether it is possible to give water to a newborn, to look at his age and type of nutrition. It is vital to give water when a child has:

  • heat;
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation.

Many parents often confuse colds with fever. You should know that with a slight increase in the temperature of the baby, you only need to wipe it with water and moisten the sponges. But if he has a body temperature of 38º and above, then you need to drink the baby, but in small portions.

With an upset stomach, dehydration can occur, and the smaller the baby, the faster it develops. So, if diarrhea occurs in a month-old baby, you need to urgently consult a doctor and carefully give the baby a drink.

With indigestion, you need to drink the baby

In case of constipation, dilute the juice with water and drink the baby, just a little bit. This will help to resolve the problem, but in the future you should consult with a pediatrician who will recommend the necessary medicine.

Can I give water to newborns with hiccups? For children up to a year, hiccups are a common occurrence, since the diaphragm at this age is easily excitable. They can begin to hiccup when hypothermia, air enters the stomach, thirst, and gas congestion in the intestines.

To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of its occurrence and give the baby a few sips of warm water to drink.

What kind of water can be given to infants

Is it possible to give boiled water to a newborn baby? Do not start immediately to give the baby liquid from the tap. It contains trace elements harmful to the newborn, which can negatively affect a small organism. What about boiled water? Can I give her to a newborn? Some pediatricians clearly say no. They claim that you need to buy distilled water, which is sold in all pharmacies. It is cleaned of harmful microorganisms and is ideal for newborns and children up to a year. In addition, boiling leads to the destruction of only part of the harmful bacteria, plus such water contains chlorine compounds, which are dangerous for a small organism.

Pharmacies sell specialized water

But the most useful for kids is specialized water, which is sold in pharmacies. It contains the necessary minerals and salts. It does not need to be boiled, but should only be stored in the refrigerator. It is best to buy glass bottles or containers made of polycarbonate, marked "7" on the bottom.

Water is very important for any living organism. Its meaning is undeniable. A sufficient amount of fluid is necessary for newborn babies. Therefore, it is important to know when to drink the baby, whether he needs extra fluid and how much he can drink. It is from this knowledge that the health, well-being and mood of the child depends.


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