Vladimir Pershanin: biography, creativity, books of the author

Vladimir Pershanin is the author of a huge number of books that have become beloved for a large number of readers, but very little is known about his life. The author himself does not really like to talk about himself. The general public knows only the key moments of his life.

Pershanin's biography

The future writer was born on January 2, 1949 in a small village in the Ulyanovsk Region under the name Chamzinka. The fact that his parents were employees mainly reflected in his work. In the village he graduated from school and in 1967 entered the pedagogical institute of the city of Volgograd. Immediately after graduation, he went to work in the internal affairs bodies and served there for twenty-four years.

Vladimir Pershanin

In 1993 he became an honorary member of the Union of Writers of Russia. His creative career began in 1980. The first works were published in the periodical “Evening Volgograd”. Pershinin Vladimir created all the written books in Volgograd. Here he lives at the moment.

Pershinin Vladimir Nikolaevich, whose works have exclusively military subjects, works in different genres. It may be adventure fiction or biographical memories, but they all describe the years of World War II.

Some books were published as part of one series. The series “War. Penalty box. They fought for their homeland ", which consists of five books, and the series" Penal Tanker ", consisting of three volumes.

Vladimir Pershanin issues new books both in separate series, and continues the earlier begun ones.

Series “Tanker Penal”

As part of this series, three books have been published to date. Author Pershinin Vladimir is very productive. So, in 2009, the entire series “Penal Tanker” was written and released. It included such works as “Penalty from a tank company”, “Penalty, a tankman, a suicide bomber” and “The last fight of a penalty man”.

“Penalty from a tank company”

This is the first book of the Penalty Tanker series, in which Vladimir Pershinin described the difficult fate of a tanker in the terrible fall of 1942. During the first year of the war he was wounded and shot down several times, more than once his tank was blazing, and the number of dead friends was in the hundreds. And all this happened in the first year of the war. The Soviet soldier did not even suspect that there was a more difficult and deadly battle ahead. During the Stalingrad occupation, a decree was issued under the number 227, which was called "Not a Step Back."

Vladimir Pershanin books

No fines were sent to tank battalions, but those who came under this order did not differ from them. They were given the most difficult and practically impossible tasks, returning from which was almost impossible. It was under the influence of this order that our hero fell. He was instructed to conduct tank raids deep behind enemy lines. So, a tanker who does not commit any crime is washing away the non-existent guilt with blood.

"Penalty, tanker, suicide bomber"

The genre of the work is a book about the war, the author is Vladimir Pershanin. Books in this series are read in one go. This is the second volume of the trilogy. It will not have victorious fanfares and loud speeches, this is the hard truth about how hard it was for our great-grandfathers and grandfathers during the years of World War II. The reader can find out what sacrifices were made by Soviet citizens who, having only rallied, were able to break the ridge of the fascist aggressor.

Vladimir Pershanin all written books

The whole horror of the war is described by the example of one tanker who was destined to survive almost all the horrors of that war. The fact that he survived in a terrible meat grinder in 1941 was already a great achievement, but it turned out that this was only the beginning. Next comes the defense of Moscow, a difficult victory near Stalingrad, and then the battles for the Dnieper, the defense of Kharkov and the Kursk Bulge.

"The last fight of the fine"

The third and final part of the series "Penal Tanker" also tells the story of the war. It was written in 2009 by Pershinin Vladimir. All the written books of this series are a logical continuation of the first part about the tanker, who received the undeservedly nickname Shtrafnik.

New books Vladimir Pershanin

The plot focuses on the difficult life of a fighter soldier at the final stage of the war. The Soviet tanker bravely fought for his homeland throughout the Second World War. The nickname Shtrafnik was given to him by one "conscientious" political worker. However, the tanker completely redeemed his non-existent fault in the battle, because he has been at the forefront since the summer of 1941. Unfortunately, his war does not end in May 1945, he faces the most decisive and responsible battle for Prague.

Will he be the last soldier to fall in battle, or will he be able to celebrate the Great Victory with everyone?

Series of books “War. Penalty box. They fought for their homeland. "

This is the second collection of works about the war, which was written by Vladimir Pershanin. The author’s books collected as part of this series are written in the genre of military prose and fiction. The series “War. Penalty box. They fought for their homeland ”of five books.

“The armored boats of Stalingrad. Volga on fire "

The brave defenders of Stalingrad vowed that they would not step back a step, that beyond the Volga there simply was no land for them. And each time, going on military duty, they proved it. The Germans dubbed the Volga the “Russian Styx”. It was the great river in the autumn of 1942 that separated the world of the living from the world of the dead. The water in it was crimson from spilled blood and was boiling from the bursting of grenades and mines. It became the second front line, “dear to life”, along which ammunition and reinforcements could be delivered to the city.

Every night there were fierce battles on the river. At this terrible time, the crossings were covered by Soviet armored boats, which at that time became the core of the Stalingrad flotilla. They entered into an unequal battle with the fascist coastal batteries and Nazi bombers. The crews of armored boats died the death of the brave, while others stood in the November ice.

"" Hypericum "against the" Tigers. "Self-propelled guns, fire!"

The author of the next military bestseller was Vladimir Pershanin. The writer's work constantly returns us in the distant years of World War II, which became a tragedy and terrible grief for all Soviet citizens.

Vladimir Pershanin creativity

The novel describes the terrible summer of 1943, the time when fierce battles took place on the Kursk Bulge. For the Wehrmacht, this victory was very important, since they could get a strategic height and break the spirit of the Red Army. To achieve this goal, the best Hitler units and the latest weapons were abandoned. It was at this time that Hitler sent his unique military developments to the front, the Pz.VI Tiger and Pz.VPanther tanks, as well as the most powerful Ferdinand assault weapons. The Germans were sure that there was simply no technology in the world that could resist these powerful "death machines."

However, such an opponent was found in the ranks of the Soviet armament, he became the legendary heavy self-propelled gun Su-152. Her shells could hit at any distance absolutely any "newest" German tanks. For their high accuracy and firepower, as well as for the fact that they killed the German "menagerie" at the cost of their own lives, the cars and their crews were honorably called "St. John's Wort".

"Snipers of Stalingrad"

Another best seller of the author, known as Vladimir Pershanin. Books are all part of the series “War. Penalty box. They fought for their homeland. "

The work describes all the cruelty and horror of the Great Patriotic War , observed through the rifle's optical sight. The heroes of the novel were not specialized snipers, they did not study this skill in schools and did not have experience in military operations. In 1942, such schools in the Red Army simply did not exist. They had to learn only from their mistakes in the fiery underworld of the occupation of Stalingrad.

For many months, Soviet troops were bleeding in urban battles, where they were pressed against the Volga, and had no right to take a step back. Every day, putting their own lives at stake, they systematically shot German snipers, Hitler officers, signalmen and machine-gun crews, preventing the Nazis from even raising their heads. For one sniper shot the Soviet soldier was “awarded” with a whole hurricane of mortar fire and artillery volleys. Our guys knew that it would be extremely difficult for them to survive even after one shot, most likely even impossible, but they continued to stand their ground and fight for their homeland, even at the cost of their own lives.

"Marines against Hitler's" white wolves "

This is the fourth book in the series “War. Penalty box. They fought for their homeland. " Vladimir Pershanin talks about the immortal feat of the Soviet marines.

Battle cry of the sailors "Halfra!" terrified and numbed by the Nazi troops. The marines were more frightening for the SS than the guards assault units and detachments of fines. They knew that a sailor would not dodge a bullet and would never step back. It was necessary not only to kill him, but also to be able to knock him to the ground. During the attack, they ate a peakless ribbon and unfastened the top button of the collar so that stripes on vests were visible.

author Pershinin Vladimir

The book reveals the exploits of Soviet sailors in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. Describes intelligence raids bordering on madness and landing attacks far into the German rear, as well as bloody battles with elite German rangers who were trained to conduct military operations in the North. Stalin’s marines against the German "white wolves" ...

“I am an armor-piercer. Tank destroyers "

Vladimir Pershanin is probably one of the first authors who wrote a novel about the most dangerous and brave military profession - tank destroyers. “I am an armor-piercer. Tank Fighters ”is the fifth, final book in this series. The work is a kind of tribute to the soldiers who fell under article No. 227, popularly called "Not a Step Back!" An order was given: "The main thing is to knock out the tanks from the Germans!", And at the cost of their own life they tried to fulfill it.

In the most difficult time, anti-tank rifles of the Simonov and Degtyarev systems were developed and put into service for the troops of the Soviet Army. They became just a salvation for the soldiers, since there was simply no better weaponry at that time. One of the most difficult periods of the Great Patriotic War (end of 1941) was also the largest in terms of the number of artillery losses.

Vladimir Pershanin author books

The weapon was cheap and simple. And for each shot, for each wrecked tank, a high price had to be paid. The fact is that the strike range of this type of weapon was small, only 100-200 meters. It was at this distance that the armor-piercing forces had to let German tanks in, while the Hitlerite “panzer” could fire from a much greater distance.

It would seem much more complicated, however, in the second year of the war, German developers finalized their tanks, increasing their armor so that they became invulnerable to Soviet guns, even if they were shot at point-blank range. Unfortunately, the Soviet armor-piercing forces had to work only with these weapons, and in order to stop the tank, they were forced to shoot at viewing windows, caterpillars, and even at the trunks, and when it stopped, to finish it with Molotov cocktails and hand grenades. The task is practically impossible, but not for the Soviet tank destroyers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F15354/

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