cleoma flower

Unusual, delicate, exquisite Cleoma flower attracts the eyes of many people. This flower is a wonderful decoration for the garden, terrace, balconies and verandas. It can easily withstand cold weather. And it will bloom until the fall.

Today, there are about 70 species of this plant; in our country, prickly cleome is grown as an annual crop. As for the color scheme of inflorescences, they are found in white, yellow, violet, purple, ruby. One of the most popular plant varieties can be called Rose Queen - Cleoma pink queen.

The stalk of the kleoma reaches 1.5 meters. Despite the fact that the plant is tall, it is resistant to wind, due to the fact that the stem to the bottom is lignified. The root system is well developed, powerful, fibrous. The leaves are light green, at the top of the plant they are small, in the middle they are larger.

The plant begins to bloom in June and lasts until the fall. First, the flowers that are located below are opened. As the flowers dissolve, the inflorescence gradually stretches.

The period of sowing the flower in the open ground falls on November-December, and already by spring there will appear small hatching petals. If the cleome flower is grown by the seedling method, then the seeds should be sown at the beginning of March in the soil, consisting of 2 parts of the garden mixture, 2 parts of humus and 1 part of sand. Seeds begin to emerge 10-19 days after sowing. Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in "Agate" or "Epin", according to the instructions that are attached to these drugs. In this case, the sprouts should be strong and healthy. As soon as the sprouts appear, the boxes with them should be moved to a bright place or set the backlight. And then you just need to monitor the soil so that it is not dry. After the appearance of one or two leaves, each growth is transplanted into a separate cup with a peat-humus substrate. You should be careful, because the flower does not like transplants and can die. After the cleome flower is transplanted into separate cups, after 10 days, it can begin to be fed. Complex mineral fertilizer may be used. And subsequent feeding is carried out no more than once every two weeks.

The flower of the cleome will be grateful if after transplanting it will be watered abundantly, but not too often. It is necessary to maintain such a regime: dry - wet.

This type of flower, like many others, is susceptible to various diseases. To avoid them, the plant for prevention should be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

If the flowers are not provided with good care after transplantation, then when they are planted in the open ground, lateral shoots may form less often, and the inflorescences will not be as plentiful and beautiful as is laid down at the genetic level of the flower.

Landing in open ground occurs at the end of May, when the ground is sufficiently warmed up. Make sure that the flowers are planted in fertile soil, in a place where there is no stagnation of water. There should be a lot of sunlight. Before planting flowers in a place where they have to grow, you should make a granular floral fertilizer. Too thickly planted glue does not need to, as the bushes and inflorescences will be less. The optimal landing dimensions are 40x50 cm.

We remind you that cleoma is a tall plant and it is better to plant it in the background. A lively fence made of cleomes looks very impressive. The flower looks great among low plants. It all depends on your design idea.

Iโ€™ll tell you a little secret - if the glue is cut off at the very beginning of flowering, then it can stand in the vase for about two weeks, and the buds will open in turn.

As far as we had to make sure, the cleom flower is a beautiful plant. Naturally, in order to achieve magnificent flowering, you will have to work hard and work long before the start of summer, but how nice it is when such a beauty makes us happy all summer long!


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